the sun has begun to set. in their usual fashion, many mill about with gleaming fish scales and goose feather, twining trinkets into long, glossy fur. camp paints in shades of tender red and pink, bleeding hues along backlit waters ; he stares upwards at it along the shoreside closest to their willow nest. murmurs of life, of muted excitement, bustles at his jutting spine and cicadastar knows they try to make the best of a camp that had been far too silent since his announcement.

tonight, his children would be made apprentices. tonight, he would lose six pairs of paws.

bright eyes turn from trembling, blood red waters and towards the willow where his family prepares for the next phase of their lives. his children.. his beloved, groomed to perfection as well they could be. cicadakit's curls are tough, coarse ; a tangle of black - white fur coiling tight over too bony limbs. he was all too familiar with it. they line outside his den rather than the nursery, guided tenderly to their fate by a coo - voiced queen rasping her tongue franticly over a small, bobbing head. no − when the phantom lifts on skeletal limbs, moves closer on gliding, fog - ridden paws, he is expectant. sharp eyes, though lidded heavy with affection and awe when he paces close, look them up and down. they look proper, look ready.. small but river - raised and strong, hidden away beneath dark colors and wavy fur. he trills at them, wordlessly, encouragingly.. but the sun was setting, and the gathering was imminent. time was running out, and after a brief nuzzle to his mate's jaw, the man continues his stride towards the tall, looming river stone. a bunching of long legs and he bounds skyward, feels his paws meet the smooth stone. it, too, feels like a death sentence, " all those old enough to swim, meet beneath the river rock for a clan meeting. " its an old call, something comforting, familiar to him ; like this spot, high above the heads and wandering eyes of those below. he tampers his worry - roused nausea.

" tonight, we honor and pay our thanks to six brave riverclanners : iciclefang, hazecloud, lakemoon, and dovethroat, as well as apprentices fernpaw and mosspaw. they will depart from us at the gathering tonight, alongside those sent by the other clans.. our ancestors in starclan look down upon you all kindly in this moment. " he hopes they did, at least. the sky blazes red, watercolor blue streaking through the middle and meddling a bruises sort of purple around what remains of the dipping sun, " this moon, i encourage accompanying your loved ones to fourtrees. swantuft and coppercreek have graciously volunteered to stay back and watch over camp for all those that want to attend. " two warriors he trusted to keep them safe while families seen off those who would not return. they would come home many faces lighter. this moon, it did not matter who attends. he knows better, knows the importance of goodbyes here. they may well not return. a deep, calming breath. it was heavy, and a fog hangs over them ; palpable. friends gather close, loved ones share a sad, but proud glance. this was necessary, they all knew." for now, let us enjoy the time we have. " a short nod, eyes returning to the top of river rock, to him. they've more to discuss.

life moves on, pads forth into the unknown. his children would do the same, after tonight, " today, my litter has reached three months of age. it is time for them to be apprenticed. " it's a quick change, sitting straighter, muzzle hooked down like a predatory bird upon those gathered. sight scans, as if he and his mate had not talked about it at length ; as if he'd not scoured them all, watched from the moment their litter was but a whisper of promise in smokethroat's belly. the deputy ensures they are present, ready, approaching as they were told to do. the eldest first, his little star ; the splash of ivory upon her forehead beaming at him though the sky still drips in color, " starlightkit, please step forward." the name falls from his maw confidently, with not a hesitation to be heard, " from this day on, until you reach warriorhood, you will be known as starlightpaw. your mentor will be petalnose. " his lead warrior. frost - featured and hard - headed, spirited beyond her years. his child had an attitude born of riverborn royalty, and petalnose would harness it into something fierce. clear blue eyes find his lead amidst the crowd, crinkle approvingly at the edges. she'd done well. starlightpaw would, with hope, follow in her war - ready footsteps, " may she bestow her battle prowess, brilliance, and loyalty onto you. "

next, his son.

