.·:*¨༺🕷༻¨*:·. She didn’t trust him, not at all. When the news of her mothers audacity had finally reached her, Briarpaw couldn’t really say she was all that surprised that Forestshade would pull a stunt like this, but the hand her mother played in the stranger’s presence within her camp walls did nothing to ease Briarpaw’s suspicion of him.
Her wish to avoid any and all contact with her mother still persists, so the moment she catches sight of the stranger without the company of Forestshade, Briarpaw has her sights locked on the subject of interest. It was likely the torbie would be back at any moment, so observant evergreen optics are careful to gain any information about the tom that the apprentice can, just from the way he putters around camp.
The molly hadn’t meant for her optics to narrow from a watchful squint to a full-on glare, but she couldn’t help it.
This was an unknown parasite, and he has infiltrated her home.


  • BRIARPAW she/her, apprentice of shadowclan, 9 moons.
    slender, lean-muscled black she-cat with sharp hazel eyes & large ears.
    daughter of Forestshade && Vulturemask ࿏ sister to Screechpaw && Sweetpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

➼➼ Many cats in ShadowClan are openly, brazenly suspicious of him. It is clear that they don’t want him here, and they think Forestshade a fool for bringing him to their asphalt-marked border. He understands, and yet he feels as though he’s been duped. Forestshade had told him that he’d be welcomed in due to her position—and she had been wrong. His life may be easier now, and at least he’s well fed, but he has few allies here. He trusts that the scruffy tortoiseshell who’d brought him here is an ally, but he doesn’t trust Forestshade’s daughter in the same way.

Even as he attempts to ignore her, the weight of Briarpaw’s stare doesn’t leave him as he meanders about the camp, awaiting Forestshade’s return. Without a task to complete or a companion to complete it with, Stryker is uncertain of what to do, so he picks at this and that, gathering moss and other soft bits of scrap to form an acceptable nest out of. But it’s growing more and more difficult to focus on his self-appointed task, so at last he turns mismatched eyes upon the apprentice. "Oh, hey," he greets the younger she-cat with a subdued smile, carefully cautious in the face of Briarpaw’s thorn-sharp glare. "Need somethin’? Or ’ve I got somethin’ caught in my fur?" The tom swipes at the fur of his neck, attempting to feel for any debris.

  • ooc:
  • 18648745_COmype1KcH43Y7q.png
    STRYKER ❯❯ he/him, former carrionplace loner
    thin black and white tom with mismatched blue and yellow eyes. calm and nonchalant, difficult to anger.
    currently on a probationary period; shadowing forestshade.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
I WISH YOU COULD SEE THE WICKED TRUTH — Stryker. It was a name that Onyxpaw had heard a few times around the apprentices' den, though she hadn't been present when Forestshade had brought their newest addition into Shadowclan's territory. He had been a surprise to hear about in the first place, the apprentice having never expected Chilledstar to let a former loner just join them like that. She couldn't say she was upset by it, though she had certainly noticed the unease that it had brought to her clanmates - her parents in particular. They'd already encouraged her away from him a few times, though the wariness did confuse her. Had the colonies that one day became the clans not been built up of loners banding together?

Monarchroot hadn't had an answer for Onyxpaw when she asked, just waving her off and telling her once again to stay away from Stryker.

Though as she grew closer to having a warrior name of her own, she found herself more prone to rebelling. Or to at least wanting to form her own opinions on things. That was why she approached now, looking apprehensively between Stryker and the vicious glare that Briarpaw had leveled in his direction. "May... maybe Briarpaw is just admiring your coat. The black and white is nice, not to mention how it blends in with the shadows of the marsh." Onyxpaw was attempting to be optimistic, and hopefully steer the conversation away from Briarpaw saying anything hurtful. "Have you been enjoying your time in the marsh, so far?" She hoped a glowing review from the tom might settle Briarpaw's clear suspicion, or at least make it so that less cautious glares were focused in Stryker's direction.

  • 75034637_eiCvVhxv9vQNT6l.png
    shorthaired tortoiseshell point and chocolate point chimera with blue eyes
    8 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; crushing on yellowpaw
    daughter of monarchroot and sleetjaw
    shadowclan born; silently loyal to her home
    difficult to befriend; shy to most except yellowpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

[ ༻❄༺ ] Snowpaw still carried a weighed of uncertainty with Stryker, after all the tom didn't seem like a threat and yet he was still an outsider with strange taste, and the tom had come from somewhere far less comfortable than the safety of a camp. Yet, to Snowpaw they were another mouth needing to be fed, and yet could be helpful once the colder seasons come upon them. Briarpaw harsh glares werent something that Snowpaw couldn't blame her for, yet Onyxpaw's optimism brought an amused glitter to the sepia's yellow gaze as he came to stand next to his friend.

