pafp a specter who can't make a sound .. sneaking

It was something akin to curiosity and concern that kept the blue point at a fair distance... Each step watched in idle anticipation expecting- expecting what?

The wind whistled past the reeds as if to answer that there was no real answer. It was just silly passive thought- inquiries meant to be nosy and seek out information. They had no reason to suspect anything other than the simple lack of knowing. It had crossed their mind time and time again now that she might be the next bird to fly free from wanton claws, gouging at the sky with malicious cruelty to strike that feathery fiend from its escape.

No more helpless birds...

RiverClan could not become a flock of wildly fluttering ducks in a flurry of alarm, losing sight of each other and crashing through the clouds with reckless fear and disregard- birds only flew so well and so efficiently in those funny little patterns; in groups. Were the Clans not so different from that? A brother in arms lost weakened the whole, it left gaps in their armor like plucking scales from a fish to see its sensitive skin beneath.

Slinking through the tall weeds with ginger paws, Lichentail surveyed for a short while- following like a fox hunting an unknowing target between the brush. And finally she found her moment to creep forward, an ashen shadow.


Letting out a long, annoyed sigh, the cat stood up, giving up the charade of their fake-hunting, looking towards the dark-furred molly with a frown of disappointment. "Yanno I was pretty confident I could sneak up on you this time," they announced. Looking down at the inopportune stick they'd managed to break between over-eager toes, they kicked it slightly aside, "Got close- dumb stick." An embarrassing mistake, one only an apprentice or fool-hardy young warrior might make.

They opted to use the excuse that they weren't back up to par yet, even if Ravenpaw had dismissed them as 'healed' and 'totally fine' and to 'please stop bothering him.' Huh! And here they'd thought he spent all that time nagging them to stop leaving the den!

As if a child seeking reassurance, a question tumbled from a nervous maw, "Be honest with me- was it the stick that gave me away or did you already notice me?"

-- please wait for @BONERIPPLE to post ! --​
જ➶ Paws dabble in the mud, shifting through it as Iif looking for something. Honestly she is looking for tadpoles. The river sometimes holds frogd, they like any place with water and she likes to chew on tadpoles. But her luck is not so good so far. Though she has little issue with getting her pale paws dirty given that she held from a place that was mostly swamp and brackish waters. Flicking her tail a little she keeps her eyes trained on her goal but she has also been listening. Keeping her senses tuned and she has been hearing small steps behind her. Though the scent alludes her because of the direction she is finding herself amused because there is only one that attempts to sneak up on her. Lichentail. They have been trying lately and she enjoys their little game which also can be seen as stealth training. Her paws push at mud and then suddenly there is a snap as a twig is stepped on and breaks. "Hahaha!" The laughter explode out of her sounding jovial and bright as she turns around.

Her guess is right and it is Lichentail. The long and disgruntled sign makes her maw turn up in an amused smile as she looks to the stick that broke the whole scenario. The thin huntress fixes her gaze on them and she shakes her head. "Actually you were pretty close before I heard you. But yeah, it was before the stick. You still walk with a lot of weight on your paws." Still it had been a good attempt and she is proud of the other for giving it a good go. "I bet you could sneak up on a frog now."
So absorbed in her own hunt for a different type of prey, Steepsnout missed Lichentail creeping through the reeds right until they announced themselves. The magpie-pelted molly bumped into the clearing they now stood in with Boneripple. Teeth on her tongue, she waited for their exchange to slow before offering her opinion.

"Better'n what I could do- I might as well have hooves for paws. I'd sound like a duck flapping around." Steepsnout slapped her broad paws against the dust in emphasis. Okay, a bit of an exaggeration- she wasn't that bad and if anyone told her so they'd be hit behind the ears but Lichentail's forlorn expression was enough to get her to say otherwise. Besides, the first part was definitely true.

Then, reconsidering Boneripple's words, confusion crept up on her. The white of her snout wrinkled, pressing into eyelids that blinked unevenly. "I never got the whole 'don't put too much weight on your paws' thing. Kinda abstract."

