a shattered visage lies ✘ JUNE ['23] PATROLS

“RiverClan, gather for patrols…If you are injured do not bother, I will not be sending you on one unless cleared by Ravenpaw.” His voice rings out with curt authority though his tone is less sharp than usual, Smokethroat steps to the center of the camp with his head held high and expression unreadable. He had almost said ‘Beesong’ in reference to their medicine cat, but those days were gone and he still felt a hollow ache from the cinnamon cat’s absence.

It felt different now doing patrols like this, he’d done them before but it had always been with the knowledge this was a duty he assisted with and not one specifically resting on his shoulders alone; he almost wished he could go back to the job being passed around with his once fellow leads but he knew that they would serve better in actually helping carry out the jobs he assigned.
Still, he can’t help but feel strangely overwhelmed by this all still even though it changed nothing. He would still do his duties, he still followed his orders, he still acted the same, it was just…something else lingering at the back of his mind that made him almost afraid.
Shaking his head he pushed this odd apprehension down, no time for that. There was work to be done.

“We have found traces of trespassers on our land, tracks leading south along the river in addition to the water receding in places. Honeystone suggested it might be a blockage, but given the loner we came across during this we've decided a normal patrol to investigate is not going to cut it. In the event there are more of these cats we will be sending a patrol of our more tenacious warriors only.” There was only one cat with an apprentice on this patrol and she was skilled enough she could manage and to ensure any fight they might have was destined for success the more softhearted and clumsy pawed fools could sit this one out. He imagines sending Snakeblink or Pikesplash into war and grimaces at the thought, those two needed a bit more work before he’d trust them with any serious conflict; otherwise they’d be going to their deaths and he didn’t want their blood on his paws.
For all his irritation at their incompetence, they were clanmates.
“The cats going on this patrol will be Cindershade with Sablepaw, Petalnose and Iciclefang. Make sure you eat before you leave, it may be a long trek. You will be reporting to Cicadastar, he’ll call you when he’s ready to head out.” Cicadastar could decide if Hazepaw was to accompany him. Smokethroat longed to go as well, but he knew the feisty trio could manage any incident without him and that their leader was more than capable without his ever present shadow at his side; still, he has to resist adding on that he will go as well because he can’t. There is too much to do in camp still.

“Despite these odd circumstances we still have other jobs to do so the rest of today’s patrols will be the same…

Willowroot, you will take a patrol to the WindClan border. Lichentail was attacked by one of those rabbit eating wretches, if they try anything at all I trust you will handle it. Mudpelt, Clayfur and Boneripple will accompany you.”
He had his misgivings on the ex-Shadowclanner still, Hyacinthbreath’s betrayal a fresh hint of blood still burning in his nose but hopefully she would prove this wariness foolish.

“Aspenhaze, you will take Gillsight, Hazecloud and Crappiepatch to ThunderClan’s border. Howlingstar warned us at the gathering of boars near her territory, be mindful of these creatures as they’ve already killed a ThunderClanner. For the time being, give Sunningrocks space.” As much as he longed to fight for their territory back if there was a chance of a RiverClan patrol being harmed by the odd predators roaming the area he was not willing to risk it.

“Snakeblink, SkyClan is yours. Blazestar is missing one of his leads, while you’re there keep an eye out. Black and white fellow, prickly fur, purple collar.” A shame, he’d rather liked Thistleback in the few interactions they had. This patrol need not be too large as they were on neutral ground with the tree climbing cats still, “Crawlingroach and Sneezefur will be going with you.”

That left whatever small handful of apprentices whose mentors were otherwise indisposed or on hunting parties.

“...Ravenpaw will require extra paws and assistance going forward, I’d like any apprentices not going with their mentors on other patrols to wait a moment here. He will pick some of you to accompany him out for whatever he may need to gather herb wise. Heed his words and do not cause mischief. You may hunt while you are out but do not stray far nor get in Ravenpaw’s way.”
He wondered if his grief for Beesong was still so heavy in his voice, he hoped pushing the medicine cat apprentice to not wallow about and take the reins of his own fate going forward would help him in his own grieving, but perhaps that was just Smokethroat. He only wanted to focus on work when he was feeling particularly down or unwell, it was a good distraction.

"...Honeystone and Pikesplash you will be taking any other available warriors or apprentices out on seperate hunting patrols."

Investigation Patrol -
@CICADASTAR & @Petalnose & @Cindershade ( @Sablepaw ) & @ICICLEFANG
ThunderClan - @Aspenhaze ( @Mosspaw ) & @GILLSIGHT & @hazecloud
WindClan - @willowroot ( @WAGTAILPAW ) & @MUDPELT & @CLAYFUR & @BONERIPPLE
SkyClan - @Snakeblink & @Crawlingroach & @Sneezefur.

