A SHRINE, OR ELSE A SCAR [✿] climbing practice

✿—— climbing. it's the skill skyclanners seem to pride themselves upon most, it's the skill that many of her clanmates seem to do as easily as breathing, and it's something bobbie is not very good at (yet, she hopes). the tales of orangeblossom climbing the tallpine, the sight of patrols coming in with plump birds or of their newest apprentices leaping about the trees as easily as they do the ground—it's something that sparks a certain fire in the warrior, a desire to master the trees as she works to master the earth. while she's begun to bring in mice and voles at least sometimes instead of never, the tabby isn't satisfied; they're skyclan, after all, not groundclan, and what kind of warrior would she be if she couldn't clamber about the trees with her clanmates on hunting patrols or drop from them as silently as an owl during battle training?

as such, she's been working on her climbing in the time between patrols and training and sleeping—sometimes accompanied by blazestar or a particularly benevolent warrior, sometimes entirely on her own. she's no climbing expert, but she's managed to progress beyond her consistent failures of her first days as a warrior (a particularly embarassing training session with orangeblossom comes to mind). today she wants to repeat the thing but without so much of the "getting stuck on the tree" part, and so she stares up the intimidating trunk of a pine. sage eyes flick over its gnarled trunk, seeking out good clawholds as orangeblossom had done on one of her first days out, trying to figure out how to reach the first branch. finally bobbie crouches, paws pressing into the dirt, and leaps.

blessedly, her paws find purchase on the trunk, claws sinking into the bark as she directs her eyes upwards, paws reaching slowly but surely upwards in a crawl up the trunk from clawhold to clawhold until quite suddenly she's perched on one of the lumpy branches amidst the pleasant scent of newly-broken pine needles, no doubt trod upon by her moving paws as she made her way onto this branch. a pause to catch her breath and then she's reaching, digging claws that have grown sturdier over the days into the next branch up. a push off with her hind paws and she's swinging herself onto the branch above in a quick, smooth motion that makes the muscles in her shoulders burn. at last she sits to properly rest her muscles before she tries to go up further, glancing down. she's not gone far at all, but she's pleased nonetheless.


  • ooc: ——
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
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    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu

It is with great difficulty that Tiggerbounce follows the brownish she-cat, his tubby body doing him no favors in this particular task. If he were still a resident of the marsh, the extra weight would not feel like such a burden. Webbed feet and evenly distributed musculature did wonders towards gaining easy access to all the wetlands had to offer. Even with his squished face, Tiggerbounce had never found himself to be at a great disadvantage in his birthplace... at least, never as much as he did in the pinelands.

That was not to say that the chubby tom would ever want to return to the marshes, it was just that even without the extra pounds, there was something about his body that never quite lended to tree-climbing or bird catching. He was, without a doubt, behind in that regard.

But he could not stay behind. He had an apprentice now, an apprentice that would need to learn to climb and catch birds if Tiggerbounce was going to able to keep them as an apprentice, so there was no better time to practice than with a fellow struggler.

He huffs and puffs as he pulls himself up after the deer-like figure, just one paw after the other. His muscles burn with every lurch, bunching up and spasming at the worst of moments. The other cats made climbing seem so easy. It is an implicit lie, he decides as he carefully removes his claws from the trunk to hoist himself up another few inches. He cannot fathom how the other daylight warriors have taught themselves how to do this, Twoleg climbing toys had nothing on these damned trees!

Claws scrabble at the first branch for a moment as Tiggerbounce aims to find purchase in the soft pine wood. Bobbie is already a branch above him, moving for all the world like a true-blooded SkyClanner. "One could be.... hhhhh ..... mistaken into be-lieeeeee-ving you were ..... hhhhhhhh .... borne into this." He wheezes up at her. His embed nose makes a whistling sound as he speaks - a small side-effect of over-exertion with his sort of physique.
Climbing was something that did not come easy to Drizzlepelt, as he’s sure it doesn’t for most that aren’t born in the clan or are more used to living among the trees. The jungle he was born into was one of concrete, so it doesn’t come naturally. However, things will always come easier with time and practice. That’s how it worked for him, so he’s excited to see Bobbie trying her best to practice when he spots her.

He agreed to help her if needed after their conversation a bit back, but she almost doesn’t seem like she needs it. Drizzlepelt is glad that she’s making progress, and that he can catch it in the making. He watches from a distance at first, and chuckles lightheartedly as Tiggerbounce also attempts to climb. He’s less successful in his venture, sure, but trying is what matters.

He finally makes his way over, humming to himself as he tilts his head up to the two of them. His ears flick as he gives a nod off approval. “I agree! You’ve come a long way, Bobbie. I’m so proud of you.” He could almost laugh at the fact that he’s complimenting someone much more mature than him, but it’s true nonetheless. He then pounces, claws digging into the wood as he makes his way up towards a branch close to Bobbie’s. There’s a sense of grace as he maneuvers the path with ease, smiling towards her as he settles for the moment.​
Climbing was a lot harder than Pocket would think! The brown tabby had came into Skyclan, hearing of their climbing skills rather thinking, and believing he would be amazing at such a thing. It was more of a struggle than curtains he soon found out.

But it had been a few moons since then, and he was relishing in the small toms slowly gathering skills of climbing, hunting, and fighting. He was still tiny, and decided his growth was just stunted as a small cat. Which he didn't mind!

With @Sweetybee not far behind, he would persist In climbing the height of the trees. Up there, Bobbie, Tigger pounce, and Drizzlepelt were conversing. A large grin spread across the boys face. "Hello! What's going on?" Green eyes were bright in excitement as he clung to the tree.
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
The older warrior watched from afar, wooly tail flickering in thought before letting his paws take him towards the clambering cats. He opted to stay below, already feeling the cold weather seep into his bones like sticky sap. He grunted, glancing over his shoulder, expression shifting from thoughtful to indifferent, helm straightening to peer at his fellow clanmates, torn ear flickering.

A twitch of his lips was the only thing noticeable despite the prominent tiredness that surrounded his bulky frame. He was a decent climber, but not when his bones crackled and popped, pulsating in tandem with the slow beat of his heart. He hated the constant reminder, but there wasn’t much he could do unless he wanted to bother Dawnglare, but Duskpool wasn’t keen on dealing with that soon ( preferably never ). “How about ya join ‘em?” He turned to his apprentice, jerking his chin towards the group, brow raised. “Get some practice in before we head back.” He rumbled, molten copper flickering to Edenpaw.

“Keep your head on straight, kid. Don’t need someone fallin’ off.” He commented to the other apprentice, wooly tail flickering as he took a few steps back, watching them with a deadpan optic.

thought speech
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oh, he doesn't want to climb anything! his mama was practicing but he was tired. with a dramatic yawn, he rubbed his eyes before sighing.

"okay... okay."

he furrowed his brows for a moment before climbing up onto a lower branch, but not without a ton of effort. with a groan, he plopped down with his legs randling on either side, his head resting on the branch itself.

"sleepy... don't worry mama, and duskpool. this is sucha purrrrfect sleeping spot."

he stretched out his claws with a yawn before slowly blinking and falling asleep in record time. at least he did do a bit of climbing... right?