A Sculpture of Water ✘ return

He opens his eye in the dark of the cavern and it is cold, unbearably cold - cold like leafbare's embrace though they had at least another moon before the chill began to rise to such dangerous levels. Smokethroat-Smokestar, rises to stand slowly, sluggishly, as if a newborn kit learning how his own limbs worked for the first time; everything had begun to ache though the more deeper wounds had long since stopped bleeding. Outside the rain carried on in a thick miasma of water, cascading down over the opening at the top of the stone spire and dripping down to join the pools of red he'd left wrapping around the edge of the Moonstone. One orange eye opens, closes, and then opens again; there is a stiffeness to his shoulders as he turns to face the tunnel exit leading out and a horrifying realization for why he felt so terrible began to twist in his stomach. The dark tom ignores it, pushes it away, and with the sky still bearing its heart and weeping he makes his way out and takes to the nearest shroud of foliage to make his way home as swiftly as he could. Being on WindClan's territory was not very safe to begin with, but especially so now knowing they held no respect for their ancestors nor their laws any longer. Part of him was terrified of finding his clan under siege, that they might take advantage of them having no leader and ensure no one was able to step up; killing all of them and wiping RiverClan from the forest entirely. It is a ridiculous fear, but he had also been certain the walk to highstones was safe, so he was no longer willing to dismiss it entirely and his pace quickened.

Everything hurt, the rain washed away the blood drying to his pelt but it could not take from his disheveled and crumpled appearance, the scars still fresh on his sides and across his face; the one that had killed him now closed but parting black fur like a curtain to make itself known. He was in agony, but he kept going until he finally reached the river and with little hesitation dove in. The swim was welcoming, dirt and blood drifting around him as he made his way to their camp and when he rose from it he finally felt alive again; the dull ache and unease faded in face of a camp safe and not in ruin and his clanmates alive and well.

"...we've much to talk about." He comments, searching for the leads and Ravensong and his voice feels as if he had dragged it across the stones on his way up from the water. "...WindClan has claimed highstones." No one would suspect such a daring and bold move, even from WindClan itself but it was what had happened. Part of him is pleased he had gone alone, that no one else had been forced to endure what he did-that he was the only one to suffer but it hardly justified his decision. What he had needed was an army, not a few cats.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

Much like when Ravensong had gone to the moonstone all those moons ago, Moonpaw had told herself that she would do what she could to be one of the first to greet Smokethroat - hopefully Smokestar by the time he returned - back at home to talk about the trip to the moonstone. A pretty rock that made it so one could speak with the ancestors and as she hadn't been on a trip there before she wanted so desperately to learn what she could from those who had gone. She had gone to bed as early as she could so that she could wake up as early as he could, and though she slept in longer than she had wanted - she needed that sleep it seemed - as Moonpaw woke up and stretched she moved from her nest and looked towards the entrance to see the bi-colored tom walking back in and quickly she found the sleep fell off her as she began to practically bounce to the entrance.

Until the sight before her registered and the white apprentice slowed down, smile fading as invisible brows knit into concern. He mentioned WindClan and ears pinned to her head as it shook and the moggie looked to the leader then, "Were you still able to get your lives? Like you were supposed to?" Pleading voice came from the girl as she asked the question, hoping that the answer was one that she would like. Even despite WindClan taking highstones did he still succeed in his trip? Silently as she wait for an answer she readied herself to go grab someone if needed - but she was sure there were others awake as well, ready to meet RiverClan's leader as he came home.

  • 72197262_ih0kl09k9BIlFkG.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - moonpaw - moon???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 6 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - not looking
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    ⋆ peaceful powerplay allowed
    attack - "speech" - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki

A horrified gasp slips from between Bubblepaw's jaws. Smokestar has never been the most well-kept among them. He is rugged and mottled and rough around the edges just as one might expect from a cat that bears his name, but now as he stands in camp- drenched, bloodied, and dirty- he looks awful. "They can't do that!" Bubblepaw finally manages when her initial horror finally gives way to an atypical sort of anger for the apprentice. She glances to Moonpaw when her fellow apprentice poses an important question... Had WindClan kept their leader from receiving the nine lives he both needed and deserved?