Hunting Patrol 1: @>Honeystone & @Lakemoon . & @LILYBLOOM.
Hunting Patrol 2: @PIKESPLASH & @Redpath & @CRAPPIEPATCH
Patrol leads will be DM'd success rates + any obstacles they may find.

@RAVENPAW. will be picking from any apprentices not assigned other patrols to go with him to gather herbs. Please wait for that post to see if you're chosen.

For any casual characters not on the census or characters who just haven't been added yet, you are welcome to join either of the two hunting patrols!

This call for patrols is no different from any other. The lead warriors have been splitting the duty since Buckgait was demoted, each sharing the responsibilities of putting together patrols. But, he remembers, this time is different. Because now Smoke isn’t just a lead warrior—he’s a deputy now. And hopefully he won’t follow in the brown and white she-cat’s pawsteps, though Clay can’t see Smokethroat getting demoted unless he and Cicada get into some terrible argument. (Clay decides that if such a thing ever happens, he’ll just leave camp for a while before something catches fire.)

He listens to the announcements, glancing around as his name is announced—he’s going on patrol with Willow, Boneripple, and Mud! But… it’s to WindClan. "Oh, WindClan," he says. His voice is low, but there’s cheer in his tone—they’re coming off a recent victory. WindClan has been stomped by both RiverClan and ShadowClan. They won’t try anything. And besides, if they do, he’s going on a patrol alongside some of the best warriors in the clan. They’ll give the moorland cats another beatdown, if they have to. He looks around for the dark-furred warrior, hoping to spot her quickly. He’s excited to head out already!
There had been a time where Ravenpaw genuinely believed he had nothing to worry about leaving camp as an apprentice. Now, he tried to not leave without some sort of escort. Smokethroat was allowing him a pawful of apprentices, which was not much protection. Beesong was ever present, haunting his mind. He swallowed and shook himself out of it. This would be his first time leading a herb patrol. How difficult could it be?

He cast his gaze out among the gathered cats. "Stalkingpaw, Troutpaw, and Littlepaw." He had to raise his voice to be heard. He was getting better at it. After all, he knew he could not mope forever. "I would like you three to come with me." One large ear flicked sullenly. Once he unceremoniously had gathered the three apprentices, he would lead them out of the camp, silent and glum.

@LITTLEKIT. , @Stalkingpaw. , @troutpaw

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( tags ) It takes some getting used to... These new changes. With Beesong no longer among them and with Smokethroat as deputy. A call is made to gather for patrols. He is not among the injured like some cat he knows, so he is obligated to gather. His ears flick at the mention of trespassers and the proposed plan to approach this loner. He finds himself praying for the loner in question because he isn't too sure the cats chosen wouldn't try and fight. Although it would be awfully funny to hear he supposes if it was one loner that gave Riverclan trouble because the whole clan would be sending their most ferocious cats to deal with it. Maybe I'll chat with Honeystone about it. It'll be good to talk about while we catch up. Petalnose is going? His eyes linger on her form. Ever since she became a lead warrior, things have been a bit different. Just don't get hurt... Again.

Then, Smokethroat assigns other patrols. He swears he holds his breath when Windclan and Thunderclan is mentioned. He exhales a shaky breath when he is not called to join either patrol. Although he the news of boars on Thunderclan territory causes him to tilt his head in thought. Was that what they were looking for? He recalled Thunderclan looking a bit rattled when he approached them, but it was obvious it wasn't from his presence or their clan feud. He had told them to be careful of badgers and wished them luck on their adventure. He will never know who was it that was killed by a boar but it does bring him some relief that the cats he met that day he assumes didn't perish. If Cicadastar could read his thoughts he should consider himself a dead tom. Was it so bad to be relieved for others outside of their clan?

When Ravenpaw is mentioned, he looks at the young medicine cat with worry. He doesn't think Ravenpaw isn't capable of looking after the clan, but it's just too much for one cat. It doesn't help either that this lot of cats have a preference for violence. When Beesong was alive so many of them still ended up in the medicine cat den, which hasn't changed. He supposes that brings some comfort in terms of normalcy. However, Ravenpaw has no one else to help him. No other cat knows medicine. You would think we would be more careful and try not to get hurt. He shuffles his paws, wanting to go with the apprentice. That would not be allowed however. Still, he would've loved nothing more than to assist Ravenpaw. Oh, Beesong, what can we do?