cicadakit was a shadowed thing ; limbs bringing him to a spidery height reminiscent of himself still. fire red sky blazes at his back and he watches him, sees the fire reflect back at him in smokethroat's blazing orange eye, " cicadakit. from this day forward, until you earn your warrior name, you will be known as cicadapaw. " cicadapaw. newfound freedom, though not by much. he knows who he is to be assigned to, knew before smokethroat comes to him with his own ideas. he could not be trusted with just anyone, no. he could not trust a weasel of a voice like pikesplash's to wriggle into his son's ear, weakening his claws and setting them to shatter when used. what a risk, a horror. he would not, " your mentor will be iciclefang. " his father's first apprentice. there is a bustle of confusion, of murmurs meant to spur him to think. he knows, " when she returns from the journey, she will take your training over from me. " him. a brief, frigid glance towards pikesplash, wherever he was, and back. a cool silence, then. there was only one way to ensure he was not softened by the untrusted and weak - willed. icicle eyes lift to find the molly, aim to lock onto her with purpose. meaning. she would return. this was a promise, " in doing so, may she pass on her cool confidence and certainty. i know she will make a warrior of you. "

now, his daughter.. his last born and only he'd not named. it burns on his tongue already, ferments like old, coagulating blood and lodges thick in sharp barbs. smokethroat had made the knowledge of his avoidance clear and his reasoning had been fine, for as unexpected as it was. her namesake was tragic, after all.. she did not deserve the sadness that came with it, did she? but smokethroat knows he has not said it, and he will not, not outside of this − something formal, something gloating and look at me. suspicon was weak when his daughter bears the liars name. it wasn't her fault, " and beekit. " it sounds almost like a punishment, a jarring shift from something so honey coated. clinical, medicinal ; the smell of herbs and infection and pain. no one had called beesong but for tragedy, had they? ravensong would suffer the same, " from this day until you reach warriorhood, you will be known as beepaw. and your mentor, " perhaps picky. perhaps favoritism, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. could he be blamed? look at her name, " will be your father. smokethroat will train you just as he did iciclefang. " with a purpose. brutally, to ensure she survives, " may you follow in her pawsteps, and retain his quick wit and even quicker claws. "

and there. his children, apprenticed before the eyes of starclan. the sky is nearly dark now, ribbons of twilight etch around the lowering moon at his back. now, for reassignments.," there are a few apprentices to be reassigned this moon," quite a few, truly, " otterpaw, ripplewave has decided to move on to the elders den in wake of his illness. i am reassigning you to coyotecreek to see out the remainder of your training. " next, the young molly who'd run off to skyclan. she'd been doing her duties attentively, making up for her foolishness with a dutiful silence. he would do her this mercy, " robinpaw, you will be reassigned to willowroot once she is cleared for duty. " a soft-hearted mother, gentle on her apprentices but instilling a firm loyalty, a connection to her clan, " dipperpaw, until we have more paws, you will train alongside brookpaw under lichentail. " the molly was quiet, serious, and perhaps they would balance themselves out. lichentail, having a steady, no nonsense attitude and lichentail's cuty driven mindset. she's a stubborn molly, in certain ways it would be helpful. he hoped it would harness well, and finally, carppaw. you will be reassigned to snakeblink. "

    anyone is welcome to attend the gathering for only this month, with the only exceptions being the ill or actively being punished.

    @STARLIGHTKIT assigned to @Petalnose
    @CICADAKIT assigned to @iciclefang
    ( when she returns, training under cicadastar until then )
    @BEEKIT assigned to @Smokethroat
    @otterpaw reassigned to @coyotecreek
    @ROBINPAW reassigned to @willowroot
    @DIPPERPAW reassigned to @lichentail
    @CARPPAW reassigned to @Snakeblink

    he / him. tall, elegantly curled smoke tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt blue eyes. his structure sings a feral sort of hymnal, presenting an almost dangerous sort of beauty veiling what monstrosities lie beneath the ivory of his skull. jutting jawline and a squared chin, sunken cheeks drawing a shadow beneath high, sharp cheekbones with tall, angular ears settling high atop the flatter slope of his cranium. he is beautiful ; lucifer in the eyes of an envious god. for all his looks, his expression is lax, void — corpse - eyed and hollow until spoken to, sparking the undead to life. he is tall, lean, cut - glass pretty ; he smiles with too - many teeth, blackened frostbite pulling back his maw to bear canines setn beneath curling whiskers, pantomime skeletal. a predatory gracefulness from the lines that press the image of exhaustion beneath ice water hues to the slow, sure gait in which he walks, nameless strength poorly concealed within the hard lines of his physique. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unnaturally tall amongst his peers, always holding himself with a tragic sort of grace ; poised, prim, and uncannily aware of how he appears.

    ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── smells like wet moss and meadowland thunderstorms.
    ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── notoriously paranoid and closed off, cicadastar will tend to lie, assume, and jump to conclusions whenever it suits him. any 'suspicious' ic actions he witnesses or hears about will have a strong effect, and will have ic consequences! if you're unsure of an interactions outcome, please feel free to send a dm!
    no character opinions represent my own.

  • " speech "

Iciclefang stands against a violet-hewn sky, knowing soon the moon will rise, and she will be bidding the riverlands she has always called her home goodbye. Her Clanmates would not sense nervousness sparking from her pelt; she appears, to them, as collected as she normally does. But her steps toward Riverrock are weighted, even as she heeds Cicadastar’s ceremonial call. When will I hear it again? One ginger ear flicks as she directs her attention to their leader.

He honors them, the six of them who will leave for the mountains. Iciclefang lifts her chin, pride glowing in her pale eyes. I will bring RiverClan honor. And, with an eye cast in Ravensong’s direction, she adds, Honor, and lungwort. The forest is deprived, barren of the cure, but she and her companions will ensure RiverClan gets a healthy share from the mountains.

Cicadastar announces his brood will begin their warrior training today. Iciclefang exhales softly; she’d half-hoped she’d receive one of them to train herself, but she’s journeying, and surely Cicadastar wouldn’t give one of his kits to her when she won’t be here to train them. Starlightpaw goes to Petalnose, which is a good choice, in her mind; Petalnose will ensure Starlightpaw is a warrior worthy of that name.

She looks for young Cicadapaw as he’s named, likely hunched over, all jutting bones and angles. When Cicadastar calls her as the young cat’s mentor, she jerks her head up with surprise. It’s what I wanted, isn’t it? He hushes the surprised murmuring, stating he will act in her stead as Cicadapaw’s mentor until she returns.

It could be moons before I return, but… She tries to meet mismatched eyes, a burning ember, a torrential downpour. But it is what I want. She remembers watching his clumsy but anger-fueled blows toward Sandkit, and her tremulous smile returns. She pads toward the leader and deputy’s son, her tail lifted behind her confidently.

Iciclefang lowers her face to Cicadapaw’s, brushing her nose against his. “Before I leave for Fourtrees, I’ll take you to the river,” she promises. Her time here is running out, but she wants to spend at least a few moments alone with her first apprentice.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

As much as they wanted to leave the safety of RiverClan to those who had offered to stand by and guard it, Lichentail could not will themself to leave as part of the droves of wailing families and friends left behind. They could not... and with how rampantly the illness spread, why would they risk going back there again so soon? It needed time... and, thankfully, it gave the blue a chance to avoid WindClan a bit longer. Snakeblink's patrols from the moon prior had been nothing, if not torturous.

Perhaps it should be no small surprise that Cicadastar evidences his biases so publicly in naming the mentors of his children but... Wouldn't you do the same? It's a question that drifts lazily in the back of their mind, not particularly a future they were certain they'd see anyways. Children were... complicated... and weird... and demanding. With a small amount of fondness, she digressed that she'd enjoyed what interactions she'd had with the Kingsblood kits... standing sturdy as a living shield to keep them hidden from the bright sun (who was it then, that had complained about its rays?) and trying to help stifle whatever little worries and fears that arose in them.

Iciclefang though.... a staggering choice given her pretty immediate absence... though maybe that too was intentional. Looking towards the young warrior, they flick an ear of congratulations- she deserves this, even if she is still a bit young.

The most alarming thing was hearing her name. What could Lichentail have to offer- Huh?

Dumbfounded, the scruffy cat stared in wonderment between Cicadastar and her second apprentice. Yes, paws were definitely tied up especially with the sickness and the leaving journey cats but to be entrusted with TWO? Constantly reassured by others that Cicadastar had not demoted her for seeing value that yet remained, it still proved somewhat unbelievable. Two....

Brookpaw was going to lose her mind... and almost definitely not in a good way. She was already mad enough that Lichentail had gotten a late start on her training... grumpier still that she'd been sick for neigh an entire moon to further delay her. Hoping, praying even, that the silver girl might have some mercy, the lead warrior stood to greet Dipperpaw more formally (at least... it was not Jaypaw, who was somewhat more mouthy and had stretched her patience thin once before already).