"Knowing Briarpaw... shes probably playing caution. Stryker hasn't given any reason to trust us and I don't think... his training has been going well, right?" he prompted while looking over at Stryker, of course he wasn't sure how true that was, he was just making jest and light of a situation that was settled in front of them. Besides Snowpaw could not blame the clan's uncertainty over them. Not when their past had dealt with those trusted betraying such, the clan being paranoid was...fair.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw He/Him, apprentice of Shadowclan, 9 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Briarpaw's suspicion is warranted. In fact, it's more - than, in her opinion. No matter how aggrvating it could be, a tight - knit community is what they were. Newcommers are typically excused by family bonds... kits, or otherwise. It is not common that a perfect, warrior - aged stranger is simply allowed amongst them, apparently because a Lead Warrior found them cool enough to be here. The bar is pretty low, isn't it?

She's uncertain if Stryker is an idiot, or simply pretending to be one for their sakes. In something close to amusement, Applejaw sniffs. Onyxpaw seems compelled to clear the air. " Admiring? " in a pitiful tone, she parrots. In Forestshade's defense, Stryker aesthetically fit in with most of ShadowClan. That was to say: nothing about him was very impressive. Scrawny. A bit ragged around the shoulders. As far as camouflage went, Briarpaw would beat him easily.

At Snowpaw's interjection, Applejaw tilts her head, a narrowed glance settling on the newcomer. " I imagine if his training wasn't going well, we wouldn't all be "admiring" him right now. " At least, she'd like to believe that Chilledstar wouldn't let this cat be dead weight.

.·:*¨༺🕷༻¨*:·. Unsurprisingly, Briarpaw’s hostile observation is caught onto, and eventually confronted when a mis-matched gaze turns to meet her own dual-toned gaze. He even speaks strangely. Before the she-cat can get so much as a word in, Onyxpaw has quickly intercepted, attempting to maintain the peace. "No, I wasn’t, his fur is a mess." Briarpaw’s rebuttal is swift, blunt on her barbed tongue and harsh with a small roll her eyes. Onyxpaw’s words aren’t completely dismissed though, and hazel optics squint as they hone in on the pitch of the toms fur, his spindly frame. Something unrecognizable clouds her gaze then, whiskers twitching. There’s no way…
Briarpaw shifts then, preparing to stand on her paws and close the ridiculous gap between them, just as a swath of fire and ashen waltzes in, a playful chirp echoing Onyxpaws attempt at a civil conversation.
Briarpaw sits back down, ”I don’t admire. The raven-furred apprentice quips lowly in return, defensively. Promptly, she fixes her gaze back onto Stryker from her spot. Though the others seem interested in… what had Snowpaw said, his training? Applejaw’s words drift in one ear and out the other- Briarpaw’s brain is on to bigger, more ominous things. "Why’d Forestshade take you in?" Briarpaw asks, tone almost accusatory. If this were some long lost father, this would be a poor way to find out, if he wasn’t- well, then her mother was just truly that audacious.

  • BRIARPAW she/her, apprentice of shadowclan, 9 moons.
    slender, lean-muscled black she-cat with sharp hazel eyes & large ears.
    daughter of Forestshade && Vulturemask ࿏ sister to Screechpaw && Sweetpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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The new faces that had appeared at the border lately had teetered Lilacfur's patience for them at all. She was not immune from her own biases, of course, but it was hard not to compare them all to the prime examples her nephews had made of themselves.

Pipitclaw and his brothers had made themselves kind in respecting border boundaries, seeking to fulfill the dying wishes of their mother, a she-cat her brother had loved some time before. They arrived as competent hunters and fighters, opened their hearts to the way of a Clan cat and respected, believed in the abilities of StarClan. They adapted to ShadowClan without feeling slimmed down to conform, remaining themselves and now, comparing that to those who followed, she found them severely lacking.

Ripple had shown respect not to trespass but their sibling less so, uncaring and bitter despite requesting their welcome to live among them. Stryker's method of weaseling his way into the Clan was far beyond anything she would describe as noble or sincere, though. Forestshade had been a molly she once admired for being strongly spirited. A molly that did not care what others thought which Lilacfur misinterpreted for unwavering confidence, she know saw as an abuse of personal matters. An abuse of position now, too. Stryker was a stranger, a cat the two leads had known for a few minutes before deciding to drag him to ShadowClan. They were not like her or Skunktail's kin, who actually had a bloodbound motivation, the birthright, to live in the marshes.

Why'd Forestshade take you in? Briarpaw asked.

Because Chilledstar loses their spine just looking at her. Lilacfur wished to say, but kept her maw shut. Forestshade was still Briarpaw's mother, no matter their current feelings towards one another. She was still a lead warrior, a level of respect had to be maintained. So instead she said nothing, no kind words coming to mind to say and instead silently observed.
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]
➼➼ The tortoiseshell-pointed apprentice who approaches next seems intent on breaking the tension that’s growing quickly between himself and Briarpaw’s fierce glare. Onyxpaw suggests that the pitch-black apprentice is admiring him, which seems like it’ll probably upset Briarpaw more than anything. She’s right, though—his fur is good for blending in with the dappled sun and shadow of the marshland. Applejaw seems not to agree, appearing nearly as unfriendly as Briarpaw. Snowpaw asks if his training is going well, and before he can respond, the dappled warrior comments that if it hadn’t been going well, he wouldn’t be here.

Stryker shifts his weight from paw to paw, uncomfortable with the attention that’s all suddenly upon him. These cats are all younger than him—why does he suddenly feel as though he’s being circled by vultures just waiting for him to drop, so they can pick him apart? They seem to shift between scrutinizing his every breath and forgetting that he’s even there.

In the wake of Briarpaw’s refusal of any admiring, Onyxpaw changes the subject, at least for a moment. Has he been enjoying his time here? He told his head, considering how he should respond. It’s not that bad, all things considered, but the distrust is a difficult obstacle to work past. Its all understandable, given that he just sort of showed up on Forestshade and Sharpshadow’s heels, but he gets the sense that it may have been a bad idea to agree to stay here. On one paw, he doesn’t need to worry about starving each day—but on the other, he does have to worry about silent threats, like the looming presence of Lilacfur in the background. Any of these cats could attempt to kill him at any time, for whatever reason they wish. If any ShadowClanner wanted him dead, they wouldn’t even need an excuse. They’ve already got one—Stryker doesn’t belong here.

He’s in too deep to back out now, and so the only other direction is forward. Do just as you’ve always done. Push through adversity and find a better path. The tom blinks, and finally answers Onyxpaw’s question. "I like it here. There’s plenty of prey, and I don’t have to worry about rats tryin’ to eat me alive." It’s simple, really, because while he doesn’t belong here, the presence of so many other cats protects him from outside threats like the rats of the carrionplace and the coyotes and foxes that lurked outside of it. His attention is pulled back to Briarpaw before he can continue to explain, and her question pulls a shrug from him. "I’ve got no idea. We sparred against one another snd she thought I was good, so she asked me if I wanted to join." Perhaps he’s painting Forestshade in a bad light, admitting that there truly is no connection between them and the lead warrior is just that audacious, but it’s the truth.

  • ooc:
  • 18648745_COmype1KcH43Y7q.png
    STRYKER ❯❯ he/him, former carrionplace loner
    thin black and white tom with mismatched blue and yellow eyes. calm and nonchalant, difficult to anger.
    currently on a probationary period; shadowing forestshade.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
Briarpaw is to the point, rebuting Onyxpaw swiftly before an unsavory rumor could begin to stir. Applejaw would've likely done the same, had it been her. Her curiosity is one that even the lowest of ShadowClanners were likely to share, and that is: why? Why Stryker? Why Forestshade? Why Chilledstar? She catches the lingering of Lilacfur near by. Perhaps it was a hunch, that this was a Chilledstar - only decision. She wonders if Lilacfur lingers, wanting the answer or herself, or does so, rather, because she already knew the answer.

The blandness of his story is frankly embarrassing. And she doesn't believe it's out of a lack of storytelling skill. With how sudden this was, the story of its inception could only be... a certain sort of way. " I had no idea the qualifications were so low, " she comments cooly, a mismatched gaze briefly flickering to the Lead Warrior in their presence, wondering if she thought the same. It must say something rather dire about their ranks, for this to be the case... All the more reason for Applejaw to push herself. Under her aze, something like this would never happen. ...She's surprised that it could happen under Smogmaw, still.

" That won't last forever. The prey. Not the rats either, I'm afraid, " she tells him. Who knew what sense of loyalty this loner possibly had? Applejaw would not mince it her words. It seemed Stryker wasn't quite the type to, either. " Will you leave us when the going gets tough? " He'd be a fool to say yes, either way... The question was what sort of liar he was.