The dusk loomed inevitably, the light growing low- he did not know how Figfeather was the warrior he had ended up next to at mealtime, but he was not opposed to it. They'd grown up together, and- it was odd to think that they were both warriors now. That they had the same responsibilities as the cats they'd pretended to be as kits. And- he'd always felt a small thread of envy toward Daisyflight's children, that their mother listened to them- loved them like they were the only thing in the world to her.

He was not envious of them now.

They had sat in silence for a few moments, Twitchbolt leaning down to take a bite out of his squirrel, when a memory snagged in his mind. And- thankfully it was a fond one; one that rang of embarrassment and panic at the time, but looking back on it was one of the best memories he had of his former mentor. "Y'know," he hummed, a small twitch of the eyelid obscuring one of his eyes, "I once accidentally threw one of these right at Blazestar's head." A snow-stockinged paw motioned to the squirrel before him. "Daisyflight, she- she laughed like it was the funniest thing she'd ever seen. I'd never- never seen her laugh like that before," and at the warmth of the memory a smile played on his maw, wobbly as it was. That moment- that was when he'd realised she wasn't as harsh or dismissive as many of the other adults he'd met.

penned by pin ✧