"A cluster of foggy mollies, what could go wrong," they hum in amusement, "Feel free to enjoy the Gathering-- I'll let you both sleep in tomorrow so you can say your farewells."
Lose her mind, indeed. Brookpaw didn't often pay attention to meetings - at most she listens for more codelaws decided at gatherings, or when apprentices are to join or leave the shared den. In fact when Cicadastar finishes up with his brood of new trainees, she nearly checks out. For better or for worse, she does not, and in remaining attentive she's able to catch a mentor reassignment that if of direct relation to her.

Are you kidding me? Brookpaw seeks out Lichentail in the crowd, eyebrows stitched together. Parts of her wonder if this was requested; maybe the lead warrior would want a more malleable apprentice. She reconsiders Cicadastar's words in frustrated silence and keeps her mouth shut, deciding that her momentary rage is best kept to her chest. "Plenty," she mutters to her mentor in turn, keeping to her natural lilt. Though she has no one she needs to say her goodbyes too, she's grateful that Lichentail offers both her and Dipperpaw a late start the next day.​
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Despite being older than Cicadastar's litter, Minnowpaw was familiar with the bunch. Always underfoot, it seemed. Generally annoyed by cats younger than her, the apprentice could claim no fondness for them. However, she could swallow her irritation. She knew it was petty, and besides that, being rude to the leader's kits probably would not bode well for her.

However, watching the bunch get apprenticed to all the higher-ups... irritation began to give way to something else. Envy, greener than her eyes or the algae growing on the stones in the river. Why should they get special treatment? Did she not deserve the same opportunity they had just been afforded? Wasn't she doing well?

Minnowpaw huffed, though she kept her face stoic. Did Carppaw feel the same way she did? The silver tabby looked over the heads of other cats, trying to find her and gauge her reaction. Snakeblink was a great cat but definitely didn't have the same prestige as Smokethroat or Cicadastar.​
✦ ★ ✦​
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₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ The day had finally arrived, the one she had imagined for moons and it was here. Today, Beekit and the rest of her littermates would be made apprentices before being given to their mentors to train until it was time for them to become warriors. The thought itself makes her insides twist for a heartbeat or two, she's a little nervous to say the least but she hopes that once the meeting is done and over with, she could make both of her parents proud of her and her mentor. Beekit stays back listening to Cicadastar speak about the journey cats, she still wishes that they didn't need to go but she believes that Starclan would watch over them and keep their group safe from harm. Before she knew it they would probably be back and return to the river all in one piece, she breathes in quietly to herself with her side brushing lightly against Cicadakit's side focusing once more on the words that leave the maw of the leader.

The youngest is called upon first, Starlightkit, and her ears perk forward listening as he's now named Starlightpaw and her mentor is Petalnose. A good choice really, she has seen how fierce the warrior could be and the small molly respected that about the lead warrior. Although, it makes her wonder who Cicadakit and her mentor would be. She remains patient making sure that the mallard feather that Chicorypaw had given her was neatly tucked in her chest fluff for all to see when it was her turn to step forward with a new name and mentor. Alas, she would have to wait for Cicadakit to go before she went it seems. Iciclefang is named his mentor and Beekit searches the crowd briefly for the mottled molly, she's briefly confused seeing as the warrior is going off to the journey until she hears that her own father will train Cicadakit in the absence of Iciclefang and she is to takeover when she returns.

"And Beekit."

When her name is called, she becomes attentive and owl sized eyes look up to her father that stands upon river rock. The fur on her neck prickling with excitement as she's given her new name - Beepaw, it was no warrior name but it was one that she waited for eagerly when the time had been getting nearer. It isn't long after that her mentor is named and Beepaw tries to keep her excitement contained when she hears that it was her papa, Smokethroat. The smoke molly stepping forward to touch noses briefly with her father and sitting beside him, she glances up at him unable to quite show how enthusiastic she was but instead offers a small smile before listening in on the rest of the announcements.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 3 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of smokethroat & cicadastar
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ❥ penned by bosstaurus
Cats were leaving. Carppaw could recognize it, the tension in the air and the hum of grief following on it's coattails. Noble warriors would be going out in the world with the other clans, trying to find some kind of... herb, some herb that would stop death's. Carppaw almost flinched as she remembered Flutterpaw's lifeless body, but she inhaled deeply, padding to the meeting as it was called. She sank down near Snakeblink, not quite as perky as normal, eyes half lidded and placed upon her paws as she listened.

