private A silver shine that stretches to the sea ⚜ Willowburn


I'd let the world burn for you
Jan 17, 2024
*+:。.。 Duckshimmer couldn't quite be described as the ambitious type, but she certainly had her goals. What proper lady didn't? For the most part though, Duckshimmer lingered in a state of limbo - seeing no easy way to climb the ranks, nor feeling any strong need to sniff out cracks. Instead, she walked the plateau, doing her best to find the good graces first of those she found entertaining before taking a proper look at who had more to offer her. Willowburn was an interesting cat. Talkative, bordering on goofy, yet there was an intelligence behind every mannerism the tom exuded. He did not walk without knowing carefully where each step carried him, and that was a skill Duckshimmer greatly admired. It was about time she got to know him.

"Thank you, my dear, for joining me" Duckshimmer purrs as the two walk step by step through the marshland, bathed in the silvers of moon and starlight. "It's difficult not to crave a walk through this lovely time' she muses, periwinkle eyes shinning within the dark, "but when you're as small as me, well, the rule of traveling in pairs couldn't benefit me more" She studied his reaction, guiding it behind a long yawn, before her fur was ruffled by a soft breeze. Seeing her chance, she presses briefly against Willowburn, before looking up at him with a sheepish expression, "I probably should have expected it'd be this cold, though"

//i'm sorry this is so late!!! @Willowburn

    DFAB— She/Her — Bisexual
    30 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mother to Singepaw, Swallowpaw and Sneezepaw
    Shadowclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #ffa98f
    injuries: None currently
"Oh, as if I would miss such an opportunity to stroll with the ever elegant Duckshimmer herself. Consider me honoured, my dear." Willowburn cooed in his usual air of majesty and flattery. Spitting bile wasn't really his sort of thing anyway, not when there was more fun to be had from weaving a more precise binding chain and concocting a personalised poison over the good graces of time.

The moonlight picked at his usually dark pelt, catching him wherever a gap in the canopy failed to seclude him in shadow. It practically turned the browns to shimmering silvers, the gleam only heightened by his insistent care when grooming. "Ah yes, it is indeed wise to travel with a partner in these grim times. I can only pray that we can traverse our own home again someday soon without the fear of having our own throats torn out." He might have been a larger ShadowClanner than some of the others but even he knew that he was not immune to the risks of the territory at the paws of traitors and rogues. It paid to have allies.

The feel of the she-cat against his side was surprising, but not enough to throw Willowburn off his stride as he instead maintained his composure. The tom held his head a little higher as a chuckle rumbled through the depths of his chest. "Alas, even newleaf can still hold onto leafbare's chilly bite. But no matter, warmer days shall be upon us soon enough. Though if you find yourself feeling the nip of the air a little too much then feel free to stick close. I'm sure this old fluffy fur of mine can be useful for one thing at least."

Idly he curled his bushy tail upwards before his gaze trailed in the same direction until he was finally able to behold the blanket of stars hovering above their heads. Almost as if he had planned it they were beneath one of the wider gaps between the spruces where the sight of the sky was most clear. It was there that he allowed himself to pause in his travels so he could admire the majesty to its fullest. "StarClan has picked an excellent night for their gathering. I like to think that our lost comrades are watching us now, warm and happy side by side. A pleasant thought, wouldn't you think?" He purred as he turned his head in order to look down at Duckshimmer with a hint of curiosity.

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*+:。.。 //I'M SORRY THIS iS SO LATE!!

Battered her pretty lashes, she paints her face with rose-tinted bashfulness; a woman who hadn't expected a compliment so grand! "You flatter me," she gasps lightly, short of fanning herself with her tail to dispel her sudden timidness. Truthfully, it was! Willowburn was not a cat who's opinions could easily be taken lightly. He was as perfect a vision of conventional masculine attractiveness as one could get. With broad shoulders shimmering beneath swirling umber stripes that ribbon thick, well-maintained fur; piercing amber eyes like that of a cunning fox's with a devilish smirk so fittingly to pair - he was undeniably a heartthrob. A twinge of resentment pierced her like a sudden thorn upon her paw, but she shook it off as easily as taking another new step. Yes, it was easy to feel envy over one who not only had the good looks and charisma but the strength she so desperately craved to boot...but letting that irritation overcome her would only add grey hairs to her flawless coat.
In the meantime, she allowed herself, as she usually did, to be swept away by his charm. It wasn't a difficult feat. With the moonlight turning his handsome fur into a glowing mirage, adding a wolfish gleam to his handsome yellow eyes, he was a creature to be awed. She fights the urge to snort at his rather graphic imagery of losing one's throat to the unknown dangers. She might've even laughed as the image of contending with something that could tear out her jugular only made a shiver of longing for the thrill to run up her spine, but she felt closest to the urge to roll her eyes. Way to threaten the sweet moment she thinks, wondering with a suppressed playfulness if he knew how to play the part of a casanova or if he lived through rumors alone. Either way, the game had begun, and Duckshimmer refused to lose.

