private a secret never spoken | pikesplash



જ➶ The early morning sun is pleasant, the heat mild and coasting with a cool breeze. Though it shifts the tall reeds the woman has not moved from her position. She has been following something for a long while now and truthfully she wonders when he will notice. Despite her punishment she has been with a Riverclanner all this morning though they have not realized it yet. A small smile has twisted her muzzle slightly and she is rather pleased that her skills withbeing silent have not been lost since coming to the river. Plus if she has to be honest all of their steps and movements are so loud compared to those of the Shadows. A bit overwhelming to be honest. They thrash about, or stand still for a heartbeat. Sounding utterly clumsy but it isn't like they prioritize steath as a means of survival. They really don't have to. Still she figures being alert should be a trainable thing and as she starts to move she wonders about this one. Has he heard her already? He shows nary a sign of having done so and so she keeps her head low. Each step is purposefully planted, noise never leaving her carefully stepping paws. The spiked spine warrior keeps her breathing in tact as she comes up behind him and them she easily slips around before casually lifting a paw and attempting to tap his opposite shoulder. If he gets spooked a soft laugh will emit from her as she finally gives herself away, eyes of the morning sun blazing with mirth.

"I've been following you for a good bit, Pikesplash. What are you doing out here? Fishing?" She mews softly as she sits up and peers at the water that looks lower than normal. It seems something is always going wrong with the river and she hopes that whatever this is can get solved quickly. Especially having to deal with those strangers. She still thinks that Riverclan can handle this problem on their own but it is not up to her and so she merely follows along.

( tags ) Pikesplash is known for being quite the early bird, but never would he expect to be followed so early in the morning that the sun had yet to rise when he first departed from camp. Most Riverclanners wouldn't get up so early and if they did follow him they would make quite a bit of sound. Had he been a Shadowclanner the way he moved he would bring great shame to Shadowclan for being noisy. However, he was a Riverclanner so he would not be reprimanded for such things. Riverclan cats didn't neccessarily need to be sneaky when it came to battle or how they hunted. Their main source of food was fish and it wasn't like they could be sneaky with fish in the traditional sense. No cat could ever best a fish in their own waters most of the time. Although diving wasn't really what he would consider traditional hunting. That was not to say that Riverclan couldn't hunt on land. They were more than able to, but it was apparent that they struggled a little and that was due to how noisy they were. For that reason he will never know that the thud of his paws against dirt is loud, nor will he know that he is being trailed by Boneripple. Her scent alludes him, it also doesn't help that he is confident in Riverclan territory. The tom is not all worried about being jumpscared by someone or something this early.

This confidence would be his folly, as the moment he is tapped by Boneripple he lets out a hiss and jumped a good distance in the air, and twists awkwardly before he ends up landing face first into mud. He lets out a groan, ears twitching to indicate to Boneripple that he is indeed listening to her. Flustered he is when she admits that she's been following him. When he gets up from the mud, he looks at Boneripple, muddy face and all. "I think you almost scared me into joining Starclan!" It should be clear that he is not angry, but is trying to joke with her. "I... I was u-uhm. Going to relax for a bit before trying to practice, but it looks like I'll need a bath first."
જ➶ His reaction earns a sharp laugh from her but him falling into the mud immediately makes her feel bad. She hadn't meant for that to happen and she pulls her ears back, expression softening considerably. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to fall in the mud." When he turns around to face her she tries really hard to not laugh again but his expression is priceless. The mud all over his face making it really hard to not let a giggle out. His words bring a small smile to her maw again and she shifts her gaze away from him thoughtfully. "I don't think Starclan will call you home any time soon." Though she can say that there have been a lot taken too soon. Lifting a paw she attempts to lightly scoop some of the mud off of his face, trying her best to be as helpful as she can before pointing to the river.

"Good thing we are at the river then, huh. I'll join you for a quick bath. Maybe we can find a good place to dry off around here too." She doesn't mind taking a breather before hunting and she steps lightly to the water's edge. Dipping pale limbs in the shadow kissed woman slips into the warming waters and shifts around to look at Pikesplash. "Come on in the water is pretty cool this morning!"
( tags ) Her apology is nice to hear, yet he doesn't think this is something she should apologize for. It was no harm done. Only harm that happened was getting a face full of mud, but otherwise I'm good. To signal that it is okay while his face is in mud, he raises his paw and waves it up and down as if to say it's alright. He's not the type of cat to be so worked up about this. He's seen Hazecloud throw a fit when her pelt was not clean or neatly groomed. Heck, he even recalled one time Hazecloud refused to do something because it would dirty her pelt, and the poor warrior that had to deal with it ended up have a fit for the entire day. Who could blame them? I mean they had the unfortunate experience of tumbling into the dirtplace.

