pafp a prickly situation | prank


May 3, 2023
I've been trying not to
Two carefully placed limbs of briar lay cradled between the tom's fangs. A wide crooked grin cracked further along his lips, forked tail flicking erratically to beckon Doomguy over. "Hurry amigo! Quick, before they see us!" Las Plagas whispered, ducking underneath the far side of the medicine den. It wouldn't be funny anymore if they were caught before the prank was even set up. Straightening up he wiggles his nose from one side to the other, never quite used to the smell of fresh and drying herbs alike. A low cackle bubbles within the patchy kitten's throat as he drops his load into Fireflypaw's nest. A single spindly limb stretches forward to cover up what he can of the prickly thorns, hiding them from plain sight. "Perfecto. Okay lets go!" He voices, slipping back out of the den to take cover somewhere nearby where he could still watch. Hunkering down low his whiskers trembled with anticipation as he practically counted the seconds for someone to stumble upon their trap. (@DOOMGUY and @Fireflypaw)
Go off the deep end
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The kit that tumbles after Las Plagas is tiny but determined. There's no stealth in his stomping paws or lifted chin; he does not understand this is a prank. He only knows this is fun, and that his denmate has a load of thorns and thistles clamped in his jaws that he is putting in someone's nest. He honestly doesn't even know the cats who sleep in this den; he just knows it stinks. It's so spicy and outrageously fragrant that it hurts his nose. "Hate this den," he declares. Doomguy reaches with a paw to scatter some of the herbs that are already not neatly put away. "These stink!"

But his companion has finished his prank, and Doomguy gives him a conspiratorial grin. They have pulled off their secret fun game, and he is excited to see the results! "I hope he yells real loud!" He whispers, wriggling his triangular tail with glee.

// @DAWNGLARE this nasty toddler just messed with your herbs

  • Sick
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Fireflypaw is returning when the kits finish their setup, lavender clasped firmly in his jaws. They are fortunate he cannot see the destruction Doomguy has caused to their den immediately. His paws carry him over to the pile of herbs in the back of the den, humming a soft hymn to himself. "I believe we're stocked up on lavender for now." He recounts to his mentor, who surely had followed shortly behind him. They'd just returned from an outing, after all. The smell of herbs is numbed in his nostrils, so used to the strong scent. Yet as he moves over to his nest, stepping into it, prickles poke at his toes and into his pawpads.

A loud yelp sounds from the apprentice as he catches the thistles in his pawpads, the sticky barbs gripping the tufts between his toes. "Who.. What-" He whimpers, confused- blind eyes lift upwards as he growls. "Who did this?!" He shrieks in disbelief, shocked someone would dare taint his nest with such painful barbs. He's quick to lift his paw up, shifting around to seat himself on his nest- perhaps that was all.. But, another prick nips at his rear and he jumps up out of his nest once again. "Ugh!!" He wails, shaking out his fur- yet with how whispy his fur is, the barbs stick firmly into his fur, ruffling it to the point that he looked like a ruffled chicken.

His scornful gaze turns to the sound of bustling cats outside, walking past the den as if examining a circus act. He can't see them, but he can feel the gazes on him. His fur rises on end as embarrassment flushes his pelt. "Who did this to my nest?!"
He feels it, knows it, the moment the bushels of holly come into view. Something is amiss, a fact that She screams at him with dangerous vivacity. His only acknowledgement of those words is a disinterested hum. Fireflypaw, bless his weary soul, couldn't hope to be so keen to such a thing; disconnected both from the pearl of his vision and the earth in all her grandeur. It comes with time– this awareness, no matter what Dawnglare may hope to do. This one lingers just a moment, meanwhile his apprentice slips beneath the leaves. Eyes slitted, ears flat; his gait slows into a crawl. A feathery tail slithers a whisker above the sorrowful ground, and the dust moves strangely there. Blue eyes blink owlishly wide. It stinks of sickness.

