private a terrible vow | magpiepaw


run, baby, run
Apr 28, 2024
જ➶ The molly is fuming, angry. The feeling coiled in her like a snake ready to strike and it's all because of what Beepaw and Troutsnout said to her. More so the warrior than the apprentice. Her eyes snap to a rock and she kicks it. She hates it here. She does. Because of the rogues. Because of the other clans but she has too much pride in herself just to abandon ship and not make it work. Besides her mother would never allow her to do that and she knows better than to defy her no matter how it looks. Turning on her paws she marches into the apprentice den. "Magpiepaw? Come for a walk with me." She says it like a command until she realizes it. Mag is her friend, not someone to force unwarranted anger on and she twists around to look at them. "Please..." Slipping off into the wetlands of home she is quiet for a moment until she snaps her sharp teeth against the air in frustration. "Ugh! It's not fair! But if I say that again it'll make me look like a fool. Troutsnout said that I couldn't be around you all because of a stupid bird. As if that bird is so darn important!" Her eyes glimmer with her anger and she tries not to face Magpie. She doesn't want them to see her breakdown.

Maggie is her friend. The only one she can talk to. "Don't let her break us apart like this. Not over some piece of prey. You won't right?" Turning around now she fully focuses on the other feline. Wide eyes but hopeful. Her paws shuffle in the sands but she settles down finally and takes a deep breath in before relaxing just a little bit.

It was rather- conflicted to be fair. While they loved having a friend, they feared their sister at the same time. Troutsnout might’ve been a little carried away cause it wasnt that bad of a way to kill the bird right? They hadn’t really seen the killing as they had been away or not paying attention- more than likely not paying attention- but truly it wasnt a bad thing. There was no rule against it and it was better to hurt something like prey than a real cat right? That’s how they saw it in any case.

Though when Midnightpaw came looking for them, they werent sure what to say. Troutsnout had been a tad too excessive and who could tell them who they could and couldnt hang out with anyway? Magpiepaw sighed softly to themselves with exasperation and settled on siding with their friend. Their sister would just have to deal with it cause Midnightpaw wasnt that bad of a cat. Everyone got angry sometimes.

Blue and yellow hues looked over at the sound of the other apprentice and got up from their spot as they were requested to take a walk. They didnt even think about and just followed regardless, and slipped out onto the wetlands of the territory. Though once far enough from the camp and ears who could pick up a hair pin, the ginger and black cat turned around with a snap of their teeth, voicing that Troutsnout had been unfair and that this place was unfair.

Hues of shimmering water and a burning sun watched their friend quietly. Letting her talk, letting her vent and pace as she so pleased. All they could do was listen for the time being and then once the other seemingly had a break in their words, it spoke up with, “C’mon, man, you know Trout probably didnt think-” Then Midnightpaw turned on them and stared at them with intensity in her gaze.

A small cold shiver ran down their spine and made their fur bristle slightly, but then shook their head quickly to dismiss the idea of Troutsnout ever being able to break them apart, “Of course, Middy, you know I wouldn’t break us apart for something like a bird! You gotta trust me more than that,” They gave a furrowed brow and looked at the darker colored cat with a flick of their long tail, “What had you so upset, though, Mids? Do you wanna talk about it?” ​


Of A Monster
જ➶ Hearing them say that seems to quell their fears. At least some what. A little. It still sits heavy in her chest but at least for now she can accept it. Troutsnout won't come between them, not over something so trivial and for now she can accept that. A smile pulls at her maw, tight and almost unwelcomed before her gaze flicks away to the reeds they are near. This is supposed to be a walk but now they are lingering and frankly she doesn't see anything wrong with that. "I know. I'm....I'm sorry. I just...." How can she formulate the idea, the feeling of having someone who doesn't treat her like some burden taken away from her. She is sure much of the clan feels the same about her and she shakes her head. With a huff she lays down and begins to fiddle with the tall reeds, bending and breaking them over and over again in agitated thought. "I trust you. I don't say that lightly. I just don't want to lose my only friend." Flicking her gaze to them then she tries to think of what to say and why she had done that to the bird. She did have plans on killing it but she had been caught before doing so. An excuse had already been in her mind. She found it like that. She stole it from a fox, etcetera.

Though that is neither here nor there. Her anger caused her to lash out, tear those flying wings a part and she blows out a heated huff of air. "I'm....I don't understand. I'm trying my best but nothing is ever good enough. My mother may be blind now but even when she could see she never cared. It's always do better, you're a disappointment, when will you stop dallying and make me proud. Not even my first catch was good enough." She remembers it clear as day. It had been a mouse and she had been so excited. Lurching forward to her mother but all she said was that it was a disgrace and she should have caught a fish first. Then when she got the fish, it should have been bigger. Blinking her eyes finally Middy shakes her head. "Whatever, it doesn't matter. I'll just keep trying. I can't tuck my tail."
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Midnightpaw apologizes to it like she had done something wrong when in fact she hadn’t. Suppose it was an act of anger and that it was going to die anyway right? They didnt want to believe their friend was capable of hurting someone just because. No, Midnightpaw would never do that. Still as they walked along the marshy land of Riverclan territory the young chimera watched their friend with worry in their mismatched gaze, “You dont have to worry about loosing me, Middy, really, Trouts just overly emotional sometimes” They offer as a means of comfort and twitched its tail slightly, though those reeds would beg to differ really.

Magpiepaw then listened as their ginger and black patched friend voiced something very deep, a deep seated troubled that seemed so fresh. Midnightpaw voiced their feelings over being not enough and that their mother had always been one to shoot them down no matter how hard they tried. The young chimera felt their gaze soften and they looked at its’ friend for a moment as they then shook off the words like they had been water on their pelt.

You’re enough, Middy, you are dont sell yourself short on it” Magpiepaw voiced as if it had been the silliest thing it’d ever heard of before, “Just cause some stinky molly says you should catch a fatter mouse or whatever isn’t worth it” They wrinkled their nose at the thought and wished they could share more of comfort to the other. They had yet to know their own mother. She died when they had been only a few moons old and that had been a while ago now. They didnt even know what her voice sounded like or what she would say about their first catch, or swim.

Midnight then said it was ‘whatever’ and that they would just keep trying harder, “And we’re gonna try together, right? Warriors until the end” They offered a slight smile though they felt it was misplaced and awkward, but they were trying at least. ​


Of A Monster