Bubblepaw is thankful enough that Smokestar had even made it home to RiverClan. The wind rats were every bit as underhanded as they were rapacious and scrappy. They simply could not keep getting away with such horrible crimes time after time. Bubblepaw stands stiffly and tries not to stare at Smokestar's various injuries as her mind begins to wander into darker places. "I... I'll go get Ravensong," the silver tabby nods quietly to both Smokestar and Moonpaw before she scurries off to find the medicine cat. It's best that he's seen sooner rather than later.

// out and going to get @RAVENSONG will be back then!
✦ ★ ✦
They what?” Iciclefang slips from the warrior’s den, her narrow blue eyes round with alarm. Smokethroat’s fur hangs from his body in shredded, bloody clumps, and though his pelt smells of rain and some dark underground place that remains Iciclefang faintly of the caves she’d navigated with Smogmaw, it seems even that could not rinse the exhaustion or the battle wounds from his coat. The tortoiseshell’s own pelt begins to bristle along her spine; she stalks, legs stiff, to where their leader stands limply.

Moonpaw’s white fur glows beside her. “Were you still able to get your nine lives? Like you were supposed to?” An important question, to be sure. Bubblepaw's gasp fills the camp—mercifully, the young apprentice flees in the direction of the medicine cat's den. Iciclefang looks over her former mentor with concern. “WindClan has gone mad,” she murmurs. She thinks of Scorchpaw, paw slick and wet after her failed fishing attempt. She thinks again of a dog’s slavering jaws, it’s foul breath warming her heels, and of the WindClan apprentice’s bravery as she’d skirted between them.

A WindClanner had saved her life, but this—this is unforgivable. “They can’t cut us off from StarClan.” She backs away, so Ravensong can get to him—so the highest ranking warriors could come to his aid, could formulate what to do next.

, ”
Moonpaw patters forward, pauses briefly and continues to approach and he wonders if he looked that bad. He certainly felt that bad, he was surprised he wasn't forming a new red pool around his paws now but most of the minor wounds had all but closed during his dreaming with StarClan and the others were not anywhere near as severe as the one that their ancestors had healed for him. His long orange eye narrows at the question in surprise, at himself mostly.
"I...yes. I did. It's Smokestar now, StarClan approved..." He was so caught up in his fury at WindClan he'd almost forgotten to make sure that was clear, his thoughts were scattered, his head light. Bubblepaw has already run off to get Ravensong and he is quietly grateful for it.
"...Ravensong...will not be going to the medicine cat gathering this moon and with hope neither will any others until this is dealt with." His heart was only for RiverClan, but he would be damned if he allowed another clan's medicine cat to be torn to shreds due to his own negligence. This would not be ignored, he would howl it to the heavens at the gathering in a display that would make Cicadastar proud - wherever he was.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

From across the camp, Mosspaw spotted Smokethroat's (Smokestar's?) return, and padded over. She wanted to pay her new leader her respects. As she spotted the new scars decorating his pelt however, her fur stood on end. "What happened?"

At his reply, Mosspaw recoiled, eyes wide with shock. "What?" That was lower than she had thought even Windclan would stoop. It was unthinkable. They had rarely been a friend to any clan but that had, at least, always shown some respect to the stars. They had come to gatherings and allowed for trips through their territory so the other clans could reach Highstones.

That was all that had made them deserving of the respect that other clans were owed, and now they had not even that.

Her eyes narrowed suddenly as anger darkened her features. "They would make an enemy of all the clans then, even Starclan." She spat in a low tone. Her rage boiled in her belly. "They are no better than rogues." Windclan's company on the journey had made her forget the monsters they really were. They had been reasonable only because all the clans had shared common cause, and now - the moment they no longer did - they had returned to their old ways.

