pafp a town called hometown ☆ gift


* ˚ ✦ salmon jammin' everywhere!
May 15, 2023
(๑✪ᆺ✪๑) a dawn patrol comes pouring back into camp and amongst them was certain blue tortoiseshell who looked particularly giddy to have returned because clutched delicately between teeth is a beautiful feather, one half a cool taupe while the other is an iridescent blue that shifts to purple when tilted a certain way in the light with the very tip being dipped in white. chicorypaw scans the clearing for a few seconds, pale green hues flickering from one clanmate to another in search for someone in particular until they settle upon a small, curly furred smoke.


with a bounce in every step, mistmatched limbs would lead the apprentice right towards the kitten. "hiya, beekit! look what i found for you!" greets the molly who places the gift down at inky paws before going into another ramble of words. "pretty right? i know you're gonna be an apprentice soon so i thought i'd get you a little present! i wanted to get some for your siblings too but i got scolded for wandering a little too far from the patrol so i could really only grab this but don't worry i'll try again next time i'm out." her voice trickles a bit into a loud whisper nearing the end, a cheeky smile curling at the corners of her mouth. "ahem, anyways, where do you think you're gonna put it? maybe tucked away in your nest or maybe weave it into your fur? it'll look nice either way!"

// a mallard feather for @BEEKIT ! please wait for them to respond (´。• ᵕ •。`)

₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ The river princess had recieved quite a few gifts that she cherishes well, the orange flowers and petals that adorned her pelt, the flowers that she had received from Ratpaw that she has put within her nest, and now, Chicorypaw's kind enough to give her a mallard feather with such lovely pigments that made her eyes grow wide. She does not know what she had done to have earned this kindness from her clanmates but Beekit appreciates it nonetheless, she makes a mental note to find gifts of her own to give to each kind individual, her siblings, and fathers when she's finally apprenticed and allowed to leave camp (with her mentor, of course). Beekit's pelt bristles up with excitement when Chicorypaw approaches her and she greets back with a warm smile present on her maw "Hello Chicorypaw! Oh really? Thank you! I'll cherish it forever," And it's a promise, Beekit will always hold this feather dear to her and it'll be a reminder and token of her and the older molly's friendship.

A gift for her since she's nearing apprenticeship, the thought itself is daunting yet exciting all at once but she uses a snowy paw to carefully brush the feather closer to her to admire all of its features and the way that it shone purple when it was shifted slightly. It makes her happy and she listens to the apprentice ramble about how she obtained it, Beekit would appear thoughtful when Chicorypaw asked where the curly furred molly would place it and she thinks about it for a good moment or two. "I'll wear it the day I become an apprentice! So everyone can see the lovely feather you've given me," She purrs to Chicorypaw and this would be true, she'd make sure to wear the flowers given to her and this feather. Perhaps she shall move it into her nest or keep it within her fur, that's a thought she ponders silently.

Beekit wouldn't want to lose something as precious as this, she glances up to Chicorypaw once more adding with a toothy grin "And once I'm an apprentice, I'll find you a gift just as sp... spontaneous!" Her front limbs going up and waving briefly in the air to emphasize it.