He practically jumps when he hears his name being called, fur standing on end as he looks at Smokethroat. The order for him and Honeystone to take whoever was available and not injured on separate hunting patrols rattles him. W-wait! B-but! He opens his maw, but no sound comes out. Pike has never led a hunting patrol ever or any patrol, so given the opportunity is terrifying. He's one for following orders not necessarily leading. In the future he would laugh at the fact that Smokethroat asked him and Honeystone to lead separate patrols. After all, both of them were familiar with each other. If you count Honeystone being your sibling's mate as familiar enough.

Closing his maw he offers Smokethroat a nod, before he looks around and tries to think of who he would bring. Lichentail he would bring, but... She may not be able to, due to certain reasons. Probably loving her time smelling herbs. Snakeblink would've been nice to take, but the other tom would be leading a Skyclan patrol. Cindershade and Petalnose are a definite no and he is glad they are different patrols because he isn't sure he wouldn't just faint if he had to lead those two. Hmmm.... Who do I feel comfortable with. Crappiepatch comes to mind. The pair collected shells and he would say they are friendly enough. From what he's seen Crappiepatch doesn't feel so thrilled about the recent happening of Riverclan. Maybe he'll be okay with me? Another cat that comes to mind is Redpath. They didn't exactly talk to each other much, but it seemed like Redpath would round out their skills. It's decided!

Before he leaves to collect the pair, he stops by Honeystone. "U-uhm, let's do our best! I'll see you later," he mews. With that, he saunters over to Crappiepatch and Redpath. "Crappiepatch, Redpath, I'd like for you to join me. Would that be alright with you two?" Sure, he may have been picked to lead a hunting patrol, but he wasn't going to force either of them to join him. If they didn't want to, then he would find others to join him.
Glassy green eyes are fixed not on Smokethroat as he speaks, but somewhere else, off to the side—somewhere over Smokethroat’s shoulder. The sky, the grass, the trees, the water. Anywhere but where they should be looking. They hear it all clearly, though, and their ears droop as they are not selected for… a single patrol. They do not know whether to feel relieved, or to feel afraid. Why have they not been chosen? Are they not trusted? Are they next to follow after Hyacinthbreath?

Their breath catches, wordless for a moment after Pikesplash speaks to them. The tom has chosen them to go hunting with him. If it were nearly anyone else, Crappiepatch would likely have declined the invitation, went back to sulk in their den—though they refuse to call it sulking. But it is Pikesplash, a gentle warrior who does not seem a fan of violence, of bloodshed. The calico warrior nods once, replying, "Yes. Where will we hunt at?"
[ my my, cold hearted child ]
As patrols are assigned, they wait with bated breath to see what they'll be doing, if anything. Surprise surprise, they're leading a patrol this time. They're not exactly taken aback, but even so they're excited to finally be a lead. Maybe they really have been impressing Smokethroat by how much effort they try to put in. They're a little sad they won't be going with Petalnose, but oh well. They couldn't be with her all the time...why does that thought sadden them? They shake their head, now's not the time.

Returning to ThunderClan after the last time will be...interesting. At least they're not looking for trouble this time, and they know full well to make sure they listen to Smokethroat's request to avoid Sunningrocks. Unless there's no other alternative, but hopefully the boars won't be an issue. They stroll over to their apprentice, giving her a nod as to say that she will of course also be accompanying them, and wait for Gillsight and Hazecloud to join the two of them so they could head out to the border.
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White paws, in addition to a single stripe adorn stocking, padded forward upon Smokethroat's call. A tired smile rested upon her maw as she would glance around at her clanmates. Blood. Trash. Water storage.. And now a random cat lurking on their territory. Her grey-blue gaze would dip to the ground as she processed all this clan had gone through in such a short time. What had they done to incite the wrath of Starclan? Or is it some other force entirely that's causing havoc to their home? Slowly, her optics would drag back up to the black tom as he organized cats into different parties. He assembled a team of spitfires to confront the stranger, then constructed the usual business. Honeystone would dip her head in acknowledgment of her leading a hunting patrol.

Her attention would shift briefly to her apprentice to see them get summoned by Ravenpaw to aid in gathering herbs. That poor tom.. She'd make her way over quietly before leaning near the ears of her learning youth. "Please don't stray from Ravenpaw, and above all.. Don't cause trouble." She'd whisper to the other like a mother would warn a kit. Giving a quick cuff of Littlepaw's ear she'd smile to them reassuringly before a familiar blue tabby stops by her. "Lets." She'd give a happy chirp to Pikesplash and a firm head nod. The warrior would watch the other saunter off to gather his felines and she turned to do the same. "Lakemoon, Lilybloom. We'll take up the path heading near the twoleg bridge, I'm hoping the water isn't as low but we'll see as we head up there."