Her claws dug into the dirt, Cicadastar's words from a meeting long ago ringing in her mind. "Make them regret ever crossing us." That was what she wanted. She wanted to repay Windclan tenfold for ever wound they had dealt to her new leader. More than that, she wanted to dive them from the territory altogether. Perhaps it was time there were only four clans under the stars, she thought darkly.

However, she reminded herself, this was not the time for that. She remembered how beaten her clanmates had looked upon her return. Riverclan was still licking its wounds, and attacking Windclan as they were would be a costly endeavor.

Mosspaw pushed her anger down for later. She promised herself that she would find her chance to give Windclan what they were due.

The answer to Moonpaw's question gave her some solace, at least. "Thank the stars for that." She dipped her head in respect to the newly named Smokestar, before backing up to let Ravensong do his work.​
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

It takes every single conscious thought not to croak a petty reminder that he had already been warned not to trust WindClan to be sane. But he is battered and bruised in a way that doesn't match a harmless, annoying journey... it tells more than he's willing to explain so publicly. Not only had they staked a claim... something far more sinister was at play.

Pale eyes linger after him as others rush forward to greet him, to confirm he has found success in taking what is owed to him. And she holds her breath for fear that WindClan could've possibly steered him away- "I did." And she sighs, finding the tension in her shoulders release now that he is back and he is safe and he is finally, properly... their leader.

"You are not hale and hearty like you were when you left but you are alive... for that I can thank StarClan today." Mosspaw shares in her sentiment it seems... but the problem stands that Sootstar's brood has gone completely mad, just like the hares they eat. "Do you want us to notify the other clans? This is more than just a petty dispute if it involves the Moonstone..."

The Gathering was not far off too... how would Sootstar even answer for such a heinous act? For all their differences, she couldn't imagine the other four clans would sit back and just let that bat-brained molly do as she wished.​

Smokethroat's absence leaves his paws shaking and his chest taut, like an eel stretched too far. when he'd been separated from Cicadastar, the rogues had fallen upon him like wolves—when his father's presence had vanished, so had his life. Cicadapaw's pearlescent fangs clash and click like chipped river treasures, overlong canines in a jittery grasp that spreads hot veins of pain through his temples. Black claws, sharp and magpie-curved, flex in and out of the sandy earth, a momentary replacement for yielding flesh. He does not retreat to the apprentice den, for fear not of what he will find there, but what he might find in sleep.

Motion breaks the unspoken vigil and his head jerks sharply up, afraid Cicadastar once again haunts his waking hours. A harsh snapping of teeth and he's on his paws, moving towards his father—and then he stops, as though the ember of Smokethroat's eye might sear his paws. Cicadapaw's heart catches slimily in his throat, afraid.....afraid of what? That your own father hates you too? "You're hurt," he mews dully. You always are.

Political news is more irrelevant to him than it should be, and he steps around Moonpaw and Bubblepaw as though they were nothing more than scummy river-foam. They hate me anyways. Cicadapaw draws up to his mentor's side where she, too, has emerged from a more restful night. "They're crazy." He refuses to entertain the irony of the statement, shaking clumps of matted fur from his flat eyes. Smokestar. Cicadapaw doesn't like it. New names, new lives.....it's like burying Cicadastar all over again.

How many times will I watch him die? The realization strikes him horribly. He had heard the dull thuds of blows on dead flesh. He had seen the blood that matted his father's polished pelt and stoic face. Will Cicadapaw have to watch Smokethroat in death's throes before him, too? Mosspaw and Lichentail's words only drive home the realization. When Iciclefang draws away, it's a relief, and he follows with a soft click of fangs. "They can't just stop everyone like that. StarClan can't just....let them."

Can they?


  • 5mGwJgx.png
    cicadapaw ; apprentice of riverclan
    x. he/him ; 5 moons ; tags
    x. unsightly black-and-white tom with heterochromatic amber and blue eyes
    x. played by dejavu
    x. son of smokestar and cicadastar ; brother to beepaw and starlightpaw. apprenticed to iciclefang.