Downcasting her eyes, she meows, "No. Our home is not the most hospitable by any means..." For a heart's beat, she hesitates, before finally lifting her periwinkle blue eyes to meet his, "but I feel no such fear when you're by my side, Willowburn" There's almost a lilt of a question behind the statement, as though she's caught by surprise from her admission. A smile finally blooms petal-soft over her maw as, sincerely, she adds, "Shadowclan is blessed to have you, amongst its ranks" Just as I'm lucky to have you to myself went unsaid, but glowed as vividly as the moonlight caught in her adoring blue eyes.

Starclan, toms always drank up those sorts of lines.

Duckshimmer has to fight the urge to pout when her sudden brush up against him doesn't elicit any favorable reaction. She supposes that isn't too surprising. As 'elegant' as she is in his eyes, she can't possibly be the first molly to try and surprise him with a boundary breach. "My, a tom who sports a coat as breathtaking as yours has no business talking so lowly about it" Duckshimmer would giggle, before playfully pressing a little closer against him, "but I'll take you up on that offer" And warm he certainly was, his thick fur tangling with her own, feathery soft thanks to his maintenance. She thinks suddenly of Chilledstar then. How they spoke of that special heat from a loved one's fur that's all the cozier to appreciate when the world around is at its chilliest. For a brief moment, the prize at the end of this little game of Duckshimmer's blurs. She...presses even a little closer to Willowburn - not as noticeably as the first and second time, no, for curiosity like this one is born a little more timid.

Yeah...Willowburn was warm to the touch.
The thought is but a simple fact, but it carries with it a sudden punch she can't entirely put into words.

Either way, she blinks and quickly refocuses.
Or rather, the sudden lift of his plush tail drags her attention away from his soft flank. She follows the gesture, trailing her azure eyes to the broken fragment of sky amidst the spruces' canopy. Following in step with him, she easily slows down just as he does. With the end of their walk, so too concludes the rhythmic sway of paw over paw, resulting in Duckshimmer's lean against Willowburn becoming more prominent. She lets her eyes grow ever so slightly wider as she glances up at him, seeking out his reaction - as though fearing he might seize the opportunity to pull away. She hopes he doesn't. It would mean she wasn't doing a good enough job.

"I agree...I see nothing more lovelier" she meows, her voice as soft as Starclan's glow, although eyes never leave his face.

A pleasant thought?
She thinks about it for a moment, turning her nose and following its point to peek up at the splatter of white upon the inky depths of night's endless curtain. "It is..." She speaks with a softness that feels the most removed from her. In truth, she has no opinion. Up there, her father, mother, and brothers reside. She doubts that their eyes are among those curious enough to look down. They never quite did in life, after all. She lacks any bitterness over such a callous statement, however, for she would most likely pay them little heed herself were she dead in their place.
"I'd be glad to know they're warm" she says next, and this is true. Her family were not enemies, but neither were they close back when they still breathed the same air. Pressing now against Willowburn, she could imagine they all at least shared in that solitary cold. In death, she hoped they lost that silly pride that kept them untangled from each other's pelts.

Looking back at Willowburn, a true curiosity would sparkle in her eyes then. "I haven't lost many close to me; I can't say I have eyes worth searching for amongst the stars...but you, Willowburn? Do you have a comrade up there you wish well?" she asks, voices fragile with the invitation to deny her an answer. But she's deeply curious about it. What sort of cat did a tom like Willowburn grieve for?

    DFAB— She/Her — Bisexual
    30 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mother to Singepaw, Swallowpaw and Sneezepaw
    Shadowclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #ffa98f
    injuries: None currently
To have someone feel secure in his presence was rare to hear, but it was enough to stoke the flames of his ego. He was strong, smart, and swift with his claws, why wouldn't the others turn to him for protection and safety? Duckshimmer was blessed to have such a keen eye. Eyes that he could merrily lose himself within without hesitation or regret. Her appearance was not like that of a typical ShadowClanner, it was unique and beautiful. Something to be admired by all. The warmth being shared held with it a feeling he hadn't known since the days of being nestled into his mother's side. Oh how he had missed such days of vulnerability and closeness. It was freeing when living a life with his guard up near-constantly.

As they stood beneath the stars he felt the shift in the weight leaning into his side, and the new intensity of it causes his breathing to hitch ever so slightly. Needless to say but he liked the closeness. The tom leaned back into the she-cat as a way of reciprocating the act of affection. Slowly he aimed to bring his fluffy tail around her form. "I have been fortunate that my closest comrades live, but my mother is up there. I was named after her, and she loved me and my siblings with all her heart. It brings me some peace to know that she can still run and hunt even in death."

Willowburn's gaze broke away from the carpet of stars and he turned his amber gaze towards Duckshimmer. For a moment he looked truly vulnerable. "Sorry, I hope I'm not bringing down the evening. I just often don't get to see them this clearly, nor a chance to share what's on my mind."

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