But other cats would be joining her in the apprentice den, as some were leaving. Carp lifted her vision, a pierce of excitement getting to her heart. Slowly, the wide grin of hers spread back on her face, and perhaps she was the only one that lifted her voice in a cheer. Was she even supposed to cheer? Who knows, but she was excited for them! "Starlightpaw, Cicadapaw, Beepaw!" Carppaw called, seeming to buzz at the thought of new friends in the apprentice den. She did quiet herself as she settled back down, ready for more announcements.


——————————————————————————————— sinkin' in your ocean

The cats leaving were of no new news to her, having been present among the volunteers to watch who would take the opportunity or were chosen to. Petalnose glanced to give respectful nods to each. Then fixed her attention back upon Cicadastar for the ceremony. It was time for his litter to be apprenticed, it was hard not to intently stare. Engrossed, she listened to see who would be so worthy of the ruler's children, guiding them through life and training them up to live to their expectations. To be a protector. To be a guide. The pressure would fall on warriors they wanted their children to acquire skills from.. traits too. With her brutal honesty and ticking temper, she had her doubts. She wasn't well suited for those to crumble under pressure and falter over a simple shift of tone.

Starlightkit was the first, the oldest. The name which always pricked some concern into her, how off-putting it was.. It felt wrong to let it roll off the tongue. But for Cicadastar, it seemed to roll off with ease- as smooth as a river rock. She didn't particularly blame the river king, she was sure if she had ever chosen to settle for kits, she would think they were the best. She would believe they were better out of mere instinctual love. That was the good thing, it showed that the chimera father adored his kits. He adored them so as to give them a name which caused others to flash looks and opinions.

Then her name was spoken as of place of mentorship.

Eyes slightly widened in surprise. She was this worthy warrior her mind searched for. She was the rulers' choice. Sharp ears pinned forward as she softened a gaze towards the chimera leader, it was of appreciation. Petalnose pulled it towards his eldest, rising up her tall frame to adhere to the ceremony. She then bent her head down to touch noses with her, "Your adventure starts here. I shall show you around as soon as the sun trickles light onto the territory."

The next was his son, a name that of his father. She agreed, knowing of Starlightpaw's name- it was egotistical in a manner. Despite her importance in humility, she looked up to his father in many ways. It still felt wrong to roll from the tongue. The ego behind it made her a bit uncomfortable if she had to admit to herself. The child's character interested her and confused her, he was still rather different from his father. The mentor in place she found was a good choice, Iciclefang was sure to build in the expected traits and skills. The timing of it was perfect, a first apprentice to the tortiseshell pelted - a first apprentice to show her she was skilled and worthy. A trustworthy addition to the clan.

Then there was Beekit. The name was one she could smoothly speak, the medicine cat was that of which she respected. They had saved her life, made her feel like she had a place in this clan. There wasn't as much ego surrounding it, only honor of the medicine cat's soul. She wasn't close to the kit to say if she had lived up to the character of the passed feline. Although, she was sure Smokethroat would guide her through life. Loyal. Respectable.

The other two she agreed were a good choice of pairings, humming in agreement as she settled beside her new apprentice- sitting in an elegant manner. Lichentail seemed to have gained an additional apprentice for the time of lacking warriors. She curiously tipped her head, wondering how her friendly competitor would take this. From what she could see, Brookpaw wasn't the biggest fan of her - it was easy to read the room. In all honesty, it did draw some humor into her. She wondered if the blue point would have more favorability from her new temporary apprentice. Petalnose noted to herself to keep a distant eye on it, she felt for the fellow lead warrior in a way but it would have an amusing atmosphere if Lichentail was somehow causing her apprentices to hate her. It made her wonder with her own hardy character how Starlightpaw would look up to her.