There is something about the way she says he won't be joining Starclan anytime soon that makes him pause. Distant. She looks troubled and he is trouble himself too. Snakeblink would understand seeing as he told the other warrior about his relationship with Starclan, but he won't delve into that with Boneripple. A former Shadowclan medicine cat... What have you seen? His mind is reeling back into the present when he feels her paw on his face, he would be lying to say he wasn't slightly startled from the action. He does end up tilting his head to help her scoop mud off his face, he can't help himself from chuckling. "I hope not! I've got a lot I want to see and experience before my time comes." The words that escape his lips are serious, yet there is a tone of playfulness with his words. He may not be super close to Boneripple, but he would like to cheer her up. Make her smile. Well... A little smile is good, right? He ends up smirking as her paw leaves his face, "Maybe Starclan decided a good scare in the morning would save Riverclan from me eating all the fish here. I can't help it though, Salmon's just too irresistible!"

He's in high spirits, which may amuse her. How could someone go from being terrified to cheerful? Although, things would have been different had she not joined Riverclan. He doesn't want to think about how it would be like to face her on the battlefield. Boneripple's suggestion, no her order leaves him with his words caught in his throat. No one has told him they would join him in taking a bath, nor have they stated plainly that they would find a good place to dry to. Maybe I'm overthinking this. Green eyes watch the shadow kissed woman slip into the river gracefully. Whiskers twitch when she tells him to join her. Yeah, I'm overthinking this. He nods at her, "Y-yeah. I'll join you." Paws tread forward, eventually he finds himself right besides Boneripple.

Pikesplash lets out a pleased purr at the cool waters, "Ah... This is the life." Right my face is still sort of muddy, let me take car of that. Without asking, and possibly startling Boneripple, Pikesplash suddenly takes a breath before submerging himself. Despite his looks, he is an excellent swimmer. Although, it could be argued that most Riverclan warriors were great swimmers. Wasn't much of an achievement one could say. His paws push against the water and when he submerges he would end up on the opposite side of her shoulder. When he resurfaced, his head would jerk back and what can be seen on his face was nothing but bliss. "There we go, mud's all gone! Hey, Boneripple, about finding a good place to dry... If you alright with a little trek. There's, uhm. A place I know, it's nothing like the Sunningrocks we lost, but I think it's a good place to dry. Of course, that's if you want to. We could find or make some place nice to dry up here."
જ➶ Truthfully she wonders if that is the same for her? Does she have a lot more to see of this world? Things to do? It doesn't feel like it and if she has to be honest about everything she feels quite downtrodden. But she tries not to let such cracks show in her visage. She has come a long way since being within the lands of the marshes. She's changed and she wants to continue to do so. Even if that means she has to keep to herself to survive. Finding what little amusement to keep herself afloat. Hold in her thoughts, her anger. Hold everything in. Even now being with another Riverclanner she notices differences between him and herself. Yet she wears a smile upon her face, one that hardly shows in her gaze. She weaves her way around the waters and watches as he comes to join her. Tail moving smoothly to help her balance. A small chuckle leaves her throat as he speaks about this being the life. "It certainly has been more calm. It's a rare time that needs to be enjoyed."

Then the tom remembers the mud and he dives under the water. By the way he moves and shifts beneath the waves she can tell that he is strong, well versed in the river. For a moment she does almost lose sight of him but then he appears on her opposite side, looking as if nothing in the world is better than this. "Good to see you all freshened up." Wading a bit she starts to slip from the waters that is until he mentions a spot that is worth going to. Her burnkng eyes flick over to him and she allows a small purr to leave her throat. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go. If it is half as impressive as Sunningrocks it'll be worth the journey there. Besides, we have much of the day and I'd love to check it out." As she steps onto solid land she motions with her tail for him to lead the way.
( tags ) He can't help but laugh along with her, "Tell me about it, I wish we had more of these moments. I know we're warriors, but it would be nice to have some more days where we could just relax." It gets tiring going on patrol after patrol and... Patrol. Can't we have a warrior appreciation day where warriors are given a full day off? The apprentice lead patrols and bring back prey for the everyone?

