private A TRICKLE OF LIGHTNING — tiggerbounce

✿—— she hasn't yet attained the skills to be proudly carrying a feathery prize when she returns to camp, like some of the other warriors always seem to, so she pads back in from a patrol with an empty muzzle that makes her neck fur bristle with embarassment. it's really only been a few sunrises since she started warrior duties—perhaps she's setting her hopes too high, expecting to have already made her first catch, but ... somehow, she wants it, wants the feathered body between her teeth and the blood brightly staining her muzzle. a sign to all that she can do it, that she can make it. she forces her mane of fur to lie flat with her expectations; it's silly to dream about such things. if she wants to attain the skills, she'll need to go out again and put in the work—in a moment.

for now, she crosses the camp in quick deerish strides towards a familiar plump ginger pelt; tiggerbounce, the friendly daylight warrior who'd helped her practice her hunting crouch in the days just before her kits' ceremony. perhaps he would be able to help her with the worry weighing her mind down like a stone—the memories of a bloodied blazestar, of her kits cowering in their nest, of so many injured cats under the hanging claws of windclan is still vivid in her mind. she's learning battle training from blazestar, yes, but she wants to know more—wants to know as much as she can, and if that means seeking out cats from different walks of life, so be it. tiggerbounce's past in the marsh before the clans might very well be an asset for this.

"tiggerbounce?" she pauses just before she reaches the tom, head tipped to the side in hesitance, mewing quietly, "uh, if you have a moment—i wanted to know if you h-had any tips on, um, self-defense?"

  • ooc: @TIGGERBOUNCE !!
  • 68403446_KpQyDZrn5ORVKjb.png
  • ❀ bobbie — for her kithood love of bobby pins
    she/her ; cisgender female — skyclan — queen — 39 ☾s
    —— bobbie is a beautiful but insecure lilac tabby, dotted with white patches and with pale green eyes. a queen of skyclan, she's sweet and kind if prone to melancholy; the heartbreaking end of a lifelong romance has left her scarred..
    —— smells like sweet lavender & tea leaves ; sounds like sansa stark ; speech in #D64933, thoughts in #B1C797
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, divorced, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to unplanned romance & unplanned battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

Tiggerbounce, to many, is a cat to be avoided at the very least. Though his presence is not soured by attitude or ill manners, there is something about the plump ginger tom-cat that made certain SkyClanners rather annoyed or uncomfortable with him (it wouldn't take a genius to figure out that it was the kittypet pride he so adamantly sported on a day to day basis.) It was simply a less than wanted side-effect of being himself. Never in a million years would he assume that a cat would ever approach him willingly on the topic of warrior duties, let alone self-defense.

But that was Bobbie, forever surprising the cats of the pine forest clan. A wide smile creeps across the jolly tom-cat's face as she offers her query, his eyes crinkling up at the corners when his flattened muzzle doesn't yield to the extent of his grin. "I'm flattered you think I'm a good teaching candidate for this sorta stuff." He quips lightly before extending himself into a long stretch. "I'm a little out of practice, but I think I'll be able to impart the basics if that's what you really want!"

He doesn't question the she-cat's motives, even if the way she tilted her head made his brows knit in minor concern. It was not often that cats came to him for anything (he muses upon this again, a constant refrain) and there were far more bombastic, more notable fighters among SkyClan's throng. Yes, he would consider them friends, but why would she single him out specifically rather than, say, Slate? Or Silversmoke? Or even Blazestar?

"Even if I kinda get the feeling that you're not just looking for a training session...." There is little reason to hide his thoughts with, or anyone for that matter. Especially when it came to such... heavy topics.... such as an urge to protect oneself from something.

✿—— she waits on light paws, mane drifting about her face in the gentle greenleaf breeze until she'll inevitably paw it away. the tabby is well aware some of her clanmates have a distaste for the ginger daylight warrior (slate and silversmoke come to mind), but she can't say she shares it. perhaps tiggerbounce doesn't contribute as much as some of the other warriors, but she's never seen him take from the fresh-kill pile either; she herself would rather have a little extra prey than no extra prey at all, regardless of who it comes from. many of the daylight warriors don't take prey, she's noticed; she assumes they eat at their twoleg nests. it's a silly mindset, she thinks—maybe cats like tiggerbounce don't help much, but they help some, and in her opinion, some is better than none.

