A trot in her walk ✧ Intro

Feb 20, 2024

Flora had done her absolute best to ensure that she was quiet, taking it to heart she had vowed to herself to not say a single word. This resolve was proving to become increasingly weaker the closer that she got to camp, she couldn’t help it. It felt like she was a kit again, everything was new and exciting to her, how was she supposed to express this non-verbally? The answer was through her tail, it couldn’t keep still, one might have confused her for being raised with dogs with all the energy she was channeling through it.

To her credit, she remained silent on the way back to the Skyclan camp. However, as soon as she was past the threshold that she personally deemed appropriate, she decided to exploit the fact that quiet did not mean complete silence. The first chance that the maine coon got she was right back to talking to anyone who would listen, just keeping it in a low whisper so it would still fall under the being quiet rule. “So what’s your leader like? Is she nice?” Usually she was good with talking but her usual capabilities did not extend into these circumstances. Flora could get used to these circumstances though, she prided herself on being adaptable, even to these extremes.

Despite the desire to run around and greet every single cat she saw she remained with the group she arrived with. Of course she still looked at every little detail around her in pure fascination and excitement. Perhaps it was due to her being a kittypet that she found every minor detail interesting, she wasn't sure. To be honest she didn't really care for the reason either, she was just enjoying her time. Wanting to appear friendlier to the potential new friends she could be making she returned to a slouched posture, trying to make herself smaller. This didn't go very far as her obscenely fluffy coat still took up a lot of space but she had hoped that the effort made her look approachable, she was determined to make a great first impression here.

// OOC: she came to camp with @TWITCHBOLT @SILVERSMOKE @BEAR and @CROWPAW! (congrats on picking up a kittypet<3)


Silversmoke would've preferred it if their new tag-a-long didn't want to have a paw in two worlds, but he understood the hesitation. The time between first meeting Flora and her inviting herself to the clan had been short, the decision impulsive: had he been a housecat, he may have done the same until he learned of the horrors that Twolegs had committed upon their home. Silent on the rest of their journey and only offering the occasional check-in glance towards the newcomer, the tom felt the immediate stares as they walked into camp: mostly friendly, some more cautious. The latter he agreed with more, not because the maine coon was any sort of threat to him personally, but because she'd already admitted her priority was a missing friend and not the clan itself. Selfishness could too easily grow like mushrooms within the forest, in a place where selfishness was punishable by the stars, he'd rather it not fester for longer than necessary. The silver tom worked a knot or two out of his fur that'd been culminated by their journey, then, felt his ears voice with a familiar voice from behind him. The same tufted appendages twitched as he turned around.

"She's fair." Nice was too subjective, too.. broad. He could consider Blazestar to have been nice, despite her aptitude for good, the spotted tabby didn't know if he could call Orangestar the same. It didn't matter too much to the tom, being nice could be just as much of a problem as being nasty. "She has only been leader for two moons at best, but the clan all trust her with our lives... that says more about her than I ever could. Do right by SkyClan and you'll do right by her." The tom's gaze tried to track where Flora was looking, but each time he looked back towards the maine coon, she seemed to have her sights set somewhere else. A few more attempts and Silversmoke gave up, shaking his cheek fur out as if it had been his intention all along. When he stopped, and the fluff around the mixed breed's face was significantly puffier, the Lead Warrior mewed, "I suppose you'll be needing a tour." Bear likely wouldn't offer one, but briefly, his attention fell on Twitchbolt - Silversmoke didn't mind showing Flora each den, but perhaps the Deputy would want to explain some more things to the she-cat.

From her place beside the fresh-kill pile, Ekat pauses just after placing a mouthful of prey atop it and turns to see the group emerge from the parting in the brambles and enter the hollow. With them comes along an unfamiliar face, and she takes in the sight of the kittypet — or, perhaps, former kittypet — with silent curiosity. The long-haired stranger looks exceptionally fascinated by the sight of the SkyClan camp, her wide, intrigued eyes giving her away even before the brush of her fluffy tail along the forest floor does.