The smile on his maw doesn't leave his face, he simply tilts his head to face Boneripple. "Mud really doesn't suit me, huh?" Yet another jest. The reality is that he doesn't know what to say to it's good to see him freshened up, so his mind could only supply him with a response that is a joke. Pike, just run with it. Think you meant to do that. She's not bothered by it. You're fine. Maybe... NO! You're fine! It seems that all his worry in whether or not she would like to join him was for naught, seeing how she practically said yes as soon as he finished asking her. Heck, she practically ran out of the water leaving him in the dust.

All he can do is allow himself to be dragged by the storm that is Boneripple. He slips next to her, "Well... It depends on what you think is impressive, but! I think the area is impressive, so I hope you'll find it at least a little impressive. If it isn't hmmm... You can scare me for an entire week? That sounds fair, right?" Without asking, he begins to lead the way. There are moments during their trek he glances at her to see if she is not only still following, but to gauge her expressions. You know, Boneripple, it's hard to tell when you're pleased by something. I never realized how stoic you are.

Eventually they would find themselves in front of a wall of reeds. Yep, should be past here. He motions his paw forward, "It's right past these reeds." It's evident that he's been here before with how easily he weaves through the gaps between reeds. What the pair would come across is a monster. This monster is unmoving. He remembers when he was here with Cicadastar. It was a deceased monster, and eventually this place became forgotten. Which made sense, this place was rather secluded and there were better hunting and relaxation spots, yet he kept coming here.

Pikesplash bounds up to the monster with no hesitation and lays comfortably on its head. "It's no Sunningrocks, but I'd wager sometimes it's warmer than the Sunningrocks have ever been! Oh, and when the fireflies come out everything looks wonderful. Soooo, what do you think Boneripple? Is it Impressive?" He motions for her to draw closer. There was more than enough space for her to climb on top of the monster and lay on it.
જ➶ Days where they coild just relax. It sounds nice honestly but with how things are now it feels like an everyday job. Work, work, and more work. Just shifting with others when it is their time to break. "True, it would be nice if we could shift responsibilities for a day. But alas, we have to keep moving." At least she does because if she stops she fears that something might catch up to her. Though her mind is pulled away from this hollow thoughts and back into reality by the tom beside her. She blinks slowly, calm features becoming more focused as he speaks about the mud. Right. "I think the only cats that mud actually suits are Shadowclanners. Though I don't think Riverclan is took far behind in that regard if they learn how to actually use it." There it is, that slight tinge of amusement in her vocals before she tilts her head at his explanation.

If it is impressive them she will get to scare him for a full week and a true smile finally graces her features. "Oh you are so on. I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve, Pike, so be prepared if I do get to." The practice in this game will also be much appreciated as well. But then that smile slips away to be replaced with a quiet neutrality. Her paws keeping pace with hisbown as she follows him to this spot she has never seen before. With this quiet she is listening and observing, taking in the route to get here as well as the potential prey. Her ears pull back slightly from time to time just to check if anyone is following them. It's out of habit now, she has to be sure. Still she is excited about the prospect of this new sunning spot and when they come to the reeds she tilts her head, tall figure trying to see. "Right. I'll follow you." He weaves through with such confidence and follows after.

As she emerges after him into the clearing and her eyes land on the dead monster it is like her blood turns to ice. A chill latches upon her spine as she stares at it. It brings back visions of things she has tried to force away. Visions of the thunderpath, blood, blood, so much blood. Cries for help. Calling her name. Seeking her to help. She can't, she can't. Black fur and twisted limbs. A death over and over again as she stares helplessly. Her sister. The woman feels almost like she can't breath. A fine tremble to her legs as she stares at the monster. It's dead. So far from the thunderpath. It can't do anything. Just push it down. She swallows thickly and she forces her eyes to look up, her vision blurry. Are those tears? "Oh..." She reaches up, turning away to rub at her eyes. Then she breaths in and out. Deeply. Forcing her head back she quickly speaks up. Move past this quickly. "It's a grand spot. I'm actually impressed so you win this time. I'll come up." She doesn't want to touch it but she steps forward anyway, her paws aching to go back.

