pafp a tale of two kitties | kittypets

The river swilled, if one asked you what color the water might be then you would obviously hear cats say 'blue' because it seemed as such. It mirrored the sky above for its beauty, a universe of its own beneath the rippling current. But he found the description too simple for it, too plain, the river was not just one single color; it was many. Deep night sky depths, the splash of greens clinging to its bottom and scraping its side-the clinging softness of moss, the flicker of warm colors beneath the surface of fish that darted by and flashed their pale bellies and red gills in dashing movements. He could fall in love with the river, maybe that was why he had his thoughts so rampantly focused on things that reminded him of it as of late. Storms, rain, Ci-he slapped a paw down onto the water, frustrated with himself. For a cat who had spent most his life feeling nothing, he was not enjoying the sensation of feeling everything all at once as if his mind was trying to play catch-up on all the emotions he had starved himself for in his struggling youth. Not even fishing was enough to take his mind off things now, he had been here most the morning and though fruitful he still felt unfufilled, as if he wanted to catch something else in his paws that was decidedly not a fish. The ink spill of a warrior closed his eyes thoughtfully, glanced briefly to the side to toss his last catch before it could slip away and he found himself faltering in uncertainty upon looking back.

Was his pile of fish...smaller? Had a few flopped back into the river without his realizing? Smokethroat didn't like to think he was so easily distracted as to not notice this but his thoughts had been so heavy with things outside the tasks before him that he wouldn't be surprised. He could only think about blood lined throats, a chiaroscuro blur of fur he had once buried his face in and felt his senses overwhelmed by the scent of fresh rain and copper. Shaking his head he rose to stand, moved proper to his pile of fish and narrowed his eyes at it. No. He wasn't imagining it, there were some missing. Orange eyes burst like fires as he directed them upward to the treeline, black lips curled and his steps were heavy yet soundless as he moved to the bushes shrouding the edge of the wood. Someone was there...

(Please wait for @Squeak & @Sabbath )

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The quiet. It was never really a good sign, right? Afterall, life was about keeping on the move! Everything had some kind of energy it needed to burn off just like the little runt that was bouncing along the hard flat stone near the tall screen that separated them from the outside world. That is...everything that was outside of the confines of the two-leg den. Inside, it was just the quiet, and the small blue and white did what she could to make noise in the still air.

From the pitter-patter of her kitten paws to the scraping of claws against screen, the smaller of the siblings tried to occupy herself in the most destructive of ways. It was through these tendencies that she ended up finding a small slash through the screen, and with further prodding, she found the thin wiring snapping to make it just big enough that the two could slip through. When green irises met golden yellow, a smile crossed her muzzle and the kitten was quickly shoving her way through, laughing as she heard her brother yell after her.

So many sounds. So many smells! The two-leg den was always bland, or had a twinge of something like spoiled bread in the air. Out here, it was the scent of the grass and trees and the sounds of moving water and flitting wings. What intrigued her the most was the water, heading towards it only to discover a near impassable path of rushing liquid carving it's way through the land. Her eyes lit up as she saw a shiny gleam of something flicking against the surface. What was that?! She wanted to know!

With her brother at her side, and her begging to continue further, the duo had soon satiated her knowledge a little ways down the water flow. They had spied a pile of the creatures off to the side, closer to the bushes, and Squeaker excitedly coaxed her brother into helping her get some. Surely whatever had left this here wouldn't mind two of them missing, right? They had plenty there! was soon apparent that the creature who had dragged these things out of the water did mind seeing two missing. When a large shadow loomed over the bushes the small blue and white looked up into fiery eyes and gave a small childish smile. ❝ Hi there! Can you share this thing with us? ❞ The words spilled out of her mouth without much thought and the kitten continued to stare up at the large male in front of her. ❝ Or maybe you can have this one and we can have a different one! I've never seen these before! What are they? They're slimy. ❞ A small laugh broke out of the kitten maw as she wiped her paw pads against the grass.