//To those wanting to join Honey's hunting patrol feel free to convo me on TT or message me on Discord for details <3 — tags

Whiskers twitched in interest as Smokethroat brought up news of trespassers. Another sort of trouble for their clan, it seemed the clan didn't get a break. Atleast, they were an adaptable group, staying strong no matter what was thrown at them. Petalnose might've broken down in the moment at the sight of Beesong's death but it seemed as if it didn't even happen as she held her notable confidence. Deep down, she was tormented and lost even if she still looked like herself. Like nothing even happened. Like she didn't even know it happened.

A pleased quiet purr rumbled to herself when she found out she was apart of this so called tenacious group to scout and hunt down the loners, it was a compliment to her. Her head calmly turned to scout out the three, giving a light nod if she had caught any of their gazes. No worry or concern batted in her brain, if something happened she knew they would band together and represent Riverclan as strong as their rapids. A light smirk fell on her serious features as she turned to face Smokethroat again, reclining back to listen further more despite her already knowing where she was placed. Now what were her friends up to?

Aspenhaze was leading a patrol to Thunderclan. It didn't really suprise the lead warrior as she got to know their character. She turned her attention onto them and gave them an smile of pride and approval. They'll do great, I know it. Although, it might've just been more better for her if they had the opportunity to trek alongside her on her serious mission. She enjoyed battling alongside the other feline and she enjoyed their prescence as well. On the other hand, she was proud to see them take lead for once, knowing if she went she would be leading in result of her rank.

Then after she listened to the end, suprise finally met her. Pikesplash is leading his own patrol as well. She did not see leadership or a lot of mental gruff in his character, nevertheless, she was proud of him as well. Even if it was a simple hunting patrol. Dark eyes scanned over the crowd to look him over, her eyes lightening in almost a humourous manner if she caught his attention. Hopefully he won't run away from her this time, she would make sure he didn't. So she hopped off the low flat rock she perched upon and carefully strode over. There was no quickening of her pace, she knew she could still easily catch him due to the long legs that lengthed her strides. Her tail would attempt to lightly tap his shoulder as she passed him, looking over her shoulder with a teasing gaze through her stoic frown if she had tagged him, walking onward as she spoke, "Proud of you. Happy hunting."

Her head would then turn as she made her way in the direction of Aspenhaze, "Safe travels, maybe we can share tongues later and you can tell me how it went." She invited, stopping to look over her shoulder again for their approval. Then she bounded off towards the fresh kill pile amongst the trio in obedience to Smokethroats words.
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Redpath listened to Smokethroat with a blank, hollow expression. Beesongs death left a gaping wound in her heart, and she still found herself wondering when he would come home despite seeing his body with her own eyes.

Smokethroat's words were muffled by her thoughts. For the first time in a long time, all she wanted to do was to go back to bed. To curl up in her best and sleep her grief away. But life goes on, and she doesn't have the luxury of idling in bed all day.

The news of loners is interesting. She hopes that doesn't become a problem.... That's the last thing anyone needs.

The patrol assignments drone on and Redpath doesn't pick up on her name. She was about to leave when Pikesplash calls to her for a hunting patrol.

"Oh, yeah... It's fine." She acknowledges quietly.

Who knows, maybe this patrol will help her feel better.​
This is not the first time Smokethroat has assigned patrols, but it is the first time she’s going on a mission not caught in his pelt like a burr. Though her face changes only subtly—the neutral tilt of her mouth creasing into a smile of pleasure—it’s clear Iciclefang is pleased to have been chosen. She’s the youngest warrior on the patrol, led by the leader himself and two competent, fierce lead warriors. It must mean something that I was chosen to go. Cicadastar and the rest of his council must know I will do everything I can not to let them down.

She catches Petalnose’s eye, dipping her head to the tabby. “I’ll be ready,” she promises coolly. She’d been there to see Smokethroat barreled over by the mud-streaked loner; provided there isn’t a hostile nest of them, the chosen cats should be more than fine to chase them out, if needed.

stalkingpaw | 08 months | polygender | any pronouns | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold crimson
The girl is startled but pleased to hear her name called out by ravenpaw, leaving her grinning as she bounds over early, all smiles and wide green eyes. "Me? Look for herbs? Well - I don't know anything about herbs, but I bet we'll find lots working together," it is a bit strange though, to be doing something outside her normal chores. Oh well - it still sounds fun!