pafp a seasick sort of green } sibling chatting


Jun 30, 2024
Pridepaw had not been one of the many faces invited to the last gathering, but that certainly hadn't kept her from hearing about it. It had been practically impossible not to hear about what had happened between the clan leaders at the last one, the sight of the moon being covered in the distance enough to set her teeth on edge. To have everyone return and say it had happened because of a medicine cat being struck in the face... if her default expression hadn't already been a scowl, it definitely would have appeared then. As much as she could understand the anger over Windclan's actions, that didn't justify lashing out in such a violent way. Especially not somewhere like Fourtrees, where Starclan's gaze was even more intense than usual.

The moon was once again hanging high in the sky above them all, though it hadn't yet reached the ultimate fullness that signaled a gathering was set to be held. At the same time, Pridepaw was curled up alongside one of her older siblings, carefully caring for Lovelight's fur even as drowsiness began to pull at her consciousness. As nice as retiring for the night sounded at the moment, a bit of gossiping with her sibling sounded far more appealing. "Do you suppose this upcoming gathering will be as exciting as the last apparently was?" Her tongue rasped soothingly over Lovelight's shoulder, trying to smooth out an unruly tuft of fur that was challenging her. "I'm curious what Shadowclan might say to explain their actions, it should be quite the thing. Although I hope no more fighting breaks out." She rather enjoyed the concept of gatherings, her usually friendly nature making them an intriguing prospect regardless of tensions.

The last thing she wanted was for Starclan to declare them more trouble than they were worth, her mind conjuring up images of a Fourtrees plunged into eternal moonless darkness.

  • please wait for @lovelight !!
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    an apprentice of thunderclan, pridepaw is a relatively new student in the clan, coming from a large clanborn family. she currently has an npc mentor, and has recently turned nine moons. is constantly wearing a scowling expression and rarely smiles, regardless of her true feelings. 
Lovelight purrs softly, the soothing rhythm of Pridepaw's grooming lulling him into a sense of calmness despite the topic of conversation. His ears twitch faintly at the mention of the last gathering, the memory of the chaotic events stirring a mixture of curiosity and apprehension within him. He opens his eyes to look at his younger sister, appreciating the care and effort she's put into smoothing out his fur. He takes the opportunity to lean over and smooth out a bit of ruffled fur on the apprentice's shoulder, careful not to disrupt her work in doing so.

"I hope not," Lovelight responds honestly, his voice a bit hesitant but thoughtful. "The last gathering was... troubling. ShadowClan's actions were reckless and dangerous. StarClan's disapproval was clear, and we can't afford to provoke them further. Who knows what they could do if we push them too far?" He pauses, his eyes drifting to the moon, which hangs close to, but not yet, full in the sky. "It should never have gone so far. I hope this upcoming gathering will be different. We need to focus on helping one another, not tearing each other further apart. WindClan's actions might have been a mistake according to the code, but violence isn't the answer. We need to show that we can resolve our issues with without resorting to bloodshed."

Lovelight turns his gaze back to Pridepaw, a faint smile on his face, meant to be reassuring though still holding a bit of concern in it. "I'm hoping things will go a bit more smoothly this time," he says, leaning over to smooth out the fur between his sister's ears. "Maybe they can all resolve this without attacking each other again," he jokes as he pulls back from fixing up the spot of fur.​