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The day had started off so still. Warmth and comfort apparent with the constant temperature that seemed to permeat the large two-leg den. They were never too cold nor too warm, barely need to stay close together to stave off the night chill. Yet... everything in the den seemed frozen. Nothing moved, nothing changed. Unlike the outside, where they could see weird feathered creatures flitting about, and tree branches swaying with the wind. So when the small blue and white had found a crack in the screen door's lining, the black sibling couldn't help but follow her into the unknown.

For her own protection, of course. Who else was to watch over the rambunctious runt of their litter. It wasn't like he was curious about this strange world. Of course not. He was just here to protect his sibling. The very sibling who had already excitedly exclaimed finding a hole in the thin boards caging them in on all sides. And who was already squeezing her way through and into the unknown beyond. ❝ H-Hey! Squeaks, you can't run off without me!!

While it was still and frozen in the two-leg den, out here, the small drip of black found himself surrounded by sounds and movements. One of which was the constant dribbling of flowing water over stone and uneven ground. Which, in this very moment, was being used to the young kits' advantage. As the heavy paw of the large figure in black was pressed all to close to that bush, nearly silent steps beat against the bank of the river. The small kitten launched themselves from another bush off to the side, aiming to latch onto anything he could reach.

Squeaks, run! Get home!!

Small kitten claws found purchase against the large lashing tail, little incisors digging in near the base as the black void hung from the stranger's backside. He made a guttural growl in the back of his throat, puffing up all the fur on his body so he looked larger and more dangerous. least as dangerous as a 2 month old kitten could appear. ❝ Ah won' leh yah hur mah sisah!! ❞ The words came out between clenched teeth as the tom refused to let go, holding on for dear life if the larger void tried to buck him off.

≈ ✵ ≈
Whatever Beesong had expected the day to bring, it hadn't been stumbling across Smokethroat being attacked by a two-moon-old child. The herbs he'd been collecting flutter to the ground as he snorts, cocking his head to one side. "Troubles, Smokethroat?" Beesong has to admit, it's amusing to watch the little scrap hanging desperately onto the lead warrior's fluffy tail... He considers sitting back and enjoying the show, for a split second. But, he should probably help the other feline dislodge the little spitfire.

Padding over, the cinnamon tabby attempts to pluck the tiny scrap off of Smokethroat by his scruff. "Alright, keep your fur on. We're not gonna hurt you."

A kittypet. He could tell immediately by the stench of it that the fish-thief was no real threat. Not as small and soft as it was. The tiny molly seemed almost oblivious to the fact she was in possible danger, were he a crueler cat he'd have met her naivity with claws and she was fortunate to not have done this in WindClan of all places or perhaps even ShadowClan where the food was more scarce and the teeth more quick to defend it as a result. Logically he should give her a scare, chase her off, but she might be the bold type to take it as a challenge and continue to come back so he figured a more sensible approach might be best. "It's called a fish and you can't have it. This place is called RiverClan and you're trespassing on it. Where did you come from-I'll take you ba-AAAACK!" Tiny needles pierced into his backside right near his tail and he heard the muffled growling of another child fiercely attempting to defend the first. Apparently he had come across as threatening but to the wrong cat. After the initial surprise he was growing more annoyed than anything and no amount of shaking was dislodging the kitten, thankfully he had rescue right around the corner.
"...I seemed to have some kind of growth. Mind checking it out?"

bounceheart ✧ she/her ✧ riverclan warrior (=˃ᆺ˂=)

A shrill voice had brought the tabby to the scene. Such a tone (and so loud!) paired with giggles and.. yelling. "This has to be interesting," she beamed. Having shouldered her way through shrubs, she was quickly met with amusement and just a bit of concern. There was that brutish warrior again, but he had an unwanted visitor with him as well.

While she fought back her laughter, a smirk had risen on her face. "Aww, wait, it's cute! Let's keep him!" Her voice came as both a joke and an interjection - though they did not seem to be rough with the troublesome pipsqueak. "Maybe it's hungry?" A crinkle of her nose displayed her distaste with the kit's smell. On second thought, maybe he'd had enough to eat. ​