private A Smile is Just a Frown (Flycatcher) Turned Upside-Down


Anxiety-Ridden Extrovert
Mar 3, 2023

His mentor was hurt.

Shinepaw didn’t know what he felt when he’d heard the news. Anger, pity, and self-loathing all swirled within him. Anger at the boar that did this to his friend. Pity towards a warrior now unable to serve his clan. Self-loathing towards the small-brained shaft of sunlight that hadn’t been there. In the back of his mind, somewhere, the apprentice probably knew that his help wouldn’t have made a difference. In fact, it likely would’ve made everything worse. Still, what was the point of learning if everyone got hurt before the lessons were usable?

It was with these thoughts hanging over him that Shinepaw padded towards the medicine den, intent on helping at least a little. He was no doctor, but the boy believed himself to be pretty good at cheering people up. Even if that was all he was good for.

A set of flaming ears were the first thing Flycatcher would see as Shinepaw entered, poking his head is and beaming a mask of a smile at the other. It pained him to see someone so strong stuck in this smelly den, but the last thing the deputy needed was the company of misery. “So, are you getting pretty boar-d in here?” he asked before stepping closer, already regretting the terrible (and slightly tasteless) pun. “…sorry, bad joke.” a small silence enveloped them, in which the Moggy produced a moss ball and rolled it towards his mentor idly, wanting to have some other task to occupy a racing mind while they talked.

“Seriously, though, you feeling okay? Need anything?” Sky-blue eyes kept flicking towards the sprain, wanting to ask all sorts of invasive questions, but even Shinepaw knew that was uncalled for.


Although many would find the medicine den to be a stuffy and unpleasant place, Flycatcher actually did not mind being here so much. The smell of the herbs could be a little distracting, but it was peaceful in here. He had only recently woken up when he hears pawsteps approach, and lifts his head to see Shinepaw entering and making a small joke of him being boar-d in here. Flycatcher chuckled a little at the joke, even more so when Shinepaw apologises. It was perhaps a little tasteless, but meant in good spirits.

"I'm fine don't worry," Flycatcher assures him, noting the frequent glances towards his sprain. "My paw is a little sore but I am resting and recovering and that is the important thing." There wasn't much else he could do to help his recovery other than do that. "How have you been? I hope you're still maintaining your training despite me being stuck in here."

Flycatcher said not to worry, but that was hard for the boy to do, given the circumstances. Shinepaw looked again to the injury - minor - but it could’ve been much worse. An anxious mind made a mountain out of the molehill, and again a pang of guilt for something he was powerless to stop shot through the shaft of sunlight. “I think being cooped up in here is the worst part” He said almost absentmindedly, an attempt to keep his mind away from more morose subject matter, taking a moment to stare at their rather dim surroundings. “I’d go crazy in here after a day. I don’t know how Berryheart does it…”

The scatterbrain was lost in another world now, thinking of what he would be like as a medicine cat. The thought of such clinical mundanity practically sent shivers down Shinepaw’s spine. The flame-tinted tomcat was brought back to earth by Flycatcher’s question, and it did nothing but make things one-sidedly awkward. “Uhh…” he started, not sure how to answer. Shinepaw had been training. Harder than ever, in fact. However, the boy felt like he was running in place.

Whenever Shinepaw was shown some new move or stance, the boy had said he’d understood right away, always eager to please. But that reluctance to ask for a refresher had taken a toll, and now the cat was quite certain most of his techniques were off the mark by a not inconsiderable margin. At this point, all the approval-hungry tomcat could think to do was dig himself deeper, keep maintaining the lie of competence until someone noticed and it all blew up in his face.

To that end, the shaft of sunlight would don his best forced smile. “Yup! I’m workin’ my tail off, trying to do what you told me.” Shinepaw couldn’t bring himself to lie, not outright. He was pushing himself, but what use was that when it was in the wrong direction? For a moment, the anxious apprentice let the truth slip through. “I hope you get outta here soon so you can help me out again!”

"Well, Berryheart doesn't just stay in the medicine den," Flycatcher said with a good-natured chuckle. Whilst Flycatcher found what Berryheart did to be mildly interesting, he could not imagine doing it himself. It seemed like peaceful work, but Flycatcher enjoyed hunting too much to give it up for a life of herbs and medicine.

Flycatcher waits patiently for Shinepaw's following answer, noting that his young apprentice seems lost in thought for a while. "I'm glad you're still keeping up with things," Flycatcher responded, with an appreciative nod. "If you feel uncertain of anything don't be afraid to ask another warrior for pointers. I'm sure Burnstorm would answer any questions." When Shinepaw comments on him getting out of the medicine den soon, Flycatcher laughs. "Don't fret, this injury won't keep me away for long!" He vowed.