sensitive topics A PIZZA THE ACTION — eating inedible things pt 2

[[ warning for mentions of vomit ]]

The days are growing shorter, the air is getting colder, and the clan is… about the same as ever, actually. Buckgait is the deputy now—which, whoa. That’s an awesome thing, but the she-cat didn’t even seem excited about it when Cicadastar had announced it. Clay hadn’t really expected her to, like, jump and scream or anything, but she’d been so… stoic. It’s unsettling, but that’s just how she and Cicada both are. Just a couple of weird people leading a clan. But there’s no one else more suited for the job, he thinks.

As it begins to grow colder, the twinge in his hip has become more pronounced—not enough to hamper his daily activities, but enough to let him know that it’s there. Must have pulled something, he thinks, because he can’t think of anytime that he’d banged his hip super hard on something, or otherwise injured himself. It’s probably not a huge deal or anything. But his hip’s mild protesting does hamper his daily walk around the territory, which kind of sucks, honestly. It’s working, he’s starting to get some actual muscles, there’s no way he’s stopping now!

He’s on his daily walk when he spots a pretty flower, all red with a black center. He recalls Cicadastar, and how the leader had said that the dried flowers he’d collected might be the last until it starts to get warm again. Maybe he’d be happy if Clay brought him a flower, one more before the cold truly sets in. So the brown tabby plucks the flower and sets off back toward camp, chewing gently at the stem of it.

He’s halfway back to camp by the time he realizes that he’s escalated from chewing, and has been biting the flower’s stem. It tastes good, what can he say? And it gives him something to do while he walks. Maybe Cicada can do without one flower today—or maybe Clay can find another for him tomorrow. He crunches down with purpose, chewing at the stem until the flower is also in his mouth, then he chews that as well. Swallows it. It tastes… well, not half-bad, actually.

He’s almost all the way back to camp, crossing the river, when his stomach turns, and he feels suddenly nauseous. Shit.

When he finally stumbles back into camp after emptying his stomach into the river, Clayfur slumps into a sitting position beside the warrior’s den, looking up at the first cat he sees. "Hey? Sorry. I threw up. I don’t feel very good." He coughs once, and one last petal falls from his mouth. He stares down at it, and suddenly realizes why he got sick. I knew that fish I had this morning was rotten!
❝  There's a good enough reason as to why Cicada and Buck're in charge of RiverClan: weird cats are needed to keep a bunch'f other weird cats in check. Nobody else'd keep them from running themselves ragged, or eating bellyfuls of sand. He'd heard of that fiasco, though he had not joined in himself. The story'd been met with equal parts fondness and tired exasperation. It seems Clay's habits were catching on...and getting worse, too. He'd been lounging in camp, tearing twigs from bundles of moss that they could later use as bedding, when the lanky warrior comes stumbling on in again. There's a sway to his stride, as if it was hard to keep standing. When he slumps over, that only solidifies the worry. Houndsnarl abandons his moss and all attempts at keeping his paws busy, and comes to loom over Clay where he's resting. Thoughtlessly, one paw reaches up to press against Clayfur's forehead, the pads of his paws pressed to where his fur is thinnest. His fur's warm beneath his touch, though that could've very well just been the sun. He's no healer, as much as he may wish to be so useful.

"You've eaten somethin' else, haven't you?" he accuses coolly, though the words are laced mostly with worry. He drops his paw, putting it back to quiet earth, and finds himself casting green eyes around the camp as if Bee might pop out from the foliage and come to save him.

  • hound_doodle_tpe.png
  • ──── houndsnarl. trans male, he/him pronouns.
    ──── approximately 30 moons old, or 2.5 years.
    ──── bisexual with firm male preference; single.

    ──── a chocolate tabby with ( stylized ) low white and intense lime eyes. lean and lanky,  with whiplike musculature and a long, quick stride. hound's notable features include his impressive height, the long scar across the left side of his face from nose to jaw, his very deep, dense fur, and the confident manner with which he conducts himself.
  • "speech"
]Her nose would wrinkle with disgust at the thought of dealing with a cat's vomit. What on earth did he eat? Mainly so she could make a mental note to avoid eating it herself. His situation was one she did not want to be in herself. "What exactly did you eat?" Tone lacking any amount of empathy, the girl would throw a questionable look at the warrior. "I won't need a reminder not to be as foolish as you." Houndsnarl seemed to be more concerned in this situation. It wasn't like she could do anything further than fetch Beesong, which she had little drive to do.

The feeling of a paw settling on his forehead jolts Clayfur back into awareness. His stomach feels like it’s flipped upside down and inside out, and he resists the urge to vomit again. If he throws up on Houndsnarl, he’ll never hear the end of it. But the other warrior’s concern is comforting, and he opens his eyes when Hound asks if he’s eaten anything again. Which, okay, it’s kind of insulting that the other tabby just assumes that he’s brought this upon himself. "Uhhh… I don’ think so," he mumbles, shaking his head. "I think I ate a bad fish this morning?"

Garpaw speaks up next, also assuming that he’s eaten something harmful—okay, maybe he’s just predictable. He sighs and blinks slowly, heavily. "I mean, like, I don’t think it was the flower, or the berries, or the rock…" He tries to rack his brain for what else he might have eaten, but that’s all he can recall. "I’m not, like, foolish," he protests to Garpaw’s comment, but it’s strained.
*:・゚✧☁ ⋯ Gloompaw is acutely aware of the petal that drifts from Clayfur's ill cough, amber eyes following it to the ground as the conversation turns into a constant babble. She's smart enough to draw a conclusion, but she sidesteps the obvious one, like a straight line all mangled at the end. Can... cats grow plants inside them? Had Clayfur eaten some weird seeds, and the flowers had grown in his stomach? That sounds neat, honestly. Maybe he can grow some useful plants next!

"Did'ya eat any seeds? I think you're growing flowers inside you," she huffs, a bit envious he was chosen to have this superpower. Though, she hints the smell of sickness lingering afterwards, and decides she'd leave the plant powers to Clayfur if they had side effects.

"Not foolish?" Lilybloom scoffs out loud as she approached. Although she scoffed at him the expression she fixes her uncle with is full of concern. She knows her uncle has a tendency to eat things he shouldn't but it still didn't stop her from fretting. The smell of vomit that clings to his pelt tells her that he has already made himself ill from whatever he has eaten. One of these days he'd make himself seriously ill or worse if he carried on nibbling away at things without a care in the world. In that moment however, Lilybloom was content to put aside her grievance an press against Clayfur comfortingly. "What have you eaten now, uncle?" She asked him softly, a hint of humour tinging her voice. "Do we need to get Beesong to check you out?"