With a light jump she steps on hardened flesh and makes her way over to lay beside her fellow clanmate in the heat of the sun. Just for a little while.
( tags ) Unfortunately, he knows she is right. It's only when they are elders will they get to relax. Of course, that is if they become elders. Who was to say that they wouldn't meet their end by sickness, claws, twolegs, monsters, or the many dangers this world had to offer. That's why the elders of the clan were well respected after all. Their stories and wisdom was unparalleled, but most cats complained about them. Especially the apprentices when they were tasked with helping the elders. He would argue that the apprentices weren't entirely at fault seeing how mean some elders could be. "It's only when we retire we get to have long relaxing days. Exploring the territory and telling cats our stories." He can't say he imagines himself being an elder. Elders have an air of warmth and power. He doesn't think he if he ever were an elder would hold the same air of wisdom.

He ponders for a moment on whether or not mud looks best or is suited most for shadowclanners. Thunderclanners are proud, they wouldn't really use mud for the simple fact that they believe mud makes them look weak. He can't say he would ever expect Thunderclan to show up in mud because if they did something horribly wrong has happened. Windclan... Specifically from Sootstar and the others it's also a matter of pride. Skyclan, well he can say they wouldn't care about mud. In terms of they had no real distaste for being covered in mud, but he wouldn't say that it would suit them. He assumes they are more likely to wear kittypet items along with feathers, considering Skyclan was known for being the best climbers of all the clans. Riverclan the issue is more so they lived by the way of the water. Most hunting involved the river. Swimming was essential. Covering yourself with mud only to wash it off by going into the river to hunt was counter productive. If they were to hunt land prey more often then yes, but most of their food was fish. Not to mention the other clans seemed to hate and love them. They hated them for their fish scent but loved (more like jealous) that their fur was glossy. Most riverclanners were considered beautiful or handsome. Now, Shadowclan were hunters of the night. As their name suggests they excelled in the dark. Mud he would agree suits Shadowclan the most.

"I agree, I think mud suits Shadowclan the most. Riverclanners covered in mud... The thing is we're mostly in the water it would wash off anyway. I guess when the river is dried up we'll have to hunt more on land and who knows Shadowclan might be careful with mud covered Riverclanners. I didn't know there was a proper way to use mud though. After all we use mud for our dens, what are Shadowclan dens like I wonder." He had only ever known what Riverclan dens looked like because he lived in Riverclan. All other clan camps were a mystery to him. It's not like he would ever get the chance to see other clan dens, unless he decided to abandon Riverclan. Exploring all clan camps would make for a troublesome adventure and many enemies would be made as a result. Can't help being curious. I don't know if I'll survive in other clan though. Windclan I'm not much of a fighter. Thunderclan, let's not consider that given our clans rivalry. Skyclan would let me I think, but I wouldn't want to cause problems for Blazestar. Shadowclan would be so bizarre we are not neighbors whatsoever. He shakes his head from his thoughts. No, this can't happen. "Boneripple did you ever use mud?" Now that I think about it, mud suits you.

A challenge. Oh, how he loves those. Although considering that Boneripple managed to scare him so easily he knows he has his work cut out for him. Nevertheless his whiskers twitch in excitement. "Oh I'll be prepared. Do your worst Boneripple." It's an invitation for her to do her best because he will be giving it his all as well.

Tears. Something is wrong. He can't help feel guilty showing her this place. He knows nothing of her past and his mind can provide no answers to the horrors she may have witnessed. Boneripple is not someone he is extremely close with, so he is unsure on what to do. He recalls Wolverinefang, her former mate. It's odd to think about the tom after all this time because he had known and seen the pair before. He was never close with Wolverinefang, but in this moment his mind lingers on the tom because that was Boneripple's mate. He would know how exactly to comfort her and dry her tears. He on the otherhand has no clue. He only knows how to dry the tears of kits and listen to his clanmates. I still have to try. I would be a lousy cat if I pretended she wasn't crying. No matter how tough she is, everyone needs to cry. Green eyes watch as she rubs her paw at her eyes, hiding the tears that were spilled.

He keeps an even smile on his face, as if he did not just see her cry. When she says that he won, he beams at her. I hope she doesn't notice I'm forcing myself. Don't want her to think she ruined the mood or something. He feels her lay next to him and he finds himself in an uncomfortable silence. Perhaps he is overthinking it, but it is eating at him that he brought up something horrible. That's why he turns his head towards her to mew, "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make you cry." Maybe she is at first surprised he would apologize. At the mention of her crying perhaps she is a bit embarrassed about it.

What can I do? Oh, I know! "For that I say you have full permission to scare me when you like and I'll do my best to be prepared. But, u-uhm... I don't know what h-happened and t-that's okay! but if you need an ear I'm here Boneripple. Or course, if you want to."