Aspenhaze is happy to see Smokethroat back safely, now Smokestar. A position well earned, to be certain. It would take some time to adjust to, but if anyone was suited to become the next leader, it was him. Too bad it required such a large sacrifice…and he had some turbulence on the way as well.

A chorus of confusion falls as Smokestar explains WindClan was now trying to take the Moonstone as their own, and their grin enlarges in an unsettling fashion. It takes everything in them to not cackle at the absurdity, and in the end they let it slip. “What harebrained nonsense! WindClan has truly lost their minds now.”

After Aspenhaze gets another good angry laugh out of their system, they let out a long sigh. Thankfully, their new leader made it back in one piece, even if it was by the tip of his tail. “Well. I am at least happy you managed to survive, Smokestar. StarClan knows what we would have done without you.” It’s not a question they linger on for too long. What’s done is done, there’s no reason to think about if the worst care scenario befell them.

Their attention turns to Cicadapaw’s innocent question, eyes softening a smidge. After their talk with Petalnose in SkyClan, it gave them more time to think. Was there anything StarClan could do? They seemed so beyond it all now… “I don’t think WindClan cares what StarClan thinks or says anymore. No, Mosspaw is right. They are no better than rogues. Worse than rogues, even.”

To have been given such a privilege, only to waste it and play the long game of deceit…it’s deplorable. At least the rogues had the decency to execute their plan without trying to worm their way in to the likes of them. WindClan didn’t deserve their status, but at least Thunderclan and even ShadowClan will most likely stand up to them now.

“The gathering is soon. They will learn then, while WindClan cannot escape the scathing comments that will be thrown their way. For now, we should prepare for the worst. That is what I think, at the very least.” Aspenhaze has never been one to hide their viewpoint, but hopefully Smokestar is willing to listen to their words.​
( ) there has been an intense anxiety filtering through willowroot’s thoughts ever since she left her friend at the border. watching him wander off on his own, a shadow against the pale browns and ambers of the windclan moors had been hard enough. returning through the darkened territory without him, slipping into camp to hopeful gazes, had been even worse. she sits now, a careful guard in the early rain, eyes wide and searching the hazy darkness for familiar ember.

riverclan’s leader slips into camp before dawn, pelt bristling with water, wounds deep in his fur, an exhausted look in his eyes. willowroot had assumed the anxiety plaguing her would subside upon his inevitable safe return, but her chest squeezes even more now. her other clanmates are quick to the tomcat’s side, asking questions and fetching medicine, but willowroot stares, stock still on her paws. “smokestar,” she breathes, the name curling over her tongue like a new flavor. he’s alive, she reminds herself, counting each pale white interruption of the coal-dark fur. he’s alive and he has been blessed- there is no dispute who riverclan’s king is. still…

“i should’ve come with you,” she whispers, unsure if he’ll even hear it, uncaring if he retorts angrily. “i’m glad you’re home.” slender paws finally move, creeping to the tom’s side and pressing her nose into his shoulder for a heartbeat. she’ll move back then, settling beside mosspaw as the conversation continues. windclan has forsaken the stars, she is informed, and a sick feeling sinks in her stomach. what is there but the stars? how can a whole clan, with ancestors watching over them, deny their holy existence? her lip curls, a low growl rumbling softly in her throat. “aspenhaze is right. so much for the clans working together.”

The sight of Smokestar healed sore eyes, even for a moment; Fernpaw felt relief flush through him, like a wildfire cleansed by a rainstorm. But rainstorms too were violent. Misery slumbered in the depths of Smokestar's tone, he could not ignore it. The revelations that said words spun were even harder to ignore, to look past.

Thoughts of Scorchpaw, Milkpaw and Mouseflight lingered in his mind- were they among the ranks that had hurt their new leader? Anger bubbled up within him, and briefly did he look to Iciclefang, wondering if she felt the same conflicted anger. The same sting, like- like betrayal. This wasn't like Stormywing and Sunningrocks, this was...

