camp A Touch of Fancy {Intro}


Peaceful Soul
Dec 11, 2022
( ) Grief has covered Thunderclan camp like a low-hanging storm cloud. Of course, Mintpool understood why, death was always such a sad thing and especially when a cat was so young. Still, the chocolate torbie was not super close to the family, so while she still grieved the loss, the days continued on for the molly.

Sitting outside of the camp nursery, Mintpool would busy herself with inspecting the bramble walls, noting the spots that needed reinforcing before any real snow storms hit them. Rising to her paws, the pretty molly would look around camp until she spotted a group of warriors and apprentices and made her way over, waving her tail in greeting as she meowed in a humble tone, "Sorry to interrupt, but would any of you like to come with me to get materials? The nursery has some spots that need fixing."

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It's been a black couple of days for ThunderClan, and Raccoonstripe is struggling to cast the shadows away. It's his kin who's died, an innocent kit, and seeing his sister and his mother so affected has his paws heavy. The tabby has thought darkly to himself about Morningpaw's unfortunate heritage, her hesitance to leave the nursery and train to become a warrior -- and he's of the opinion that she never should have interfered with the battles occurring in that skirmish. She'd still been kitlike at heart, and this proved that.

He has been quiet, uncharacteristically so, thinking about the terrible way Little Wolf has let their bloodline bleed into SkyClan, about what it has cost her, when a quiet voice breaks his silence. "Sorry to interrupt, but would any of you like to come with me to get materials? The nursery has some spots that need fixing."

Raccoonstripe straightens, eyes sweeping over the pretty tabby. He can appreciate her insistence at continuing Clan life, and he thinks it's the best thing for him to contribute instead of thinking about what could have been. He offers her a charming smile, flashing white teeth, and says, "I think that's a fine idea. We don't want Sunfreckle getting cold, right? Even though the last kit in there is finally going to be apprenticed to somebody." He stretches, limbs burning beneath his dark tabby pelt. "Anyone else?"

After all, perhaps they can catch some prey while they're at it. The last hunting patrol to go out had brought back a single squirrel, paid for in blood.

- ,,

Did he hear right??? HIS DAD???? AT RISK OF BEING COLD!?



Sparkpaw rushed through the snow towards the warriors, kicking snow as he went.

"I'LL HELP!! I'LL HELP!!!" He shouted, skidding to a halt in front of them, spraying them with snow.


The boy just. Didn't have an inside voice, did he? He was all puffed up with wide eyes, eager to help fix the nursery. It was going to be the WARMEST nursery.

"You can count me in. If I sit here any longer I fear my joints will ice up." Sunnyday heaved himself to his paws with a grunt of discomfort and a wheeze. The cold was getting to him, and with the persistent cough that now racked his body he was finding himself growing weaker. He just needed to work harder, that would fix it, right?

Though he did flinch in response to Sparkpaw's loud voice. He screwed his face up for a moment before allowing himself to relax again, shaking snow from his pelt. "Steady on, you're going to bury us in snow if you keep running around like that." There was no anger in his voice, mainly because he had found it just as amusing as it was annoying.