pafp A Smidge too Close - Shadowclan Border (Dusk Patrol)


Disaster Party
Feb 15, 2025

Smudgeclaw trudged along the border with Privetfrost, the deputy leading the way on their little excursion. Being a relatively new addition to Duskclan, Smudgeclaw wasn't familiar with all the territory lines yet. Sure, he had figured out where those large trees and stones were, and relatively knew where the Windclan border was, but he'd never been in the direction of Shadowclan before now. The name seemed funny, Duskclan and Shadowclan had very similar monikers, yet he was well aware the cats of these woods were far from friendly to Duskclan. Coyotecrown had warned many times about not getting involved in a tussle, but curiosity about their neighbors had led to Smudgeclaw practically begging Privetfrost to go out here with him.

Not that he had needed to beg, Duskclan had many, many, young mouths to feed. The kits were practically little bottomless pits. Hunting in their own space had grown more or less fruitless, and a trip closer to the clan territory had led to a little more success. Smudge held a bird in his jaws as he quietly padded after Privetfrost, glancing around curiously. They were close to the scent lines, very close, and it was just too tempting.

"So, what do these other clan cats do if you just, step a tiny bit in?" He smirked, stepping closer to the line and casting a mischievous look at Privetfrost. He shouldn't do it, but...
"Oops." He feigned shock as he "stumbled" and stepped just a tiny bit over, before going back to Privetfrost's side. "Misstepped on accident, surely a little pawstep never hurt anyone. Besides, the strong clan deputy is here to protect us."

OOC: Please wait for @PRIVETFROST ! Will likely make a speedy retreat if spotted.
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Of course, the mongrel rogue insisted on dragging him to the Shadowclan border to hunt alongside him. Smudgeclaw begged at his side like some submissive little kit throwing a tantrum, though Privetfrost would be lying to himself if he didn't inwardly enjoy the groveling. He understood it to come from a place of twisting one's own desires for the intended outcome, which soured such satisfaction that would have bloomed otherwise. So, the Duskclan deputy led the former rogue across the asphalt-laden Thunderpath, listening intently for the rumbling song of the bloodthirsty Monsters. Afterwards, they would reach the swamplands drenched in shadow that birthed an appropriate monikor for those that dwelled within.

The pair stopped besides the border, and the deputy's whiskers twitched as he caught upon the familiar marsh-scent of the border's edge. Smudgeclaw had already caught a bird, but Privetfrost knew he could not return to the scrublands without fresh-kill in jaw. At the other's mischievous parlay, he only offered an irritated snort. "Well, Shadowclan does not take kindly to trespassers, much like us. Though, times have called for us to disregard these borders at times, for we are starving and far more deserving of prey than the clan cats." Privetfrost droned onwards, stern gaze shadowed by some swirling emotion within fern-green eyes, as though his mere presence upon the stench of the clans was enough to paint a dour expression. Envy, a pang of restless hunger within, churned within him. None of the clans deserved such plentiful territories, while he and his kin were forced to crawl on their bellies where none else dared to go.

He only rolled his eyes as Smudgeclaw feigned stepping over the border. "Hmmph. Consider yourself lucky that you did not stay on the border for long. Granted, I doubt that Shadowclan will do anything to us. They, like the other clans, are cowards who talk before they unsheathe their claws." A scowl did not hesitate to cover his magpie-coated countenance next, as though his flinty stare had been carved of sable and night, sucking out the possible humor of the situation. Ears twitched and limbs tensed as he swore that something - no, someone - else had been watching them. He glanced quickly at Smudge, as if to signal that they should get ready to run.

  • OUT OF CHARACTER. IC opinions / Duskclan will likely flee after spotted! Attempted attacks are welcome but again Privet will run away
  • LdaLPZp.png
    —— Deputy of Duskclan / Snakehiss x Berrysnap / Former mentor of Mizzlepaw
    —— Wine-dark and white-tipped, almost like a magpie. He has black fur except for the tips of his ears, his muzzle and chin, a blaze on his chest, bottom portion of the legs, outer end of the tail, and along the upper ridges of eyes. He has ghost striping that can only be seen in certain sunlight and cold, fern-green eyes.
    —— A cool and calculating despot with little regard for those that do not fall within his plans. Hard to befriend and harder to maintain a steady friendship with, though he will humor one if they have something to offer him. Ambitious and ever-inquisitive of the curiosities of his own mind.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

Smudgeclaw groaned at Privetfrost's warning. What a spoil sport!​

"Oh please. There aren't even any other cats here right now. You're far too paranoid. And if they're all talk like you've said, I've talked myself out of far worse than a small little tizzy at a borderline." He knew it was true, though. The part of land Duskclan occupied had not been friendly with prey during leafbare. He saw no reason to respect the borders of these clans. How could one claim a whole forest anyway? A camp or a hollow sure, but to be so conceited as to declare a vast swath of land as for your claws only, well, he found the boldness admirable.

The clan cats of Shadowclan, Skyclan, Windclan, and whatever the others were named had to be fat with prey. He honestly couldn't be bothered to remember the rest. Lightningclan and Waterclan? Something like that, anyway.

Even if they did appear, he was confident he could outrun any threat. Besides, from the few glances he had seen of their patrols in passing, they seemed soft. Unbothered by the stresses of having to fend for themselves in the lands outside their own cozy dens.