pafp A spectacle so theatrical ❧ asking about the stranger

Feb 20, 2024

Being nosy was something that Florabreeze prided herself on, though it had landed her in trouble before. Things have improved considerably since she was caught snooping through Fireflyglow’s herbs but she wouldn’t ever forget about it. Still, she adored dealing in knowing what others were thinking and doing, it leaned towards being a gossip, well okay- she is a gossip but she took pride in it. The latest topic on her mind was that of Butterflytuft, the permaqueen was very considerate and kind but that’s not why she was thinking about her. No, the topic on Florabreeze’s mind was the fact that she had shown up to camp with first of all, a kit in toe, which was an interesting topic on its own.

That thought process was stashed away for another day because the Maine Coon was much more interested in the stranger that she had brought with her. Edmund, a name that she didn’t know. A mysterious tom adorned in cinnamon and white fur, there was a cleanliness to him that lead Florabreeze to believe that he was a kittypet. The scent of twoleg also would be a good indicator but the daylight warrior herself had been known to be well groomed so she just assumed that was also an indicator of kittypet heritage.

Today as she arrived to camp she made a beeline straight to the nursery, looking for a particular fluffy Tortoiseshell. “How’s the little bud doing?” She asked curiously as she noticed the she-cat sitting by the front of the nursery. A bright smile behind a curious tone is what Butterflytuft sees. It was clear that she was genuinely interested in how the little kit was doing. Though after listening to how the kit was doing her fluffy tail started swaying behind her in a manner that indicated that she was in a mischievous mood.

“Sooo that mysterious stranger huh?” Her tone blossomed into something more playful as she spoke. Florabreeze shifted her weight on her paws to shuffle around where she stood, thinking about what specific questions she should ask. There were so many possibilities but she thought that she should start from the beginning. “How’d ya meet? Should I expect to see him around camp in future?” There was more to be fishing for but the bubbly she-cat thought that slowly asking more questions would be better than bombarding her all at once.

  • @butterflytuft

  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    33 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

Budkit has certainly been growing quickly, but every so often when she looks at her, she is reminded of the tom that made it possible for her to get here safely. She hasn’t seen Edmund for a while now, not since he’d left after making sure she got home safe with the kit. I’d like to see you again, He had said. She can’t help but wonder, when will again be? They were awfully kind to help her, and she could see them becoming a good friend of hers.

She lifts her head as Florabreeze approaches, a bright smile crossing her muzzle. She’s always happy to talk about Budkit! “She’s doing so well. Moving around more and more, I think she’s getting stronger,” She mews softly, her voice light and airy with delight. Glimmering eyes peer into the nursery to see where she sleeps soundly in their shared nest, a purr rising in her throat. Florabreeze’s next question catches her off guard, though, and she lifts her gaze back to her in surprise. “Oh…do you mean Edmund?” That’s the only mysterious stranger she can think of. He had been quite mysterious, hadn’t he? “I don’t really them all that well,” The tortoiseshell admits sheepishly, shrugging. “He, well, found me and Budkit. After Twitchbolt led the dog away. I was hurt, so he offered to help us get home. I don’t…I don’t know if we’ll see him again, honestly.” She’d like to, but is it realistic? Not very. At least SkyClan can take comfort in knowing they have a kindhearted neighbor in Twolegplace.

It brought comfort and relief knowing that Budkit was steadily developing, there was always a pessimistic concern for the little scrap whenever Florabreeze saw her. Never prevalent enough to ask Butterflytuft if she was doing okay but there was always a worry that since she was found in upsetting or maybe rather unexpected? Circumstances that fate would have some other nasty surprise waiting in making her unable to grow to her full strength. These concerns are laid to rest for good at Butterflytuft’s words, she nods as she takes her place next to the queen. Making it clear that she had plans to continue chatter between them. “Do you think she’ll be a pretty social kit when the time comes?” Kits were funny to her, always having such distinct personalities at the first chance they got at showcasing them.

She can’t help but wonder if that mysterious stranger of Butterflytufts would be remembered by Budkit if he visited her when she’s older. She’d presume not, even if this kit grew to be extremely social she can’t imagine she’d remember a passing face if their paths never crossed for a long time to come, no matter how much of a positive influence he was in their brief time together. “Edmund! Is that his name?” A mischievous glimmer in her eye as she leans next to the queen in a conspiratorial manner. “Did he talk much on the journey back home? If not this really just seems to add more to his mysterious stranger personality, like a hero in a story huh?” She sighs wistfully, it all sounded rather exciting. Of course she can paint these pictures and be teasing about it now that everyone was safe and sound.

“Surely you’ll see him again, hopefully in better circumstances” she’d hate for another dog to be found around here, nasty things. She hated walking by twoleg nests that had them, they hated her equally as much. “Was he nice? He’s gotta be if he walked an injured queen and a defenceless kit back to their clan” she was disappointed that she wasn’t afforded the opportunity to corner him to talk. This only added to the mystery, it hooked her attention and she couldn’t seem to let the topic drop as this was the fascination of the day.

  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her, Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, 34 moons (ages on the 12th)
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}


"You sound pretty taken with this 'Edmund' character, Florabreeze. " teased Johnny with playful smirk from a few paces away where he was idly batting a pebble between his paws, resting after a long hunt in the sun. He wasn't trying to interrupt, but it was hard not to get invested in this mysterious stranger when his clanmates were making him sound so interesting. Chances were the cat was just a nice guy helping out a distressed shecat and kit, but his fellow daylight warrior had a way of painting them as far more noble than that. "Was he really that impressive? Maybe I should go and meet him for myself, see if he's worth all the fuss. " They could always use more good warriors in the clan, and if either shecat was harboring a crush on mr mysterious, it would certainly be fun to watch that unfold.

The tone of the conversation changes so fast! First, she is nodding along, agreeing that she thinks Budkit will indeed be a social kitten once she gets older - after all, she's become quite the little explorer! She of course, she always appreciates Florabreeze's attentiveness and concern over her daughter's well-being. It's so nice to have clanmates who care. But Florabreeze seems awfully curious about Edmund and she can't help but duck her head bashfully, her gaze softening. "Yes, Edmund." An odd name. Like she had been Gaia, before SkyClan happened. She nods a bit, smiling softly, "He didn't talk much. He was carrying Budkit. But he was very kind, and considerate. He helped me when I needed it most." Her gaze drifts off momentarily, recalling the memory of the kittypet's brief presence. To think she'd been afraid of him at first!

Her teasing about him being a hero in a story brings out a chuckle. "He certainly appeared out of nowhere. Like a ghost!" She muses with a thoughtful flick of her tail. "But...I do hope we see him again. He deserves my thanks. I'd love the chance to properly introduce him to SkyClan sometime." As Johnnyflame interjects playfully, the tortoiseshell's smile widens. "Oh, Florabreeze is awfully good at making the simplest stories sound exciting," She remarks with a fond glance back at the she-cat. She does nothing but giggle a bit at the lead warrior's comment that he should go meet him, but at the back of her mind, that hope does linger. She'd like for their paths to cross again someday.