Ekat can't blame her. She remembers entering the hollow for the first time herself, nearly two moons ago now, and she hadn't seen so many cats in one area before — until she attended her first Gathering, at least. The midnight-furred she-cat, however, was a great deal more apprehensive than Flora appears to be upon her arrival, her paws twitching with the urge to run away, the feeling of seeing so many eyes on her like ants crawling through her pelt. In a way, Ekat respects the kittypet's bravery in the face of such an entirely new environment, although it didn't take much to be more courageous than she is. When Flora's curious gaze passes over her, glancing about the clearing, Ekat startles briefly — before giving a nervous dip of her head in greeting.​

When it came to first experiences in camp, Eggshell’s was much closer to Ekat than Flora. The butter-stained boy remembered all the sets of eyes on him, and the overwhelming urge to sink into the floor. It was funny, in a way. The coward had joined Skyclan to try and make new friends, but so far he’d just been overwhelmed.

“Y-Yea, she’s - she’s nice…” Eggshell urges himself to speak, unknowingly disagreeing with Silversmoke’s assessment of the word. The boy didn’t know Orangestar too well, and the same could be said for Blazestar, but a soul dangerously low on self-esteem viewed the simple fact that he hadn’t been exiled yet as evidence of their leader’s kindness.

Eggshell may have worked up the courage to say one whole sentence, but that didn’t mean the coward had steeled himself enough for what came next. As Flora’s eyes darted back and forth like a social predator searching for its next meal, amber eyes widened with no small amount of concern, and yolk-covered paws shuffled backwards with much less energy. He wanted to avoid a conversation with the stranger, but the coward also didn’t want to appear rude. Instead, the boy made a strange compromise, flashing a forced, warbling smile at the kittypet.​

Hearing that Skyclans newest leader had only been in the position for the past two moons caused Flora to give Silversmoke a questioning glance. The silent question of ‘how did she become leader?’ hung in the air but Flora wasn’t going to vocalise it. She had gathered that this group was pretty serious so if she needed to know about that it seemed likely she would have been told. While taking in the camp her gaze fell upon Ekat, her midnight coloured fur was a welcomed contrast against the background of camp. Her eyes widened as she realised that she was being watched by her then a large grin plastered across her face, she raised a paw as a greeting towards Ekat.

The she-cats' own greeting somehow made Flora smile wider, if that was even possible, all teeth on display as her tail twitched in barely contained excitement. The maine coon adored social interaction, any time she could get the opportunity to engage with others she would take it. A new voice had ripped her attention away from the stranger, though she made a mental note to approach her later to say hello properly. Her head whipped around to look at Eggshell, that smile still present.

“She is? That’s great! I was worried that she might have been… not nice? I don’t actually know what I was expecting” she chuckled at the realisation that she didn’t even consider this factor. It seems to be not an issue though, so the thought was discarded as quickly as it came. Out of the corner of her eye she saw that the lead warrior was shaking his cheek fur out, a perfect opportunity to chime out a greeting while he was preoccupied. “Hi there! I’m Flora by the way, lovely home you have here” she practically sang out her words, as she watched the tom she had slowly started to recognise the apprehension that he had.

She settled on smiling back, this one incredibly more subdued, just a polite smile in acknowledgement of his own forced one. Her attention was once more brought back to Silversmoke at what she interpreted to be an offer, “A tour would be great!” The idea of a tour was exciting, becoming familiar with a place that she would call home was ideal. As social as she was Flora wouldn’t be thrilled if she got lost immediately and had to ask for directions.

Orangestar was proving herself to be quite the fair and level-headed leader, indeed, even so soon after taking up the mantle from her predecessor. Most cats possessed a great respect for the ginger-splashed she-cat; she was not as vibrant and friendly as Blazestar was but she was loyal down to her bones and fiercely protective of her clanmates.

It seemed that her council was comprised of various personalities on different ends of the spectrum; most were either bubbly, kind, comforting, or a mixture of those traits. However, two of Orangestar's lead warriors acted as guards rather than a welcoming presence, baring their fangs and snarling at anyone who crossed any boundaries or seemed suspicious. One was Silversmoke, a lawful and strict type of knight. The other was... Slate. It seemed that he was finally beginning the process of shedding his reputation as a former rogue, though the brutishness learned over seasons on the streets was hard to shake.

Deep, amber eyes glower at the newcomer as the Maine Coon quietly observes her. She stinks of a twoleg nest; the scent is undeniable. She is large and fluffy like him, complete with tufted ears; it was entirely possible she was a purebred like he was, or something similar. Many kittypets tended to be, anyway. Her energy was also a bit... much. Why was she so talkative?

Regarding the newcomer with a huff, Slate got to his paws and stalked toward the fresh-kill pile.

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  • *
    he/him; lead warrior of skyclan
    a hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​