A THOUSAND SPOTLIGHTS // thunderclan patrol

// @batwing @KILLDEERCRY ; feel free to post before them!

Howlingstar treads carefully, her jaws parted and ears pricked so that she's sure she'd detect any trace of the boars if they're nearby. The SkyClan border is risky to visit right now, but they can't slack on their duties despite the herd that still slowly makes its way through their forest. They have a job to do. "Stay alert," She reminds the warriors, perhaps for the fifth time since they've left camp. Ever cautious, ever careful. Finally, they reach the edge of the pine forest but the tabby still appears tense as she swiftly marks the border. "Let's make this fast; I don't want to be all the way out on this end for longer than we have to be." Just the pine forest, then the river, and they could return home to safety. Maybe even catch a piece of prey on the way back, who knows? All she knows is the boars are in the southeastern forest, and so are they. The thought sends a shiver down her spine.

Sometimes, when the wind blew right, Sparrowpaw could catch a whiff of something strange and foul within the ThunderClan forest. A threat, as far as they knew, but fortunately one they hadn't yet seen. Passing by on patrols, they found themself peering into the trees as if they could spot the source.

What came out of the undergrowth this time wasn't the source of the odd scent, but ThunderClanners. Sparrowpaw paused, a small frown settling upon their maw at their uneased haste. The one that seemed to be leading them looked familiar. Although not intentionally rude, they squinted hard at the tabby before straightening up upon realization.

With something bordering hesitance, they took a step forward, brown head tilting slightly. "You're, um, Howlingstar, right?" They could remember seeing her stood tall upon the stone with the other leaders at the Gatherings they had attended. Then, with a small jolt, they quickly dipped their head. Even now, they still forgot to do it from time to time - especially to authorities.

// obligatory mentor ping @Auburnflame


The smell coming from the oak forest was awful. She had never seen a boar, but if they look as awful as they smell, then she doesn't want to. Delicate paws carried her to the border to refresh it's marks. She rubbed her face on a pine before greeting Thunderclan.

"Hello, Thunderclan." She greets warmly.

She keeps her apprentice close, wrapping her tail around them. "This is Howlingstar, Thunderclan's leader. Would you like to say hello?" She asks Pocket.

She briefly considers asking how her siblings are doing, but decides against it. They're fine. She worries for them, but mostly Rabbit. Badger can handle herself just fine. Though, she supposed it's good to worry about her too.

(( @pocket apprentice tag! ))​

"ThunderClan." Silversmoke's words were the curtest of the lot, the spotted tabby prowling opposite to the rest of his patrol and settling in a place a short distance away from them. The gathering had long since ended and memories of past border interactions with ThunderClan resurfaced as their familiar stench wounded his sensitive nostrils, reminders of their blatant disregard of half of SkyClan's Warriors and disrespect of the other half... and how upset they had been when he had given them what they deserved. Time had resolved the issue and settled any tensions, but where his sight lacked, his memory flourished, and the Lead Warrior wouldn't be so quick to forget how easily the northernmost border seemed to look down upon him. Unfamiliar faces settled behind Howlingstar and the large feline gave them a once over: strangers, usually a warning, now almost comforting. "Where are your boars now?" He enquired, attention onto Howlingstar. Surely not near SkyClan if ThunderClan were bold enough to send patrols out towards the Twolegplace but... he'd feel better knowing that they were heading across the Thunderpath towards ShadowClan or WindClan.