"i don't mind," she offers in return to his jolly words, shifting on nervous paws. perhaps her motives are not entirely clear, entirely as simple as the question she'd posed; after all, she's already begun to work on battle training with blazestar. if she wanted more, she could always ask him. tiggerbounce seems to notice this, being honest with his thoughts in a way that startles her—she's not shown such candor with her own in a long time. she hasn't had anyone she trusts enough for it, excepts perhaps blazestar, but ... she would call tiggerbounce a friend. she ought to be honest with him. bobbie shifts on her paws again, mews, "i guess i just .... want to be able to feel that i can protect m-myself," she pauses, copper a phantom tang in her nose, adds, "and my kits, the rest of skyclan ..." blazestar, she thinks but doesn't say. it's ridiculous to think he, of all cats, would need protecting.

"it was the windclan attack, i guess. i'll have to fight battles one day, and if they ever do manage to get into our camp, i w-want to know what i'm doing. whatever it takes," she speaks with a conviction that's unusual for her, an uncommon severity as she looks down at white-tipped paws. the tabby sighs, "i don't know. sorry, tiggerb-bounce."


  • ooc: sorry this is so late lol
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu

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"No, don't apologize." He can recall all those nights in the marsh colony where cats stayed awake, grumbling and growling about the pine group and their gaggle of kittypet pretenders, how they'd never be able to survive in their forest, how they didn't belong. He is vividly reminded (by himself) that he was once a cat like that, perhaps not as married to the idea of pretenders in the forest as some of his fellow colony members, but he definitely did not push back against them. If only they could see cats like Bobbie now.

She was not born to be a soldier or warrior. She still held onto her collar from her days where warriorhood would've been a speck of an idea in her wildest dreams. Most of the cats he had grown up with would have most likely scoffed at her still-soft, not-forest-tarnished coat and uneasy paws. Tiggerbounce couldn't bring himself to think like that anymore. Instead, when he looked at Bobbie, he saw cats like Dawnglare and Blazestar; cats who held onto their origins and held the most powerful positions in their clan, despite being held under intense scrutiny from cats who thought being born in a ditch or tree made them better than those born on soft Twoleg blankets.

He tips her head at head, a beckoning offer. "Attack me first, in whatever way you think up first. Half of being a soldier... ahem... a warrior is about instinct. You've gotta trust your gut. Don't worry about hurting me, I've got padding."

✿—— she offers him a shaky smile in reply; the idea that tiggerbounce, of all cats in skyclan, might judge her for being soft-pawed and collar-wearing is ridiculous. it's a strange thought, that he once belonged to a colony full of cats like slate or silversmoke, cats who would sooner see her throat ringed with a different collar of red than acknowledge kittypets could be warriors. it's a stranger thought still that the other clans refuse those who once felt the touch of hairless paws; she's more than aware of windclan's hatred for the 'kittypet clan', but it seems so strange to her. blazestar, dawnglare, johnnyflame—all cats who, improbable as it might seem, used to sleep in plush nests made of fake-pelt instead of moss, eat kibble instead of warm prey.

it lights a certain fire in her chest, to think of that. to think of the snide remarks, the wrinkled muzzles of other clans when she happened to meet them on the border. the way cats stared at the collar looped around her neck as though it magically ripped the claws from her paws, the sense from her brain. it makes training sessions like these all the more important, determination glittering in her eyes; she will not let that ring true. tiggerbounce invites her to try attacking him and she nods in response, humming amusedly at his last remark. the tabby jokes, "i always seem to end up fighting cats m-much larger than me."

bobbie tilts her head, pale eyes contemplating how to go about this; tiggerbounce, despite his cobby body and chubby belly, is larger than her—and she certainly hasn't been a warrior long enough to build the kind of muscle you really needed in battle. the tabby pauses, darts low and attempts to push a shoulder hard against his ample gut, hoping his weight will do the work her own can't in knocking him off balance.


  • ooc: late AGAIN sorry!
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu