A SHOW OF SCRUTINY \ starlingheart

Nettlekit didn't often get alone-time with his mother. He was either swept into the throng with his siblings, ferried forward in group activities, or his father was sat there telling her about his day- and when his family wasn't around, her apprentice or patients were. Starlingheart's time was sacred, though- even in his youth, Nettlekit had managed to work that out. He knew that much, and that he shouldn't interrupt her. But she didn't look like she was doing anything particularly important right now, and they were alone, so...

Nettlekit batted at her snow-tipped tail in a bout for her attention, scrutinising eyes of jay blue looking admirably up at her face. "How do you remember so many things?" he asked, tapping a rhythm upon the floor that close matched the thump of his heartbeat. Starlingheart was clever, and he hoped to be just as clever as she was when he was an apprentice. And the only way to learn was to try, wasn't it?

penned by pin ♡