a sockhop beneath my bed; intro & morning swim





early dawn was creeping up into the sky when sunpaw snapped awake. he'd been tossing and turning all night for no real reason, random dreams of faceless fights and nearly catching fish plagued him but they meant nothing other than nips of anxiety. the chimera apprentice sat up with a face-splitting yawn, standing and arching his back in a stretch for a moment before carefully stepping through the maze of nests, trying to avoid any stray tails or paws. he poked his head out of the apprentice's den, looking for anyone else awake. he'd prefer to slip out of camp without being called for patrol today, surely he could take a morning to himself.
as he exited the sleepy warmth of the den he was met with crisp autumn air, he could smell morning dew on all the plants around camp. the chilly air made him fluff his pet a little, but with another stretch and a shake he was fine. he wasn't going to be deterred by a little breeze. he strode out of camp casually, as to not raise any suspicions; once he'd succeeded he let down his guard and turned his odd-eyed gaze toward the sky, admiring the growing light of sunrise. usually when he was out at this time he was busy looking at borders and finding food.
damp, chilly paws finally delivered him to the river, his belly fur was scraggly with dew and grass scraps that he'd accumulated. if the morning air hadn't fully woken him up, the water certainly did. the gentle current tugged through his fur and reached to, what felt like, the very fiber of his being. a moment later he breached from the water and pulled himself up onto the shore, shaking his pelt out before noticing the sound of pawsteps approaching him. it seems he'd been found.
☼ ☀ ☼

Although poor sleeping habits are a plague on Snakeblink’s life, he can’t deny being awake at odd hours has its advantages. It gives him time to himself before the large majority of the clan is up and awake, to daydream and observe the going ons of late sleepers or early risers. He likes to keep an eye out for unusual things — things such as an apprentice leaving camp at dawn all alone, with a particular kind of affected nonchalance that seemed too casual.

Smart enough not to bring attention to himself… but not yet experienced enough to look entirely natural. Snakeblink's interest is immediately piqued. He usually doesn’t bother with apprentices’ affairs: they’re the business of their mentors, if anyone’s. This one, though… this one he follows, taking care not to be noticed doing so.

Some may call him nosy, but Snakeblink prefers to consider himself vigilant.

He shadows the younger tom — whose bicolor pelt he recognizes, though he can’t quite recall his name — on a short distance and watches him dive into the river with relish. He’s almost disappointed: an adolescent cat going on an early morning swim neither concerns nor interests him. Still, he doesn’t want to have come up all this way for nothing, and wonders if there isn’t something worthy of note to get out of this apprentice. Why he looks so shifty, for instance...

No longer taking care to go unnoticed, Snakeblink makes his way to the edge of the water and stares down intently at the apprentice.

"Good morning… you," he says, realizing too late he really can’t recall this one’s name. "Enjoying a slow morning?"

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 34 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

bounceheart ✧ she/her ✧ riverclan warrior (=˃ᆺ˂=)

A plague of early mornings and restless nights nested itself on the dauntless molly. Learning to sway with the tides of sleep kept her going. Sleep was becoming short intervals - twenty minute naps separated by long, unwavering hours. One had to succumb to their sleep cycle to survive, and her rest had become definition of cat naps. Night was the most difficult, because she would lay in her nest at night awaiting the next lull of slumber.

Having awoken from a strange dream, the warrior set off for an early morning stroll. The sky swelled with orange as the sun escaped the horizon, giving her a strange warm/contented feeling that battled the breeze. It was almost too bitter to will yourself into the waters - but an opportunity had struck her. Down the bend, she spotted two semi-familiar figures. With her elevated mood, Bounceheart decided that the pair were in need of a prank - especially the apprentice. Trainees could always use some playful subjugation.

Her tail began to flick as she settled down into the water for her mischief. If it had not been for her determination to prank, she surely would have gasped as the chill water bit her toes. Instead, she sank down in and held her breath and dove deeper. As Sunpaw had turned his attention to Snakeblink, she would attempt to splash him from behind as she broke the surface. Whether or not she scared or splashed him, she would remain in the water to avoid any backlash from the shore.

"Be careful, monsters swim in the waters at night," she teased. ​


he gave snakeblink a sheepish smile, fluffing his damp fur against the breeze. fortunately the older cat wasn't demanding of him, some of the warriors were more strict. as he opened his mouth to answer the tabby's question a surprised squeal escaped him instead as bounceheart splashed him, he could barely comprehend what she said after being so alarmed.
he turned around with his fur spiked out and dripping, on his toes ready to face his attacker. as he recognized the warrior she-cat he lowered into a crouch as if to pounce on her while growling playfully "well i can't let monsters invade our river!" he laughed and jumped in the water enough to cause a splash; suddenly he remembered snakeblink was there and probably caught in the crossfire, the apprentice popped up behind bounceheart, using her as a shield of sorts "you can't say that this was my fault, honestly. i had to protect the clan!" they were riverclan cats anyway, what was a little brisk water?
☼ ☀ ☼

Snakeblink notices the grey shadow moving under the surface seconds before it comes up behind Sunpaw, but barely has the time to think that is one big fish before Bounceheart’s head pops out of the water with a great splash. It takes all he has not to jump out of his skin in surprise, and he gets so focused on keeping his composure that he can do nothing to avoid being sprayed with water.

He blinks droplets out of his eyes just in time to see Sunpaw bracing for a jump. He leaps before Snake can do anything to stop him, wild laughter ringing in the air as he hits the water.

There’s no avoiding the splash this time. Snakeblink is drenched in an instant and chilled to the bone once the morning breeze hits his dripping fur. He slowly wipes the water from his face and throws the apprentice a peeved look. It soon turns into a teeth-filled smile as his eyes meet Bounceheart’s, and her mischievous air sparks an idea.

You should be careful who you make an enemy of, " he threatens dramatically. "There are things worse than monsters in these waters. "

Saying this, he takes a deep breath and dives after them both, aiming to drag Sunpaw underwater in retaliation.

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 34 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo