camp A Shelltastic day || intro, o



⋅˚₊‧ ଳ ‧₊˚ ⋅ Just as the sun could be seen in the morning sky, Dawnkit was off and out of the nursery. It was no struggle to wake this kit up; actually, it was he who accidentally woke others up every morning, being so hyper and not willing to be calm while others were sleeping.

Every single other cat who was up and out was greeting with a big ‘hello’ or ‘good morning.’ Unfortunately for anyone, he couldn’t stay, and chit-chat Dawnkit was very busy this early morning. He was looking for the biggest and best seashell for Lillacbird as a gift to wake up to. Which also means he needs to hurry and find one, then bring it all the way back to the nursery. Dawnkit giggled It’s hard to be so busy all the time.

So he padded on over to the shallows at the edge of camp. Mud squished in between his toes as he continued to walk along, scanning the ground. The water sure was distracting whenever it brushed against him, but Dawnkit kept his focus. Thankfully, it didn’t take long for him to find his prize halfway buried in the dirt. It didn’t look broken, was a pretty color, and was huge! Tiny teeth clamped onto the shell, and Dawnkit pulled with all his little might! When it finally came loose, so did his grip on it. The seashell went flying into the air, landing with a plop into deeper waters.

He was unable to stop the tears that rushed down his face. ”Oh no! No, no, no!” Dawnkit cried. He looked down at the river, which never before looked so big and daunting, then back to where the shell landed in the water. Sniffling Dawnkit took one big step in the water, then another one. Not really sure how, but fully committed to retrieving his gift for his mother.

  • ooc:@Lilacbird but no need to wait, open to anyone
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    Dawnkit — he/him ・ 3 moons ・ Riverclan kit ・ PENNED BY @Ghostunes!
    lilac ticked tabby with white across his face and chest and has leaf green eyesTags

do you wanna know how it feels

A soft rumble escaped the she cats chest, a content purrs as groggy mind shifted to a waking one, toes of forepaws reaching outwards and curling in a stretch to grasp her two little ones.

No not two, one. One bundle of fur that made her crystal gaze wake in freight. Fur of shades of lilac and cream shot forward, pawing at the nest and circling while her heart thudded loudly in her small ears.

"D-dawnkit?" She meowed frantically, before grasping twilightkit by the scruff. Her heart thudded loudly, and fear shook her paws as the still somewhat new mother shuffled out of the nursery. Cerulean eyes were wide in shock as she looked left, right, before panic slipped through the cracks more.

But still, she fought the tears that threatened to spill, knowing her child had to be somewhere close. Right? Right, of course. Shellkit disappeared not but two moons ago, surely warriors were still on high alert right?

She had trust in her clanmates. She had to. What else would she have if she didn't? But the thought of losing another brought a new sense of dread that made Lilacbird even more frantic, her chest heaving while clutching Twilightkit tightly in her grasp.

"Wh-where is D-dawnkit? P-please, somebody, I c-can't find dawnkit in the nursery," she stuttered out, keeping a grip on the small ounce of tricoloured fur as if she may too disappear from her grasp.

And then her eyes finally caught onto the small bundle of fur- and panick swept through her quickly. Toes curled into the dirt, keeping herself from diving towards the kit and possibly causing even more chaos.

Tiny steps forward, deeper into the depths of the water, the mothers chest began to quickly breathe in and out, her ears flattening. "Stay," she quickly commanded the probably groggy kitten in her grasp as she set the child down and gave a stern look that she was serious. Hopefully , twilightkit would follow as she requested, approaching the waters bank.

"D-dawnkit," she called, hopefully not to alert the kitten too much. "St-stop right now. What are you d-doing?."

@Antiigone - mentioning, speaking to, and carrying twilightkit!
do you wanna know, know that it doesn't hurt me
she/her ⋆ 30 moons old ⋆ lilac tortie with blue eyes ⋆ information

————————Warrior | 34 Moons | RiverClan———————
Owlfeather had been lounging in the morning sunlight, his long chocolate fur soaking in the warmth, when Lilacbirds quiet desperation caught his attention. Curiously and mildly concerned the tom followed along behind the queen with ears perked. Missing kits were never a good thing. The warrior relaxed, however, when they found the mischevious kitten playing in the shallows. With a gentle mrowl of amusement the large tom waded out into the water downstream of Dawnkit until the water lapped coolly along his densely coated flank. "It's alright. If Dawnkit loses his footing, I will catch him." Owlfeather purred reassuringly. His voice was deep and gravelly and ever so gentle. "Why are you upset, young one?" he asked the kit as he waded alongside him, keeping his broad body downstream of the kitten and ready to catch if needed.
[penned by Delphy].