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  • Dead
Reactions: lichenstar

✦₊ ⊹—— impeccably groomed as he is, cicadakit feels awkward and out of place amongst the shining cats, glittering with scales and glossy with feathers as the sun bleeds across the river, a portent of the gathering to come. the efforts of his pa had done little to tame the clumps of mussed curls that spill over his rawboned frame, sharp jutting shoulders pulling taut in a fruitless attempt at straightening his posture in response to his father's wordless encouragement. two-toned eyes rest on his father, sharp jaw cut shadowed in the reddening light, brushing his pa's face before climbing atop the smooth stone under which the clan flocks at his rolling and accented call.

envy colors the boy's vision, envy for the ease of his father's bunched limbs and deep-voiced confidence. he shoves it down into the crevasse of his mind, focusing on his father in the blazing scarlet son and the brush of his sister's side against his as they wait. the idea of the journey means little to him, so young he's just begun to grasp life outside of camp, but his gaze sweeps darkly across the six brave riverclanners. bruised purple washes the camp as the sun draws ever lower and as his father speaks of the party to fourtrees he wonders if he will attend with his new mentor - if he is to, he hopes beekit will as well.

starlightkit is the first called forward and displeasure coils like a water-snake in his belly, bile scorching the back of his throat. a lead warrior for her mentor, then, and without a doubt when his eyes find his sibling their head will be cocked back in effortless confidence. the slithering jealousy between his ribs nearly distracts him and adder eyes, cut-glass gaze, finds his father a heartbeat late as his name is called. iciclefang, and the boy's gaze blooms confusion until spidery limbs are pulled long at the revelation that until iciclefang returns (when, when?), it will be cicada the first who trains him. his spine curves, steadying himself, nearly unbalanced by the turn of events.

he knows he should be glad. somehow, he isn't.

his sister is apprenticed and this he watches with a rare sort of joy before he lapses back into a sulking slump, gaze sweeping dark over camp. beepaw, cicadapaw, starlightpaw. will his sister leave him behind as they grow, then? will she be drawn by new friends and training sessions and gossip instead of making time for her brother with his jutting vertebra and thorny words? something dark pools in his throat like clotted blood and he is grateful for the shield of mussed curls over a gaze drawn in shadow. the news of other assignments, the calls and murmurs of the crowd, fade into the background in the face of that dark something coagulating in the back of his throat, oozing bitter into his belly.

a fresh pair of wings watch behind his ears, four sets of eyes not his own that regard his new mentor as she draws closer and brushes her nose to his own overlong muzzle. her eyes are glacial ice, cold and impartial; his are two-toned, broken waves and firestorm. iciclefang's easy confidence unsettles him, unfounds him, and his gaze is wary beneath the curtain of fur. but she promises - promises to take him to the river, and that animates him, injects life into long-dead veins as his eyes dance to the tempting depths. cicadapaw nods, rasping, "okay. i want - i want to go."


  • ooc: ——
  • disclaimer: it's important to note that cicadapaw is not always in a stable state of mind. his view of the world may not always be accurate to objective reality, which may include seeing things that are not genuinely there, reading motivations or thoughts from actions that are not actually implied, and making assumptions or jumping to conclusions. this is not an attempt at metagaming, powerplaying, or mischaracterization, and is not legitimately true or correct to reality or what your characters actually think or believe.

    it will always be noted in the post if he is seeing something that isn't actually there. all opinions & thoughts are ic only and do not reflect my thoughts and opinions as a writer.
  • Tse77Co.png
    — cicadapaw
    — he/him ; apprentice of riverclan ; 3 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by dejavu

  • Like
Reactions: Petalnose
At this meeting he decided to stay a bit far away. Originally, he didn't want to attend it. Oh, he wanted to pretend he didn't hear the call and proceed to return to his nest and nap away to miss this meeting. However, he berated himself for such thoughts. It would have been done out of pettiness, simply because Cicadastar berated him for something he thought serious. His son had taken it too far. No one else had said anything or brought too much attention to it because Cicadakit was the leader's son. In other words, no one could lay a paw on any of their leader's kits. Starclan forbid they breathe the wrong way. He still doesn't think what he had done was wrong. Foolish? Maybe, but just because Cicadakit was the leader's son that didn't mean he should have special privileges. Whatever the case, the only reason why he showed up was out of self respect.

The meeting starts normally. Those who left for the journey are mentioned. It's a bit lonely with those cats gone. Guess what they say is true. You don't know what you've lost until it's actually gone. He shakes his head. Pike! Stop! Don't make it sad! They'll come back safe and sound! He is grateful that Cicadastar proceeds through the meeting, despite the fact that he has to bite his tongue at the mention of their leaders kits becoming apprentices. He doesn't have anything against Cicadastar and Smokethroat's kits, but with what had happened not too long ago... Let's just say it was a fresh wound. Personally he quite liked Beekit! Starlightkit he didn't have much interaction with to say he liked or disliked their presence. Cicadakit... That one... I don't hate him. I just worry he won't be taught control.

