camp A Spoonful of Sugar ~,'ꕥ',~ prompt, spring cleaning, warrior's den



she/her || 17moons || RiverClan Warrior

With New-Leaf rolling in full force, Frozenlake was getting increasingly more restless to change out the old, crunchy and dry moss from her nest and replace it with something much softer and nicer. On top of that, there was the matter of clearing and reorganizing her collection of little trinkets and, on top of even that, there were so many other nests that had to be tolerated for their ugliness in Leaf-Bare, but Frozenlake couldn't stand the sight of now. Honestly, who wanted to sleep on crunchy moss? Like, ok, sure maybe they couldn't replace moss super easily when snow covered the ground, but at least have your nest nicely decorated with stones or feathers so it's presentable. Some cats just couldn't appreciate the art of a nice nest!

Dutifully going about her work, Frozenlake removes the pretty little pebbles that surround her nest and starts piling them with the odd few feathers she's already removed. Those could all go into the new nest she made but this moss? Yeah, that had to go. Inwardly cringing - because... gross... - the young she-cat starts collecting the old moss into a pile she could easily grab to dispose of. It's only as she's nearly done clearing out her own nest that she realizes maybe it would be polite to offer to the other cats she shares her den with. Part of her wants to be selfish and to just work on her own nest, but the other part of her knows better. She'd start cleaning everyone's nests without asking, but that's a surefire way to get her ear clawed for riffling through other's things, so, with a small, dramatic sigh, Frozenlake plaster's a smile on her face and turns to the den.

"Anyone want help refreshing their nests?~" There's a playful lilt to her tone, as if she couldn't be happier to clear away gross, dry bedding from nests she didn't sleep in. Truly, her clanmates should thank her for her generous offer. StarClan only knows how much she does not want to touch gross old bedding, let alone put in in her mouth. Bleugh, no thank you! ​
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Robinheart has not taken the initiative to clean up her nest yet. Newleaf was certainly the time to do so - to clear out the old withered moss that cradled her through leafbare and replace it with the new moss of the season. However she struggles to bring herself to replace her nest, for replacing the moss will erase whatever scent lingers of Brookstorm. Their nights spent huddled together, nests nearly interwoven. There are positive memories soaked into brittle nesting material; memories that are all Robinheart has left of their whirlwind relationship.

It's over now and holding onto what fragile threads remain certainly cannot be good for the young warrior.

Frozenlake's offer settles on the tortie's ears and Robinheart considers for a second before nodding. This may very well be the initiative she needs to finally clear away the remnants of her time with Brookstorm. At least... for the time being. She knows in just over a moon's time she will have permanent reminders of the stone blue molly curled at her belly. "I wouldn't mind some help," Robinheart says with a soft smile, though it is apparent there is a hidden sadness flickering in sun-hued eyes. "There's no special pebbles or feathers to set aside in my nest. It's just moss and reeds." That should make the task relatively easy.
( penned by kerms )

Ferngill had been giddy for days, and the sight of his nest- their nest- made him even happier. Diligent work had been paid to keeping it as spick and span as possible- no trace of dirt or dust or bugs, no withering moss for them! Sablemist deserved only the best, and he had made a vow in himself to give her the best from the moment he'd asked her to be his mate. He couldn't deny, maybe he was a bit oblivious at the moment with how dreamy every day had felt- Frozenlake's offer for help caught his attention, pulling him up like a caught fish from the trance of nest-inspection he's been in.

"We could do with some moss that's a bit newer," he decided, giving Frozenlake a grateful smile.Robinheart's subdued tones caught his attention then- her words sounded just a little empty, at close inspection. Recently he'd been motivated to help others more than ever, and... if it looked like Robinheart was feeling bad, then his nest could wait.

"Oh, but you first, Robinheart." He flashed the tortoiseshell a sunshiney grin. "I'll help out if you need it!"
penned by pin
♡​ why you so obsessed with me ♡​

bronzeshine & 26 moons & female & she/her & riverclan warrior

Bronzeshine twitched an ear. Cleaning out the nests could be a good idea. Robinheart's flicker of sadness didn't go unnoticed by her, though she figured it wasn't her business. The gossip could wait until they at least weren't in the middle of the warrior's den. Though she did make a note to ask her about it. "I can do my own," she mewed, reaching to claw at the dry moss in her nest.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —

  • sassy | flirty | proud | vain | irascible

    physically moderate && mentally moderate
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please tag account if attacking

