private a pin of light 〰 viper

It's familiar, the graveled paths that wander between Twoleg nests. The crunch of it under-paw is bound to be softened soon by the rains and snows... Which reminds them of the perils of those that are not swaddled in the warmth of these towering homes. That tiny, sheepish kitten comes to mind, fresh in their mind as he'd pressed against their side fearfully. [It feels like a sharp memory, a vision of masked faces that might've done the same if they'd given them the chance]. It's a dizzying distraction, one that draws their walk to a pause- emerald washes the surrounding area. That Twoleg had really abandoned someone so small out in the forest with nothing... Did they expect him to just figure it out on his own? Where foxes ran rampant and less-than-friendly rogues scoured for easy pickings?

Edenberry wonders if they won't find themself betrayed the same way eventually... it had happened once. Why not again? The black and white cat lets out a small sigh, leaning down to sniff at the ground curiously, picking up several scents and none of them familiar. What were they hoping for? That maybe Raindrop had stuck around? Or one of their clan-mates who'd gone missing in the past few seasons might suddenly appear?

It's fruitless. It reeks of strangeness.

They continue on, drifting towards the tall fences that line the individual territories of kitty-pets and dog pets. The stench of shiny skins wafts down the alley, obscuring whatever trails might've been traceable before. "Eugh...." Were there really cats that dug around in there and ate it?

"Raindrop?" They call for them out of habit, out of a senseless hopefulness that maybe they'd stuck around all this time. That maybe they could ease some of their aching with a tiny reunion. That they might be able to witness their gentleness with those two, tiny kittens and be reassured they'd made the right choice...

But it isn't their familiar figure that peeks from the shadows between buildings, nor the littler silhouettes.

  • @Viper
  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 17 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
    -- color #728c69​
Though it smelled, the alleyways were Viper's favorite place to search for food when he was feeling too lazy to hunt for himself, the smell of the garbage masking his own and sometimes there were treasures here, foods that the twolegs threw away that were perfectly fine - or fine enough for his less refined tastes. He'd been digging through some of the shiny tins here and there, picking out whatever he could find for himself before he would bring food back for his siblings. They were meant to leave soon he was sure of it, so might as well eat as much as they could while they were still here before they were expected to hunt more often than not. He'd jumped from one of the bins and had begun moving around the corner between the large nests when the call of a word rang out to him. Raindrop?

Head poked out from between the two buildings towards the feline, ears pricked before they pinned and he moved out more into the open, and could Edenberry see his silhouette they could clearly be able to tell that he was not the feline they were hoping for, tattered ears and cut off tail differing in the one who they were searching for, and he was carefully making his way forward. "Not raining unless it was bird poop." Words spoken in response for just a moment as fur rose along his spine, ready to defend whatever scraps he had managed to find in case this clan-dwelling cat were to try and take it. "You lost or something? Don't see very many of you type 'round this area." Fur moved haphazardly from moving through trees, the strong scent of overpowering pine hinting over the trash and whatever the mice left behind.

  • --
  • 51665434_PRLyYyAaq8NZQkw.png
  • : ̗̀➛ sh blue/blue tabby w/low white
    : ̗̀➛ 38 moons old, ages realistically every 21th
    : ̗̀➛ stubborn and loyal to family
    : ̗̀➛ will start fights, will finish fights
    : ̗̀➛ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    : ̗̀➛ peaceful powerplay and healing allowed
That was a far more crude answer than they expected... though the form that takes shape admits to that as a foolish mistake in all the ways it is jagged in places it shouldn't be. It holds a sharpness to it that doesn't match the soft sauntering that is usually afforded to them. Bird poop.... Their eyes flick towards the peaks of the Twolegplace, searching for avian menaces and finding few along the high-wires. But they weren't even talking about real rain in the first place... It's not reassuring that this cat doesn't know that. They cannot reasonably trust now that maybe this is one of their friend's wayward companions left to stake out the area.

They forget to maintain their guard and by the time fern flutters back towards shades of blue, they're closed some of the gap left between them; the dark shade along their spine rises nervously, watching with a growing frown as the other lopes closer with a question on its tongue... an observation. They are distinctly aware of the lack of decor around their throat that might identify them as something more than a stray... It's for their own good maybe, to blend in with their peers or to look less softened by flesh palms.

"I'm not lost," they answer flatly, ears folding back slowly, "What do you mean 'my type?'" Better to understand what role they're meant to play... or avoid. Their eyes shift towards the brush line, wondering how many paces they are from the safety of the trees that they'd grown used to climbing. Could this cat say the same, with the moons of scrabbling up fences? It's a sobering realization, that their skillsets might be similar.

"Why do you care.... Worried I want your carrion food?" Their whiskers twitch in disgust, "I've no interest."

  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 17 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
    -- color #728c69​