PETALPAW — Keep about your wits.
The river lands undergrowth was no match to the forests, but much to a younger Petalpaw’s surprise- there were a pawful of pockets that held the tangles of grass and shrubbery that could compare to their neighbors.
She’s working on her stealth herself, letting blades of grass slip cautiously against her flank in silence, the dew that still clung to its shaded stems offering cushion to her impact.
She has barely broken into the clearing herself with she hears the muffled voices up ahead. Her ears snapping forward she takes another step forward just as the sudden crack of Boneripples laughter brings her into full view.
In all honesty, Petalpaw had not expected to walk right into a group of clanmates, and now she felt a bit awkward, as if she were intruding.
Though her body language is trained to show otherwise, and she takes the last couple of pawsteps to close the gap between her and the three warriors.
Steepsnout grumbles something about not understanding how to be light on one’s paws, and Petalpaw’s own head tilts in brief thought.
"It’s about the amount of force you put behind a paw step." She answers after only a heartbeat- the phrase one of the first her mentor had taught her early on in her apprenticeship.
"If you’re putting your weight in every pawstep, you’re going to make more sound when your paw hits the ground." Petalpaw continues, not caring for the context before the ivory tabby had arrived. Half-mindedly she glances over her shoulder, wondering when her mentor would trail in after her.

Unfortunately, Cindershade had not been present for the initial failed attempt of Lichentail's stealth. (And if she was, she'd have definitely reveled in the squawking of her clan mate with one of her own). The raucous laughter of Boneripple had caught her ears, curiosity driving her closer as the bi-colored woman nearly cackled at the blue pointed lead. It was a foreign sound from her, bringing raised brows upon her features as she trails behind Petalpaw to the gathering group. Velveteen ears prick at the topic of conversation, a slight widening of verdant eyes as they sparkled with a faint mirth. Stealth was a quality she had reinforced in her seasons with the Two-Leg Place and residing in the Marsh colony. Perhaps in another life, if she had never met Cicadastar nor followed his lead—she'd still be gliding along the marshland ground and sticking with what she knew the best—shadows.
An indication that she listens to the advice from Boneripple and Petalpaw; the lead warrior flicks her ears with a slight nod in agreement. They were right, shifting your paws was indeed the key to a silent gait. At Steepsnout's exaggeration, Cindershade pushes a huff of laughter from her lips, amused with her exaggeration and it's truthfulness. The rosetted woman's tail flicks, sharp hues lingering on Lichentail. "Distributing your weight evenly along your paws is essential. As the say—stay on your toes." A smirk then appears upon dark features, pink scars along her snout pinching as she did. "Or you can flop around like a duck just like Steepsnout does. Your choice." The woman then laughs again, her gaze flitting to the young warrior.

Littlepaw was in no way fond of Cindershade... but she also didn't want to embarrass herself in front of her clanmates by being rude to a superior. She smiled placidly from the other end of the clearing before joining the rest of them. "Yeah, you have to be pretty light on your feet. I thought it was pretty weird too, the first time I heard it, but I figured it out pretty quickly." Her words weren't meant to sound stuck up or like she was better than them, but that... that's how they came out, really.
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly
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The light airy sound of a clan-mate's laughter was enough to steal some of the tension from their shoulders... Boneripple was a good sport, and kind... It was hard to imagine her as anything but a faithful servant of the river- the imagery of shadows clinging to her paws and licking at her like a starving dog licked it lips made Lichentail's skin crawl.

The honesty was not lost on the blue point; still too loud, paws too heavy on the forest floor... Well, that was fine. She was no master land-prey hunter, just birds and fish. The suggestion to set their sights on a new prey animal did steal their interest bringing them to tilt their head slightly in intrigue. Frogs huh... Those are pretty hoppy... and slimy... An interesting challenge drawn in the sand.

A few more voices sound off some harmless discussion on what being 'light' even means, Steepsnout offering a kind support of Lichentail's failure (though they loathed the pity) mostly followed up by tight lipped sneers and insistences that it wasn't as complicated as it sounded. Scrunching up their nose in slight distaste for the chimed in opinions of apprentices, the lead couldn't help the way the fur on the back of their neck rose in annoyance.

She didn't ask for everyone's opinions...

"Yes yes, I'm well aware of the fundamental rules," they respond plainly, flicking a crooked tail before continuing, "You're all more than welcome to join in the practice too- Boneripple's a good sport.. and has exceptional hearing near as I can tell."