- Feb 15, 2025
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Smudgeclaw trudged along the border with Privetfrost, the deputy leading the way on their little excursion. Being a relatively new addition to Duskclan, Smudgeclaw wasn't familiar with all the territory lines yet. Sure, he had figured out where those large trees and stones were, and relatively knew where the Windclan border was, but he'd never been in the direction of Shadowclan before now. The name seemed funny, Duskclan and Shadowclan had very similar monikers, yet he was well aware the cats of these woods were far from friendly to Duskclan. Coyotecrown had warned many times about not getting involved in a tussle, but curiosity about their neighbors had led to Smudgeclaw practically begging Privetfrost to go out here with him.
Not that he had needed to beg, Duskclan had many, many, young mouths to feed. The kits were practically little bottomless pits. Hunting in their own space had grown more or less fruitless, and a trip closer to the clan territory had led to a little more success. Smudge held a bird in his jaws as he quietly padded after Privetfrost, glancing around curiously. They were close to the scent lines, very close, and it was just too tempting.
"So, what do these other clan cats do if you just, step a tiny bit in?" He smirked, stepping closer to the line and casting a mischievous look at Privetfrost. He shouldn't do it, but...
"Oops." He feigned shock as he "stumbled" and stepped just a tiny bit over, before going back to Privetfrost's side. "Misstepped on accident, surely a little pawstep never hurt anyone. Besides, the strong clan deputy is here to protect us."
OOC: Please wait for @PRIVETFROST ! Will likely make a speedy retreat if spotted.
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