A SECOND WIND » beekit


lemongrass and sleep
Jan 26, 2024
» windclan apprentice — moor-runner, mentored by slateheart
» they/she, will answer to any pronouns
» 7 moons, ages on the 12th

» "a cinnamon rosetted tabby with pale orange eyes." — sh bobtail, cinnamon rosetted tabby w/ low white
» leggy already. likely to be quite tall. distinct osh heritage with large ears and a high nose bridge. several very expensive cats thrown into a blender and shaken up real good. has light, soft orange eyes. walks with a silly little swagger in their step.
— currently dealing with the lingering effects of minor smoke inhalation

» a student at heart. trickster, curious, always up for a dare or gamble. avid storyteller of grand and vague tales. elders love them. kind! for now. friendly, outgoing, affectionate. eager to learn and experience new things.
— faith:

» mocking-grin x npc — littermate to one
— single, orientation undefined ; small crush on brackenpaw

» friendships:
» enemies:
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