private a story of a queen // gift giving; azalea

periwinklepaw | 08 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
It had not yet dawned upon Periwinklepaw just how much he considered azaleapaw his friend until he'd seen her that day upon the border, blue fur soaked in blood. He'd pushed past his revulsion, his fear, and been able to go to her - see if she was alright. It was something he had only managed a pawful of times; always for the sake of those closest to him.

It wasn't too unexpected he supposes, he'd been curious about the younger girl for a long while now - had wanted to see the truth of her character, distinguish fact from fiction. Was she really just a soft hearted, lazy kittypet? Or was she like him - different, misunderstood. He's not sure she's either to be honest, but somehow he cares anyways. He'd spent more time with her and dazzlepaw of late then he had with anyone besides dustpaw and aspenpaw, and he was enjoying it. the comfort of having a friend - someone to trust, to hold close. But did she know he felt that way? He as never been good at expressing himself after all - words have never come easily to him on the best of days

And so on one sleepless night, he slips away - ignoring tigerfrost words of warning. He wanders the moorlands, seeking and searching out the perfect gift. A commemoration of their friendship. It takes nearly all night, but he finds it at last - hidden away at the outskirts of the territory, a sleek purplish-black flow just opening in bloom. Sharp teeth carefully pluck it by it's stem, and he's quick to make his way back to camp. He guards it like the most precious treasure until the sun is in the sky, the camp bustling with life. Only than does his leave his nest, his own collection of keepsakes, and join the outside world.

Soft pawsteps carry him over to his friend - a bit hesitant but eager nonetheless. He looks nervous, bashful, shy. A bright smile on his face even as he drops the helebore down at the younger felines paws, head tipping to the side as clear gaze seeks to find approval "I f-f-found this... it remin-ded m-me of you, 'cause i-it's blue and p-p-pretty," he says it so simply, so factually - as though it cannot be argued against. It's the first time he's ever been so open with a gift - he can't help but wonder if she'll hate it.

// @Azaleapaw