There was a certain... messiness to Quickjaw's space. Strands of dried reeds rarely seemed as weaved together as others nearby and, though it was void of trinkets, the strands of cream and red fur that settled upon it suggested it was not as changed as regularly as it should've been. He'd like to say that it wasn't his fault, that because it wasn't his duty as a warrior he didn't see a need to do it, but it was laziness that plagued him this time, purely and simply. He was not a cat that spent enough time in the warrior's den to mither about the way his nest looked and, by the time he returned after a long afternoon of either patrolling or snoozing, he couldn't imagine spending time sorting something out that could be fixed at a later date - it was just a shame that later date had never come in the moon since he'd moved to the warrior's quarters. Drawn to the commotion in the aforementioned place, Quickjaw hopped out of the way of a clanmate dragging some bedding outside, quickly getting the message as more and more warriors seemed to get involved. A glance was offered to Robinheart, blinking at her weariness.

Yeesh, he knew tidying could be miserable, but was it that bad? Falling back on his haunches, the premise of spring-cleaning lost on him, the sepia flame point rest the back of his head on the brambles. "Y'know what makes cleaning go quicker? Stories," he licked his lips, recounting gossip he'd heard from others with the tap of a hindpaw. "A few little birdies told me that some of ya'll are sharing more than just tongues with your clanmates. You're sharing... glances." A glance to Robinheart, then, to Ferngill - a smile crept upon the young warrior's face as he did so. Frozenlake was older than him, a little bit more responsible, still, he hoped the conversation would be juicy enough for her to be involved too. Maybe even Bronzeshine, though the she-cat seemed content minding her own business. "Sooooo, tell me who you like. I already know, so you can be honest in front of ol' Quickjaw, yeah?" His own nest remained blissfully untouched without intervention from others.

she/her || 17moons || RiverClan Warrior

Ok, ok! Lotsa nests to be cleared out, it seemed! Only slightly overwhelmed by how many cats petitioned her help after her offer, Frozenlake smiles, unwilling to show that she had expected maybe one request for help rather than... um... two requests for help, one cat who was doing her own nest, and Quickjaw getting in the way... ahem... Quickjaw providing commentary as always. "I'll run and get some new moss then!~" She announces before bounding out of the den with a buoyant bounce to her steps.

It doesn't take very long for her to collect as much fresh moss and reeds as she can fit in her jaws and - a little more slowly now that she's encumbered - Frozenlake pushes her way back into the warrior's den. Dutifully, she sets aside what she guesses is about an even about of bedding between her own nest, Robinheart's nest and Ferngill's nest - though she can't help but comment inwardly that the Lead warrior's nest seems rather big for just one cat... oh well, not her business. "I don't think I managed to grab enough for you, too, Bronzeshine, sorry about that! I'll just have to make another trip is all." There's a pleasant lilt to her tone, one that's not overly sorry but polite enough. As she continues to talk, she begins helping Robinheart first, as Ferngill said before. "Oh, hush up, Quickjaw, you're worse than a creaky old elder with all your gossip!" There's no hostility to her words, but she does roll her eyes. And then, a little more softly, she asks Robinheart, gesturing to the dried up moss with a paw; "May I?"

Ferngill's sunshiny smile is not lost on the tortoiseshell molly. It brightens her mood just a little bit, for what kind of friend would she be to ignore a show of goodwill. Even if his happiness over a positive relationship makes her heart ache all the more. Robinheart would never consider herself better than the flame tom but didn't she at least deserve stability and happiness as well? The thought is pushed out of her mind just as quickly as it manifests and she nods gratefully in regards to his offered assistance.

Bronzeshine is fine with replacing her own moss and it makes Robinheart feels somewhat guilty for accepting Frozenlake's offer - the tortie certainly was capable of doing it herself, but having someone else handle the moss that once lined a nest she shared with Brookstorm would make clearing it away all the easier. And then there is Quickjaw. If only his name had been Quickfoot then maybe he'd be more useful in completing tasks rather than jabbering away in search of fresh news to occupy his mind. Robinheart is certain her predicament is the front page news of his mental newspaper, but that doesn't mean she wants to indulge his nosiness. Rather than say anything she merely leaves the flame point to gather information from Ferngill or Bronzeshine or even Frozenlake upon her return with fresh moss.

"Thank you," Robinheart murmurs as Frozenlake motions a paw towards the dried moss of her nest. The tortoiseshell pulls free some of the brittle bedding, setting it off to the side. Her denmate aids in clearing away the used moss and little by little the fragments of happier times disappear from her nest, replaced by fresh moss with a fresh start.
( penned by kerms )