It was taking time but he was slowly beginning to warm to the idea of patrolling. It beat hanging around the camp anyway, he just wasn't the sort who liked being idle. The spidery tom had hoped that it would be a quiet enough route, though it seemed as though they had come across the neighbours. It was a swift decision but he decided to avoid opening his mouth given its habit of landing him into trouble. Still, his ears were pricked high as he listened into the potential gossip.
The first she spots is a young cat, an apprentice, it seems, and Howlingstar looks at them with the beginnings of a smile. The youth are always the quickest way to soften the leader. "That's right. And who might you be, young one?" She trills in greeting, waving her tail before her gaze drifts to the warriors on the patrol. She does not recognize the one who greets her, but she still gives a nod and a trill, "Hello, SkyClan." She looks next to Silversmoke, who asks about the boars. Her brow furrows, a frown replacing the small smile on her face. "They're further north right now. We're doing our best to keep an eye on them and track them. If they come near this border, we will send word as soon as possible." She scans the entire patrol, tail flicking to and fro. SkyClan should have nothing to worry about when it comes to the boars - not right now, at least.
Skyclan. A clan full of.. what, kittypets and loners? He wasn't initially thrilled about going there- after all, he was a thrill seeker himself, but- it beat the alternative. A hum left him as he padded behind Howlingstar on the way to the border, marking trees and bushes to keep the border strong. They finally came to a stop when Skyclan themselves met them at the border. He stood near Howlingstar- just off of her right shoulder. Green optics scanned those present.

An apprentice, warriors, boars. His ears flattened at the mention of them, and he speaks. "Hopefully, you won't have anything to worry about." Batwing didn't like the way they smelled, or the distrust of the other clans- but he wouldn't wish death by boar upon any of them. No, that's... His eyes turned away as the thoughts riddled his brain, eyes going half lidded as he moved to mark another bush just a bit away. Distract himself perhaps that will lighten his mood. ​

Their heart leapt into their throat then as the tabby confirmed her identity to be Howlingstar - yet not quite out of nerves or excitement. Sparrowpaw's paws briefly tip-tapped on the earth. "Um," they began, their naturally soft voice rising a pitch. "Sparrowpaw."

It felt strange, to see another leader in the flesh outside of their imposing figures against the night sky, speaking of news and tragedy and nearly biting at each other's throats. They had expected her to be a little more... scary. She held an aura of a responsibility and authority, but in a way that was different from Blazestar. More serious, but maybe not angry like the other leaders sounded.

Without more words from the small cat, she moved on to address Silversmoke, and their ears angled forward before quickly flicking back. They had heard of the news of death, her very own son if they had heard right. They weren't sure if there was much they could say, but they would say it anyway. "Stay safe..."


WE'RE GETTING LOST! Working alongside Howlingstar was always a refreshing moment. Not that she didn't always give her tasks all of her best efforts and results, but it was always more enjoyable when her leader was able to see her in action. There was only so much to appreciate from verbal reports, but actually seeing her drive out in the field was a different feeling!

The ruddy she-cat turned her head to look back at @barleypaw. and @Sleekpaw. with a smile. "So, what do we remember about SkyClan?" She prompted them, expecting some more brutally honest responses. They're KittypetClan, might be one. They helped develop the first of the warrior code, could very well be another! Killdeercry had the habit to simply... dump all the information she knew of the Clans, sometimes repeatedly.

The SkyClan patrol appeared, and Killdeer is respectful of them as they stay on their side of the border. She can't help but be a little entertained about Sparrowpaw's curiosity. "What have you been learning, Sparrowpaw? You like exploring the pines?" The question's innocent, as if she were speaking to her own pair of trainees. Which, she does soon after. "Get a good look at him, you could just as quickly see him in battle next." A whisper, only meant for the two and possibly her patrol-mates if they were trying to hear. — tags
The small brown cat was curious of the clans. He had joined a bit ago, and he was learning lots. Something called an apprentice, he supposed. They were trained to be warriors, cats that fight and hunt for their clan. Protect them.

He was a protector, and that sounded cool in the small boys head. His fur was swirled in chocolates and beiges, and olive green eyes would watch Sweetbee intently during this 'patrol'.

A strange scent introduced to him called 'Thunderclan' hit his nose. And he pulled closer to his mentor as the opposing clan would seem to greet them with friendly words about boars and so on.

He looked at the other apprentice, who dipped his head in what seemed to be respect to the other leader, before the tiny tom would try to follow suit. "H-hello, HowlingStar," he stuttered, taking a small shaky step forward before dipping his head.

It was strange, having to meet so many cats at once, and then soon having to learn so much. Remembering names were a pain, and morals and rules. He would get the hang of it, eventually.