border A stranger with stories || o. Joiner...?


I keep trying to find me!
Mar 4, 2024
Tagging @CHILLEDSTAR. No need to wait, TW: misgendering.

[ ༻ 𖤓 ༺ ] There was hesitancy in Ripple's step as he came to stand at the border of shadowclan. They had been told she was here, their older sibling, Chilled. At least that was what Jagged had said and... well there was the unsurety of joining the clan but this was better, right? Than being a loner or dealing with a dad who was hardly around and... surely she would accept them...right? They were kin after all.

Taking a deep breath they awaited, and waited until the snap of a twig made them jump and their hazel gaze drifted to whoever had approached. "He...hello? I-I'm looking for Chilled... uhm...uh... Jagged said she wa..was our sister they expressed nervously, the fur on their back slowly spiking upwards with an anxious look towards whoever had appeared to the scene.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Ripple 𖤓 AMAB, He/They, Loner, 25 moons.
    LH short Black tom with vitiligo and hazel eyes
    Jagged X NPC
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Rushed, sorry!! ))

they were correct to be hesitant. he appears like his clan’s namesake, a drifting darkness and ripple of black rosettes until he can see them clearly. a shuddering, stammering thing — nothing but a waste of time and good prey. surely inviting skunktail’s brood to join them had been enough for his elder sibling to stop taking in the poorly, ” no. “ it’s simple. it’s cold, and unforgiving. shards of blazing red shimmer low against the shadowy marshlands, but it is enough to light the disgust that rips its way across his white - dappled face. they say jagged and he meets them with a hiss so fierce and explosive it stuns even him, toes spreading to reveal the glint of claws beneath ivory, stumbling forward a step with the effort it took to repress the urge to gnash his teeth in their direction.

she, they say, and it is enough, ” he lied. “ its loud, aggressive — a lash of tongue and tail. jagged sent them here. a further burden to an already encumbered clan. a hot, harsh breath leaves his nose, tipping his head upwards suddenly because his dad did that — crouched low, intimidated and snarled and spit. he was a clan cat. that was his leader ; he made a vow to protect his clanmates, and this was a threat, pathetic as it looked to the bare eye. his skull jerks to the side, ” so move it along. youre leaving rogue scent all over the border. “

  • i.

    plush black tom with ghost rosettes and blood orange eyes. serpentspine makes for a sickening, alluring figure ; like filth - ridden flora sprouting from the putrid wetlands, he forges himself into a disgusting, enchanting thing with age. born the color of old, clotted blood ; feathered black and kissed russet by the sun, oil - slick and sheening. compact, shorter than average ; broad at the shoulders down to the forearms from a life of crouching in the undergrowth. forged like the writhing reptiles that permeate his homelands, long and spiked ; jutting the thinner parts of his coat along a jutting spine, splintering fur cast in spikes up a slim, vertebrae - bumped neck. pretty and strangely soft featured amidst his sullen clanmates, framed by heavy lashes and a smoldering orange gaze. he holds himself with a draping posture, dramatics built into his very form.
    a tom haunted by his past and known to do anything he can think of to outrun it. coping with hedonism ; flamboyant and flirtatious, but known to run at the slightest hint of emotion.


[ ༻ 𖤓 ༺ ] Serpentspines words were filled with anger, and aggressiveness. Ripple couldn't understand why and confusion dripped in his gaze, Jagged lied? Why would their father lie to them? Yet closer look to Serpentspine made Ripple pause, his fur calming a bit and a brightness dance in the black tom speckled with white. "Yo-your Serpent! M-my brother! He..he didn't lie! Look you... you have our father's eyes, and... and his face" they said, naivety oozing from Ripple's words but they dare not cross the border, dare not attempt any embrace to their younger brother seeing as the other was already wanting to strike out.

"I-I'm... Ripple! Pl...please, let...let me talk to Ch...Chilled" they expressed, still calling their older sister by their loner name. Jagged had clearly not told everything to Ripple, only half-truths and yet here they stood, thinking, believing everything was fine. "He...he... told us ever...everything! Pl..please Serpent" they stuttered out, taking another stepped back with Hazel eyes drawn onto the other tom, trying to reason with the other. They were kin! Jagged had loved them so, had told them so, he couldn't possibly be lying, why would he?

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Ripple 𖤓 AMAB, He/They, Loner, 25 moons.
    LH short Black tom with vitiligo and hazel eyes
    Jagged X NPC
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Smogmaw's nasal passageways exude a slimy unpleasantness, although not to the extent of the forlorn figure before him. Long strides bring the deputy in a broad, curving trajectory around Serpentspine, intent on gaining a clearer view on the outsider—and brows quirk in recognition when he pinpoints the familiar nuances written into the strange tom's demeanour. More blood-kin, grasping onto the territorial perimeter, seeking solace in their little swamp haven. Hmmph. Should a far-removed relative stumble too far off the course of their personal journeys, they'll inevitably end up pleading for absolution right at this very spot. The dictates of practical reasoning define the bounds to which Smogmaw is willing to indulge in such a farce.

His inquiry is a simple one, a plea for conversation between siblings, but it is merely a preamble to a far more pertinent question. This much, the tabby is sure.

Releasing an unsavoury snort, Smogmaw redirects his focus so that it falls upon the warrior to his side. Whatever connection tied Serpentshrine and his alleged brother together has long been tainted by discord, as made patently clear by the harsh-spitten dismissal. The immediate rejection just about elicits a smirk from his impassive mask. Neither the sob story or misidentification of their leader finds favour within his clanmate. Not everyone here is so willing to roll out the proverbial welcome mat, and it is oddly refreshing to witness.

"What's got your tail all fluffed up, eh? Family troubles?" drawls the deputy, eyes finding the loner once again. His blackened tail-tip flicks ardently, conveying the same sentiment as an uncaring shrug. "Must've got a good reason for clawing your way out here, and there's gotta be an even better reason why I've never heard'a you before."

Tw: accidental misgendering

[ ༻ 𖤓 ༺ ] Another appeared, and then the mentions of how he never heard of them made Ripple blink in surprise. Jagged had long told of Serpent, of Chilled to them. To him, and Rook but he didn't tell Chilled or Serpent? His gaze flicked towards his kin, the markings, the shape to the eyes was quite recognizable, Serpent was Jagged's son, Ripple's brother. A frown peered on his lips and he shook his head. "Ja...Jagged never...told y-you? O...of us? Of.. Rook? O..or me? Why...he...told us of...of you guys" he was confused now, shoked but confused.

All his life he had known of his kin, of Serpent and Chilled. Jagged had told them about the two when he had been a kit, when their littermates had been kits, even when Serpent had been born, they were told of their younger brother. "Chi...Chilled... doesn't know? I... I can... explain... there's... there's more of us. We...we were to...told and... and she was here" it was obvious that their father had not told Ripple everything.

He stood there awkwardly, confused even and he worried for when his own littermates finally came across the border before Ripple could even warn or tell the others. He had come before them but more and more he thinks it would've been better to of waited for Rook, for the others. "Rook on h-her way now... I...I don't know why....why our father ke...kept us a secret" he frowned slightly, hurt even. Sure, Jagged hasn't always been around but he had cared, and surely he had loved his other children just as much as Ripple and Rook.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Ripple 𖤓 AMAB, He/They, Loner, 25 moons.
    LH short Black tom with vitiligo and hazel eyes
    Jagged X NPC
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.