At the wails sounding inside, Dawnglare is on course once again, slipping beneath the jutting leaves. He is met by the sight of moon - face twisted into a grimace, a leap from their nest as if it were full of ants. Dawnglare cannot help but crack a smile, but it's gone, as quickly as it comes. Pale paws drift atop a smattering of herbs. A sniff gives him an overwhelming feeling of nausea, sickness' smog curling tight around his nose. Out of place, and now, stripped of its goodness. Nearly too quickly to be possible, his head snaps towards the den's entrance. In search of a suspect, he is perfectly still.

Fireflypaw's problems are all his own. A dawn - striped head and love mark breach the surface once again. His whiskers quiver– a keen nose twitches accusingly against the open air. " You smell like rot, " he hisses it to no one– but it's someone, someone he can smell.

And– quivering not-so-far by, isn't there? The earth rumbles in anticipation as his bounty is neared. Crouching low, low... No matter how low, they could not avoid the burn from the stars. Dawnglare looms like an impatient shadow. His nose wrinkles upon the sight of them, ugly in their own unique ways. " You look infested, " he says to one, voice almost dipping into pity. The other one is wrong in practically every conceivable way. The thought of them trouncing about his den makes him nearly ill. " I think mother cried, when you were born. "

He taps a claw to the earth, as if considering their fates. " I should feed you to dogs, " he muses, and his now - wide gaze seemingly invites them to prove otherwise. His paw reaches to bat at the little grey thing, wondering if it even had the bone structure to keep itself upright.
  • Haha
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I've been trying not to
Blue green eyes trail across camp, watching several cats wander by but none enter the den. Several minutes tick by, the wait gradually eating away at his enthusiasm. "I hope he yells real loud!" His denmate murmurs beside him just as Fireflypaw and his mentor begins to slink into the med den. The red one mentions the scent of rot. What was that? Ignoring the thought for now he responds to Doomguy. "I think we are about to find out!" Las Plagas whispers back, practically leaning forward on his toes to make sure he didn't miss a single second. There is some talk about the plants they loved tending to for whatever reason, but with a whirl a dark paw is greeted by the prick of thorns. Las Plagas snickers, his own inky paw lifting to cover his maw to stifle the sound of it. Then he sits within the bed of thorns, only to hop back up wailing.

Unable to contain it any longer the patchy kitten bursts into a fit of laughter despite Fireflypaw's burning anger. "Pffft Ha! D-did you see that? The look on his face!" The gangly scrap asks his partner in crime, tears springing in his eyes. Las Plagas staggers out from under their hiding place only to collapse onto his side, still cackling like a mad hyena. "Aha...ahh, that was great." He voices breathlessly, sitting up halfway to wipe watery eyes. That is until a looming shadow casts itself over him and he cranes his head back to gaze upon the scarlet and ivory tom. "Oh.."

"You look infested. I think mother cried, when you were born" Spider-like limbs push the kitten back to his paws, head tipping as his maw splits into its usual unsettling, stretched grin. "Thank you?" He utters, voice wavering with notes of confusion. That was a compliment, right? The medic's paw looms ever closer, pushing against his gaunt form. Yet he pushes back. Pressing against Dawnglare's foreleg as if it were his old housefolk's hand. Giggling he brushes against the extended arm, seating himself between the toms forelimbs. "You're a funny one amigo, I like you." Las Plagas squints, a raspy purr rumbling within his collared throat.
Go off the deep end
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Evidently, it is too stupid to even understand the words coming from his mouth. Or was it because he was not saying simple, kit - terms like food, milk, annoying, or spineless bundle of nerves. His half - smile quickly falls to unimpressed frown, pinched lips and all. A lost cause, Dawnglare deems almost instantly. It's eyes are logged with mind - numbing film and its legs ought to be hacked into two before it may stand properly. He is curious to see if it will fall as easily as he thinks it well, but his hollow dreams of experimentation are quickly sullied– more than that, maybe, dropped into a murky puddle and trampled by mite - infested kitten feet, an impure skull nudges its way toward his paw, trying to break skin, he can only assume.

