A WALK IN THE SKIES \ johnnyflame

Like he'd lagged behind on WindClan's speed due to his bulk, Mallowlark was a fair shot less of a climber than most of SkyClna's population. Even larger cats like Dawnglare, like Blazestar... they could still do it, living and blood-rushed proof that it was not an impossible task. Determination had refused to let him free for that reason- the possibility of it, the writhing passion within him to prove he could. Onlookers who thought he was a gnashing savage from the shadowed moors- not that he blamed them- would hopefully be swayed by his soon-to-come climbing prowess. The technique, though- that had to come first, didn't it? And he had some of it...

Pine needles were wrenched from their home, scattered like hail as snow-white fur clashed with the branches, powerful limbs leaping onto the first branch. Not a task, particularly- with claws, with strength, he could get up rather easily. It was getting down that was the kicker... literally, the kicker...

Mallowlark launched himself from the tree, kicking off of his perch and attempting to land on another, nearby tree in such a way that he would be able to climb down as easy as walking. It was a misbegotten plan, however... for an almighty thud followed after, the domino hued tom crashing to the ground in a cloud of needles and leaves.

His cackles followed soon after.

\ @Johnnyflame !