a summer like never before || first porcupine sighting!


i think that your mind is gone
Jul 17, 2024
There is no doubt that Kite has seen many things in their lifetime, exposed to lowly haunts of the Twolegplace or the horrors that seem to follow the small tabby. There are many things that Kite has not seen however, these things have no name and no meaning for them. It feels odd for Kite to think that despite their trips outside of the Twolegplace there will always be things they do not know. Skyclan has shown Kite many things they have never seen or heard of before, to name a few: cats who supposedly have died and been resurrected, stories of cats dying and returning as ghosts, those ghosts sending prophecies to be decoded. Kite has digested much of this well, partially with the help of Florabreeze and their inherent superstitious nature. They go so far as thanking Starclan for a successful hunt, for guiding them to Skyclan.

Nothing has been stranger than the creature shuffling a safe distance away from Kite now. A large nose snuffles through nettles with its large nostrils flaring as it searches through the litter. It moves slowly and meanders about beneath a pine tree, ambling about with a thousand sharp-ended sticks through it. Surely that could hurt? It thoroughly captures the tabby's attention, who hunkers behind a fallen log with just their head poking up. Each time the creature may follow a path towards the patrol, Kite ducks behind the log, hesitantly peaking back out to watch.

"What is this... thing?" Kite breathes to her neighbor behind the log, hackles rising; Kite could easily pass as a distant cousin of the porcupine with the way their fur stands on end. The animal must have found what it was looking for as it leans back on it's rear legs, exposing a soft and pink underbelly. With strange toes, the animal grips a mushroom it foraged and lifts it to its odd mouth and begins to nibble. "So... strange!" Kite eyes are bright with wonder to witness such an animal. "The thorns, no, spikes... are apart of it."

A patrol has spotted a porcupine and will keep their distance! Feel free to write it moving or what not :))

  • black tabby with a small stature and compact muscles ; TAGS
    — 39, ages every 21st
    — peaceful powerplay allowed
crochet’s witnessed a lot of weird things on her adventures pre-skyclan. she figured those times would end, because skyclan is a forest of tall pines and distant twolegs. things she’s seen before, climbed (when duskpool says she can), and so on… crochet didn’t hate the repetition of clanlife, but it was certainly and adjustment. she understood why people would stick around long-term.

this… creatures… it’s something she hasn’t seen before.

"oh, yeah, i’ve seen that thing before." she lies, for some reason. the lilac molly blinks as her nose sticks above the log, and she kneels back down.

"it can like, roll into a ball and zoom around." yeah, that sounded right. crochet grins, her tail-tip flicking passively.​

Belly touching the floor as the other did his best to hide, Silversmoke chose to watch the porcupine through a rotted gap amidst the pine log. As it moved, he saw glimpses of needles upon its spine and a rather nasty set of claws. He could recall seeing one, or at the very least hearing about one, a long time ago, but few things could prepare the tom for being this close to one. Its whole appearance screamed 'danger', something enticing for himself yet dangerous for SkyClan, something he had to remind himself should not be trifled with lest it approaches too close to camp. Kite spoke and the tom's ears twitched, then, their patrolmate chimed in. He looked towards Crochet, blinking at her deduction. Even if his knowledge of the rodent was minimal, no part of him could dignify that idea with a response.

The thing looked more like a charging beast than something that could reasonably curl up in a ball. As a result, Silversmoke would stay sedentary behind the pine. The last thing he wanted was to get touched by one of those quills. "No one get near it." He spoke with the authority of a rank he no longer had, later that day, he would likely regret how commanding it was. "It's dangerous. But... maybe it'll unearth something useful for the medicine cats." Provided it did not eat it first.

with the amount of seasons under her paws, one could say that beechdapple is no stranger to these peculiarities that seem to crop up from time to time within their locality with this in particular being on the more tamer side of the spectrum. "i've seen these things trudge through here a few times before." shares the broad calico who could be seen sauntering up behind the three crouched felines, a rumble of what sounded like an amused chuckle thrumming deep inside her chest just seeing her patrolmates pop their heads up like moles to observe the porcupine that nibbles away on it's recently unearthed shroom with kite being in awe, crochet offering some questionable knowledge and silversmoke being ever so cautious.

"as long as you don't bother them it won't bother us, i've seen what those spikes can do and it's not pretty." there is a slight grimace that overtakes scrunched features, recalling a moment from her youth when she had seen a mutt try to tango with one of these massive creatures only to end up with a snout full of painful quills. thankfully the porcupine doesn't seem very interested in their presence, atleast not beechdapple's who didn't take cover behind the log like the rest, as it was too focused on finishing up the mushroom in its clawed grip and when it finally did it lowered back onto the leaf-littered earth to resume searching for more meals.
The last time she'd seen a porcupine, they'd been well into the onset of leaf - fall; nearing its end, in fact, the air just beginning to breathe of frost. She does not find that her life experiences since then have changed her opinion on the creature—it's still foul - smelling, bristling, and decidedly dangerous. Flanking her patrolmates, it's easy to let her muzzle rumple at the sight of it, and her immediate instinct is to usher everyone away—but the spiky beast seems to be far enough as it is, though she remembers it had taken down one of their own nearly a full turn of the seasons ago. Clearly the creature's not to be trifled with.

" It's a porcupine, " she offers, the day's gentle breeze ruffling her fur in time with the casual flick of her ears. " I was on a patrol to track one of them down last leaf - fall. It'd killed a warrior, if you can believe that. " She grimaces, remembering her and the patrol's narrow evasion of the lumbering thing, the way sunlight had glinted dangerously on its bristling pelt. This one appears significantly more docile, snuffling about in the sparse undergrowth, but she opts to follow the patrol's lead and places herself half behind a tree - trunk in the vicinity of their log.

Her sister offers an explanation that sounds less than true, and Doeblaze lets out a snrk of amusement and a knowing green glance, though she makes no effort to correct her. " Silversmoke's correct, " she mrrows amiably enough, having let their feud fade with time; besides, far be it from her to stake her life on her ever - dwindling pride. " They can clearly do some damage with their . . . spike - pelt - things. "

Beechdapple echoes the general sentiment, sidling up with considerably more verve than the three cats sharing the log, which is an admittedly comical sight; she chuffs amusedly in time with the calico's rumbling chuckle. " It's moving again—oh, damn, " she mrrows with a raise of the eyebrows as the porcupine lumbers over to the base of a pine and, somehow, improbably, begins an ascent. " I didn't know they could climb. Well, that's terrifying. "

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