Quailbreeze, his enemy. She had once been his sister. Someone who he loved and gave his life for, well almost. The whole reason why they even became Windclanners was because of him. He had been injured protecting her and she dragged him here where they tended to him in exchange for their service. Soon enough they found themselves remaining here for some moons now. Things used to be fine between them before she started losing her mind. Who was she? Couldn't she see that Sootstar was doing what was best for them and by rejecting her, that meant his sister was nothing more than a traitor? Starclan had given up on them and he refused to follow them anyway. Starclan were the ones that left them to rot. Sootstar sensed that and took up the mantle when the stars couldn't. Why didn't his sister simply see that? Sootstar evil? Please. What a joke.

Nevertheless he would try again today to see if he could change her mind. The sooner they could agree, the sooner they would stop this foolishness. Honestly, it was a pain witnessing her purposely avoid him or glare at him. Not to mention look at him as if he was scum of the earth when he was carrying out a mission by Sootstar herself. Very soon his hard work would come to fruition. Then, she would see the error of her ways and even praise him for all he was able to accomplish. As long as she kept her mouth shut and did as she was told then everything would be fine.

He approaches her with a an olive branch in the form of a quail. Everyone has eaten already. "Lets talk," he begins gruffly. Despite having been together all of their lives, the distance between them is worlds apart.
  • ooc : jumped the gun a bit and made a silly private for them i hope you don't mind! @quailbreeze
  • — mocking-grin / windclan moor runner / masculine pronouns / 24 moons
    — heterosexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — high white long haired chocolate smoke with heterochromia
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

they used to be so close. at some point in time, quailbreeze and mocking-grin had grown apart, leaving her confused. how could they have gone from being inseparable to being unable to be in the presence of one another? did he hate her for bringing him to windclan? her only other choice was to let him die; something she was unwilling to allow. as the days passed on, she found her brother falling more in line with the twisted morals of the clan leader. how had she not seen it before? this wasn't like him and he knew it. something about herself having morals seemed to have rub him the wrong way.

a sigh would escape the molly's jaws as she curled around herself, soaking in the warmth of the sun inside camp. the last thing she expected was for mocking-grin to approach her, offering her a quail to share between them. "okay." accepting his offer, she would sit up, and offer her brother a small smile before bending down to begin eating. the camp was mostly vacant, so whatever he felt he needed to say to her wouldn't be overheard by unwilling felines. she felt it would be best if she allowed him to begin the conversation, unsure of if something was on his mind or he simply wanted to catch up with her.

  • ooc : apologies for the delayed response!!​

  • — ic opinions
    — open to minor/healing powerplay
    — quailbreeze / windclan moor runner / feminine pronouns / biography