a sky so clear | orangeblossom

The returning border patrol had gone well enough that morning. They had been fortunate not to encounter any difficulties on patrol, both from neighbouring clans and any potential issues that might have stemmed from within their own territory. After marking up the borderlines, Howlfire had been more than happy to partake in a little race back to camp with some of the younger cats present on the patrol. They had finished what they needed to do so she saw no point why they couldn't have a little fun on the return journey.

The only downside to the race home came when they all burst back into camp, and Howlfire, in all her excitement nearly didn't stop in time before crashing into the deputy. Her own eyes widen in surprise at having nearly ran down the deputy, only to be replaced by a sheepish expression. "Sorry, Orangeblossom, I got a bit a carried away," Howlfire admitted, bowing her head a little in apology. "I didn't stand on your paw or anything did I?"