The assault does not stop there, Dawnglare can only watch in open - mouthed horror as the tiny infestation crawls its way toward him like a sickness floods through ones veins, and eventually deems its job done situated between a forest of ivory - white fur. The reaction is delayed, but it flares through him like whipping smoke. He leaps higher than he's left before, higher than he'd need to for any fence or scrape at bark. He can't even remember touching the ground. In fact, to any onlooker, it may look like he's disappeared entirely.

(He has not. He is in a nearby branch.)
— Scorchedpaw had been on his way to enjoy a nice looking woodpecker before a screech caused him to drop and his jaws to futilely grasp at the empty air as he failed to reclaim his meal. With a frown, he'd stare down at the bird on the ground, a moment of mourn for his startled before but it would cease there. At the sound of Fireflypaw yelling out the flame point would jump, his fur rising to the high heavens in panic. A rounded blue eye would target the medicine cat den, "Fox dung Fireflypaw!" He'd yell over his own pounding heart. Having no clue what was going on the tom now lashed his tail in a mixture of embarrassment at his reaction and annoyance.

Taking a breath, his fur would begin to rest but his heart was still rapid with rushing blood. "Wh-What is happening?" He'd sputter in frustration, leaving his prey behind. His orange stocking limbs would make their way toward the den that was heavily swarmed with the scent of herbs. — tags
Fireflypaw cannot find it in himself to remain calm like his mentor, who leaps into a tree from fright. This little demon, this little fiend that calls himself Las Plagas. Once he had gifted the kit a butterfly wing out of generousity in trade, but those comforting feelings are now replaced with incredulous rage. "Las Plagas!" He shouts to the kit, who seems to show no sense of shame in his prank. He could have hurt himself, could have tripped and fallen- or, or.. Or something!

Scorchedpaw makes his way over, and Fireflypaw has to fight back his own snarl of distaste. "This kit put thorns and brambles in my nest!" He growls, grinding his teeth together. For once, his temper had flown out the window without a care. His eyes, blown wide open to expose ghostly pale blues, stared sightlessly in the distance as he shouts.

"Someone get this kit! I want him away from our den!" He cannot find it in him to be kind in these moments, too sleep deprived and exhausted from his job to really care. Another time he would apologize, another time he would think more rationally. But for now, his mentor up a tree and avoidant of the touch of the deformed kit. ​
The big cats are not impressed. The fluffy one with black points slips into his thorn-covered nest and erupts with a shrill yelp. Doomguy smiles, waggling his tail behind him like an overexcited puppy. “We got him!” He hisses to Las Plagas. The cat can’t see, it seems, and when a sliver of light falls onto his face, Doomguy sees that his blue eyes have claw marks over both of them and are sightless. Blank. This does not make him feel bad; it makes him feel strange, as though he wants to get away from the cat who can’t see.

The tall, ghost-like cat who enters the den behind them is a little more impressive, though Doomguy does not flinch. The medicine cat disdainfully tells him that he looks infested. He tilts his head. “What’s ‘nfested?” As he says it, he lifts a hindleg to scratch at his neck, where no doubt hundreds of fleas have thickened into a colony.

Las Plagas tries to play with the tall one, but Doomguy isn’t interested. The fluffy one is upset, and a cat with marks similar to his denmate’s barges in. He grows tired of the game, especially as the fluffy one cries that he does not want the kits inside of the den any longer. “I’m leaving,” he announces. He looks bored, as though he hasn’t trespassed and caused chaos for no reason. “’Plagas, let’s go. They’re boring. And they talk funny.

I've been trying not to
By the time he sits between Dawnglare's legs the tom has mysteriously disappeared. Confused Las Plagas looks left then right before finally looking up to see the healer dangling from a tree limb. Amused, the kitten chuckles, flicking his forked tail back and forth until he overhears the heated shout of Fireflypaw. He jolts briefly, tossing a glance back at him as he practically demands someone come remove him and Doomguy from the den. With their fun extinguished he turns and looks in the ivory and ginger tom's direction as they declare their departure. "Yeah, before we get in trouble or something." He grins, trotting along beside Doomguy. (/out)
Go off the deep end
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