Petalnose? Petalnose! He sits up straight, mouth agape, immediately looking for his sister. He had been given an apprentice before her and now it was her time. To think, that her apprentice would be one of Cicadastar and Smokethroat's kits. To day he was happy for her was an understatement. So much so he doesn't pay attention to Cicadakit being named Cicadapaw, his paws fidgeting with the need to tackle into Petalnose to congradulate her. However, such happiness is dashed when he feels a sudden chill. His head practically snaps towards Cicadastar. Huh? Weird. He simply blinks and bears a dumbfounded expression towards Cicadastar, before shaking his head and returning his attention to Petalnose.

Beepaw herself has a fine mentor, which he is content with. He hadn't been paying attention to who Cicadapaw had been paired with, but he figures it was someone decent. After all there's no way Cicadastar would allow his kits to be trained by just anyone. He joins in the clans cheers yelling Beepaw and Starlightpaw louder in comparison to Cicadapaw. Once everything is settled he slinks over to Petalnose, brimming with joy. "Look at you! Congrats! Ah, I know you'll do great Petal! But you better not forget me! Hehe, just kidding. I know. You're a mentor, there's not as much time. Still, who says we can't have our little competitions in front of Starlightpaw."

Not wanting to be rude he would turn to little Starlightpaw, "You're in good paws Starlightpaw. Petal can look scary sometimes, but I promise she's really nice. Don't tell her I said that. Actually I think I have to go now, she might be around to hear me. Might kill me for it. She's a good cat, so don't be afraid to her anything. Oh wow. I think I heard someone call my name." With that he pads away, not wanting to experience Petalnose cuffing him.

Pikesplash next destination is Lichentail who has been given an additional apprentice. Just one is hard enough... He flicks his tail in greeting towards the mentor and apprentices. She might be stressed out of her mind. Hmmm... What can I do. Yikes looks like Brookpaw is upset. Uhhhh... Let's make this quick? "Just wanted to say, if you need some help Lichentail, feel free to ask. One apprentice is hard, but I get it if you say no. It's not my place, after all. But... I want to help if you'll need and allow it."
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Otterpaw arrived to the meeting without Ripplewave by his side yet, curiously, he does not appear concerned. The battle-hardened tom had made it no secret that the first few moons of Otterpaw's training would be his last as a warrior at all. Providing the chimera at least the foundation of skills RiverClan would expect from him. A solid slate for Smokethroat to take over sharpen up as he began to grow into the beginnings of a warrior.

The scars both the toms bared openly had brought deep admiration from the rowdy tom. He was excited to see what else Smokethroat could teach him, so that he could become just as tough and keen. To learn just exactly how he collected the attention of his Clanmates with a single barking order. He took notice that one of Smokethroat's kits are assigned to him at once prickling vines began to coil itself around him. Jealousy burned deep within his chest and opened up like a cavity. Fine. He could share. As long as they still...

A pale green squint lodged itself on Cicadastar with fiery indignance. A wiry tail fluffed as it lashed rapidly back and forth. Otterpaw took no time to reflect, no time to decide and consider the scene surrounding him. The cats that were set to leave and risk their lives for the sake of the cure Ravensong had given him, that had saved Lichentail. Nothing in regards to Coyotecrest's approach to greet his new apprentice. Not a single ounce of care for how this might make his father look as he spoke to the new apprentices. There's only rage that stirred, and the reigns had long since been thrown away.

"WHAT??" His shout soared above the noise as he glowered at both toms. Cicadastar, Smokethroat. Smokethroat. The Deputy was supposed to be his, promised to shape him into the best of the best. "You're THROWING ME AWAY?? Just like that? I'm worth MORE than that. I'm worth more than this-" Otterpaw cut hismelf short to fully assess Coyotecrest. Searching for how he could undermine the leader's choice.

"This twig-legged mentor. I deserve someone that can put up a FIGHT!" This can't be true. It can't possibly be happening, truly. Coyotecreek hardly even fished! Otterpaw hated digging through the brush finding pesky mice and shrews. He wouldn't do it! ​