camp a sky full of stars ~ BACK WRITTEN / PROMPT


She could hear the forest calling her name. It was like a little bird, perched on her shoulder, constantly pestering her...teasing her. A warm breeze ruffled her fur, and she took it in, savoring the smells it carried. She was out in the camp watching her kits play, she was trying to focus on them...engage with them...but there was something that kept tugging at her. I really want a squirrel.. Her favorite prey, passed down from her mother's love for squirrels. There was something about them that just made her feel at home. They carried the taste of the forest, and everything within. Besides the taste, they were the most fun to catch in her opinion. The thrill of the chase was exhilarating, and it made adrenaline rush throughout her body.

"I would kill for a squirrel right now." she would sigh, not realizing that someone had heard her.

anyone is welcome to respond, but howling will be the one to get her a squirrel (:
Nearby, Howlingstar lounges, head laid across crossed paws. An ear twitches as a fly buzzes around it, waking her from the nap she had been taking. She blinks the drowsiness from her eyes as a yawn splits her jaws, and glances sidelong as Flamewhisker murmurs about a squirrel. Her head tilts towards the fresh-kill pile, half-lidded eyes finding the bushy tail of a squirrel among the few pieces remaining.

She hoists herself onto her paws and pads past the queen, trilling gently, "Stay here, I'll get you one." She smiles and swishes her tail in a friendly manner before striding towards the pile and scooping the prey up in her jaws. She's quick to return to the nursery and drop the meal at the ginger she-cat's paws. Being a queen is hard work. The nursing, the contant need to watch the kits, the disciplining and teaching - it's the least she can do to bring her lead warrior a simple meal she'd been craving.

When casting a glance over to Berryheart it was often difficult to tell whether he was simply lounging or if he had fallen asleep in direct sunlight- those who knew him well would catch the attentive swivel of his ears, however. When relaxing in sunlight and no-one knew you were listening, the best tidbits of knowledge ended up weaving their way over to the medicine cat as he lay upon his nest. On sunnier days he never wandered far without said nest, decorated with the sweetest smelling azure blooms.

Hearing the small exchange between Sunset and Big Mama, a subtle smile crept onto his crooked maw. She was a kind soul, his mother... empathetic toward queens rather often, he'd observed. Having given birth to three litters, and then nursed an extra kitten on top of them- she likely knew how exhausting the work was. It wasn't anything he would ever want to do, certainly.

"Good choice..." he mumbled sleepily from where he lay, ever-ready to offer his expertise on foodstuffs- and it seemed Sunset had a well-developed palette.

Stay here, I'll get you one.

Her eyes widened as the voice of their leader offered to get her a squirrel. Her pelt burned with embarrassment, not realizing that she had spoken her wish loud enough for even Howlingstar to hear. She watched as the brown tabby traveled to the pile with the sole intent of fetching a squirrel for her. I should have gotten it myself! she thought, her ears burning.

As Howlingstar returned with the very squirrel she had been craving, she dipped her head embarrassedly. "Thank you...I'm sorry for having you fetch it." The leader had other things to do than that! As if on cue, her stomach would growl hungrily, and she let out a chuckle. "I think it approves!"