"Sootstar can't be so stupid," Fernpaw said, in utter disbelief. He was no genius himself, but even a kitten knew that cutting the other Clans from Highstones- severing their connection with StarClan- it could not end well. When the Clans banded to fight a common enemy, be it the rogues or yellowcough, they had proven themselves capable of amazing feats- WindClan would waste every warrior in their rank defending Highstones against the other Clans.

The happiness that had so briefly flashed on his face upon Smokestar's return was erased, now. Instead his scarred features bore plain disbelief, abject horror.
penned by pin

"Obviously she can." Petalnose budded in as she took a stance beside Fernpaw and Aspenhaze, crow's feet touching the corners of her eyes accompanied by a narrow of anger. The irony it had when Lichentail pipped up about Windclan and her own suspicion with them too. The way they acted at the border was a bit too neutral for them. A false hope for the other four clans she supposed. She noted back to Aspenhaze's statement, clicking her tongue at the tell of the gathering, "Thats if they show up, with them taking such a big step I don't expect them abiding rules of the gathering either." She sighed, looking over Smokestars wounds, "Who knows, maybe they will. But I expect the worst from them if they do... With Lichentail's proposal I think it's a good idea to tell the other clans just in case if they do something at the gathering too." Petalnose proposed, a tip of her head in the fellow leads direction. Anger touched her composure, but she stayed calm. It was a blessing to see Smokestar back, however, just as the journey cats had returned, it was difficult to stretch gratitude across her expression. "Maybe that'll get us all to rise up against them." Teamwork she didn't normally suggest, but after the rouge invasion it was obvious this was once more a situation for them all to deal with. Sick in their minds they were, this would bring all or the majority of the clans into outrage. Vengeance would come to them too with a heavy claw. Petalnose was interested and internally excited to see how this all would go down.

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Reactions: lichenstar
A plethora of voices surrounds the newly dubbed leader and most of it is nothing but concern for the situation at hand. It has become clear that Windclan has officially lost it and something needed to be done before Windclan does worse. However, despite everything, everyone is pleased to have Smokestar return to them more or less okay. No one wants to think about their new leader never returning. Solutions are given from voices such as Lichentail, Aspenhaze, and Petalnose. They need support. For as strong as Riverclan was, they would be fighting another clan and that would not be easy. Having more numbers with a common goal would be enough to stop this madness. What's next? Is she going to attack all the clans. It would be stupid to try and attack everyone at the gathering. Ears flick at his sister's words.

With narrowed eyes he turns to Petalnose. "Are we even sure S-shadowclan would help? They seemed pretty annoyed." Chilledstar is not someone he has much opinion on given for the fact that Shadowclan is the furthest away from them. His first real experience with Shadowclan and their leader was her telling them they were to hunt in the carrionplace for food and remain in the burnt sycamore. Although, he does remember that Chilledstar stated that they didn't have enough food. Not that he can blame her considering at one point all of the clans were sharing the same land. However, just as her name suggested she was cold and distant. We don't really know much about them. They're not close to us and who knows? Maybe the other clans have a better opinion of them? "I-i can see Blazestar and the rest of Skyclan helping us. Thunderclan m-maybe? We're not exactly friends, but Sootstar's lost it. H-howlingstar would understand that and all our medicine cats need the highstones." It was downright insane to void all of them from visiting the highstones. it wasn't like swarms of them went there every day.

Then he looks to Aspenhaze who brought up the gathering. "Uhm... Should we stick to Skyclan and ourselves during the gathering? Just to be safe? S-safer, I mean." No one knows if Windclan will turn up or not, but it was best to have a plan of somesort. Worst case scenario being that an apprentice would try and chat with a Windclanner, who would have the smart idea of hurting them during the gathering. I don't want any of us getting hurt at the gathering...

The joy of Smokestar's return and full ascension to leadership is marred by words of concern and disbelief. Cicadstar's death had been sudden and painful. Smokestar's rise to leadership should have been something for the clan to celebrate and revel in following events. Instead, they are told WindClan had attacked him, claiming Highstones for themselves and trying to take Smokestar's singular life before StarClan had intervened.

