oneshot a tale as old as time // oneshot


Oct 23, 2022

"Turn A Deeper Blue"
Paws moved across slick rock, the wind blasting from the west and nearly knocking paws from their firm hold on the ground. Claws unsheathed to get better grip of the rocks below and forcing each limb to moved forward. Fighting against the strong, mountain wind, and narrowed almond-shaped eyes as they focused on moving. One paw at a time, one determined motion after another, and then as the ground began to incline to the top of the hill; they paused. The wind was less fierce here up on the top, but it still billowed and waved medium-length fur wildly. A gaze made of deep orange and pale lilac looked over a white shoulder, down at the sprawling landscape before them.

A valley was cupped in the cracks and nooks of the mountain range, tall trees dotting the browning grass and hues of red and orange seemed to move in waves with the wind. A crumbling work of stone sat proudly in the base of the mountain, crumbling and dark but a sense of pride filtered through their chest at the sight. Though it was invein as there shouldn't be pride. Pride was fickle and something to come into question as of late. It was something settled on the edge of a teering cliffside, and it was either fall to the ground or remain naive.

Images of an elderly cat floated through their gaze and they looked down at the valley; a grey muzzle moving though the words seemed so distant. So unreal that they didn't know whether it was still the truth or not. How could it be true? That would make their whole existance, their whole service to the kingdom, a waste of time. Dual eyes moved from the valley behind them to the mountain range before them, and they took a deep breath.

A flash of white swept through their gaze and suddenly they where back. Back in that room, watching the tomcat they had come to respect, to be considered family. The one cat that had taken them into this world and seemed to see a glimmer of hope; something of good in a rather dark place. King Volund seemed to have lost his mind in the last few moons, and the home they once knew had a completely different face. What was once grand turned into something sour, and one that no longer brought pride to the young cat.

Yet that old tomcat, that crazy old bastard, words echoed through their mind as they stared at the setting sun,you have to find her. Lunaria, your mother; his mother was alive. She existed some where in the world and that old bastard knew the entire time that she was out there. Did she even know of them? From the story that was uttered from the dying guards mouth, she had escaped the kingdom. Had been of royal blood and was sentenced to death, but that day never came.

Grainy scenes flashed across theri mind, pain across their chest, blurry figures of cats, and being swept away like dust on the ground. A shake of their head dislodged these thoughts and they furrowed their brow, those memories only recently started flurishing. They came and went, only revealing littles bit little, but something deep down told them that it had meaning. That it wasn't just an off nightmare that haunted them, but something that had actually happened. Though facing whatever it was terrifyed them and wondered if there would be answers to their questions; beyond the mountain.

That tomcat had been a guard for his mother, had been at her side during her escape and had been the father in his life since he could remember. Now it was all just a fable tale? That his mother left him behind cause she thought he had died? He didn't die, however, and felt so confused within his own mind. On one hand, he wanted to believe the guard. That he had more family out there, a mother, and she held the secret key to how he felt. But then there was his solider side; the loyalty to the kingdom that had been engrained into his mind since he could open his eyes.

Serve the kingdom, go to war for the kingdom and faithfully follow the king at every beck and call. Never questioning, forever a loyal little peg in the game of knights and kings. It kept the heistance in his steps very potent, he wanted to go find her and speak to her but yet how could he just leave them behind? A white paw lifted up from the rocky terrain underpaw, and then slowly lowered back to the ground but no step was made. Eyes made of amber and the rising sun moved back towards the valley but only for a brief moment. No, he needed answers. There had to be a reason, had to be something that she could tell him.

Lifting his head, the young tomcat moved across the rock path and up towards the mountains. What laid beyond them was unknown, but a solider was ready for anything.
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