"We should have known the peace wouldn't last long with WindClan," Lilybloom remarked with a frown. It had lasted just as long as it was beneficial to WindClan, but now that the clans were back and safe in their home WindClan apparently seemed content to burn those bridges.

Lichentail spoke of informing the other clans of thos treachery and Lilybloom nodded, thinking this was a wise idea. "I think even if the other clans do not act straight away, they deserve to know of this," Lilybloom chimed in, speaking after Pikesplash. "Highstones is important to all clans. WindClan claiming them for themselves and denying access to them is an affront to all those clans and an affront to StarClan as well."
ੈ♡˳ . ° ✦ The optimistic part of him had hoped that maybe, just maybe, the clans could learn how to treat each other with some semblance of kindness after working together to defeat the rogues and find the cure. Despite all of his wariness of WindClan, despite all of the blood that’s been spilled… Maybe even Sootstar herself saw that the clans are stronger united than divided.

Until Smokethroat returns with a torn pelt and wounds crusted with blood. WindClan has claimed Highstones, he utters, and that bud of hope is shredded by greedy claws before it even has the chance to bloom.

What?!” Darkwhisker’s outburst joins the rest of his clan’s, ears pinning and hackles rising. No. WindClan couldn’t do that! Highstones is hallowed ground! Do they have no reverence for StarClan at all?!

Clearly not, as Smokethroat- Smokestar? Did he even receive nine lives?!- stands before them bearing the claw-marks of the moorland clan’s.

What little respect Darkwhisker might’ve held onto for WindClan slips between his claws like granules of sand.

Smokethroat- Smokestar assures them that he did receive his nine lives… but Darkwhisker doesn’t quite deflate with relief. It’s good that Smokestar is blessed by the stars, now. However, it only further finalizes Cicadastar’s death. The death of an era that Darkwhisker’s known since birth.

Cries of outrage continue to break through the crisp leaf-fall air. Dark clouds gather on the clans’ horizon. Is this the start of another war? They’ve only just finished licking their wounds from the previous one… Why couldn’t it end?

Darkwhisker seeks out his family by instinct; pressing himself against Fernpaw. His brother’s disbelieving words mirror his own shock. WindClan has been nothing short of cruel in his lifetime, but even so, he would’ve never imagined they would do something like this.

They’ll all have to answer to StarClan for this, one day… I won’t envy them when they do…

Suggestions of warning the other clans chime around him, and Darkwhisker agrees with an uncharacteristically solemn nod; if they warned the other clans, they could prevent further bloodshed by WindClan’s claws.

Darkwhisker sighs, and glances to the overcast sky. His paws itch to press against his pebble. Stars, protect us all.

 ° .  . ° 
  • 70853174_jzBF6DKXUD78oQw.png
    tall, lithe dusky brown tom with splashes of white. a cheerful tom who tries to put a smile on the face of everyone he talks to, darkwhisker's life is devoted to spreading positivity in a world full of negativity. though his words may be fanciful— and coated in the sugar of white lies, at times— he is a well-intentioned, albeit overly idealistic, young warrior.

Staking a sanctuary meant for all five clans… typical of Windclan. And an understandable move on Sootstar’s part, though short-sighted: whoever controls the access to Starclan controls is sure to wield much influence over the other leaders, though whether that’s worth the reprisal from their ghostly ancestors is… debatable.

”She will not get away with this,” he utters in echo to Lilybloom and Darkwhisker’s words — not a threat but a simple statement of fact. The clans joined forces to drive one threat before; they can do it again.

He wants to suggest Smokestar takes a moment to rest after this harrowing journey, or that he sit down, at least, but doesn’t quite dare to voice the concern.

Despite his mind already busying itself with thoughts of the next move to take against Sootstar, his eyes — jumping nervously around — are drawn to the new scars Smokestar bears. The sight of them makes him queasy. They are already healed; he thought Starclan only did that after a mortal blow, but… He shakes himself, refusing to let his thoughts wander in this direction. Perhaps he will inquire later, when Smokestar looks less dead on his paws. It’s a relief that he is back; this much will have to do.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 46 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo