"Did you hear that?"

As if on cue, Eveningpaw's body bounces to the tune of her own rising-pitch of a voice; she feels like she is floating as she enters camp. There are no signs of any fatigue whatsoever, even though she's been out all night... the Gathering always manages to re-energize her one way or another, much to the dismay of her denmates.

They are lucky that she does not intend on settling into her nest anytime soon.

Her head tips to the side as she regards Hazecloud — of course, she's heard, courtesy of being the one to introduce Eveningpaw. The next set of words is meant for whoever Eveningpaw's greedy gaze finds next. "Orangestar said my name. My name! How cool is that?" SkyClan equals rivals, of course, but... well, a leader is still a leader, nine times over! It's a source of pride already to be the daughter of one, but it is another thing entirely for another star-blessed feline to remember Eveningpaw's existence. Orangestar has not scoffed or turned her nose up at the notion... approval, as far as Eveningpaw's concerned.

Set right after the Gathering!
Talking to @hazecloud first and then can be anyone after! Open to everyone, no need to wait. :]

Twinklepaw lived for gathering nights, even if she wasn't in attendance to the event they still fought fatigue to stay awake and hear all about it. It's a fountain of gossip and knowledge, even if that knowledge might not be all that reliable. She supposes that could relate to the fact that it also a hot spot for gossip. They were losing the fight to stay awake tonight, eyes growing heavy as they nestled in their nest. It was just sooo warm how were they supposed to win against that? Thankfully Eveningpaw's excitable high pitch is enough to give her that second win to stay awake, shaking their head to fluff out the fur clinging onto their face in a futile attempt to make it look like they were totally awake the whole time.

She pushes herself out of the nest and scrambles out of the apprentices den, trying their best to be light in footfall so they wouldn't wake any denmates who were actually sleeping. They run up to their littermate, a gleam of excitement held in tired eyes, trying to not bowl her over in her excitement. "What!? Luckyyy that's so cool!" There's a whine in her tone but no less excited. She of course has no reason to doubt Eveningpaw but they still look over at Hazecloud for some kind of confirmation.

"Did she say anything else?" Surely she must have, their sister was so skilled as an apprentice that clearly that would present itself naturally towards the SkyClan leader. Even if she isn't a skilled fishing cat or equipped to handle the skillset that she possesed surely there was a part of every leader that must be able to recognise some kind of potential. "I bet she did! Wait lemme guess, she must have said that you're really cool! Or maybe that you're doing a good job?" She tries to pick apart Eveningpaw's expression for any kind of confirmation or denial over her guesses.

  • 51fSsM0.png
    They/she, RiverClan apprentice, 9 moons

    A sleek yet tufted short haired blue point with blue eyes
    Littermates w/ Eveningpaw, Horizonpaw and Snowflakekit †
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    Speech (#C9BAF3), thoughts
    penned by Juice | ouijeejuice on discord

Eveningpaw's excitement is palpitating on their return from Fourtrees. It was rather unexpected for Hazecloud, assuming the molly would have lost some spark of wonder after already having a few Gatherings under paw. This one must have been special, however, with her daughter still crowing over meeting their neighboring leader.

Orangestar was a mighty molly, and one Hazecloud considered a friend after the journey. Most of the SkyClanners she traveled with had earned that positive regard in some way and she admired their strength in diversity. An appreciation Cicadastar balked at, and subsequently those that followed closely beneath him.

Nonetheless it hadn't occurred to her to expect the interaction to mean so much to Eveningpaw. She is reminded again just how long ago she was trekking through mountains, when her kittens weren't even a thought to have yet. Their sight of Orangestar was far more limited this way.

"Of course she did, Evie. Orangestar is a friend to me- and RiverClan." The same way Doeblaze, Needledrift and Batwing had been. Her gaze moved from one daughter to the other, smiling to see Twinklepaw meet her sisters excitement. "She said she looked forward to hearing her warrior name, but she'll be hearing all of yours rather soon." Saying it aloud suddenly filled her with an unknown grief. Soon was only a seasons skip away. Where had all their time gone?


  • 73582445_EEfwz37mLUqnNP7.png
    —⊰⋅ Deputy of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.

࿐ ࿔*:・゚ — Unlike Eveningpaw's rather energetic approach into camp, the black smoke trails after the rest of those that had attended the gathering on tired paws. Her social battery worn out entirely and she seems tense but that's easily shaken off the moment that they returned home, all she wished to do now was to rest in her nest with Moonbeam. The thought of tiredly draping around her mate and nodding her head sleepily to whatever the pale furred molly would day to her about her own gathering interaction but Beefang lingers as she listens to the excited crowing of Eveningpaw. It causes a soft snort of amusement to slip from her jaws as she tries to blink the exhaustion out of her lone eye and tries to stifle a yawn, she remembers when she had met a few leaders herself when she had been younger.

Perhaps around the same age, she recalls Smokestar taking her and Mudpelt to Skyclan's border to speak with the late Blazestar who had been kind enough to give them shelter. Beefang listens to Hazecloud's own response only for her last words to make her blink in surprise, she thinks its crazy that the kittens of both leader and deputy are nearing the next chapter of their life. The bicolored molly can remember when they had been so small next to Hazecloud's side whenever a younger Beepaw would visit to drop off her own catch just as she promised. "Wow... you'll be warriors within a blink of an eye at this rate." Beefang offers with a faint smile as she settles nearby on her haunches and glances briefly to Hazecloud wondering how she must feel upon this realization, her attention turns to the pair of apprentices once more.


  • ooc
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ HUNTING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ TRACKING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ COMBAT
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ STEALTH
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ STRATEGY
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ SWIMMING
    ✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ CLIMBING
  • dOcsURU.png
    a shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and a singular amber eye
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. distrusting of outsiders and will snap at you if y/c walks up to her on her blind side. all her opinions are IC only.
    14 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    asexual homoromantic; mated to moonbeam
    currently mentoring... roepaw ; formerly mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadaflight and loveburn
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

He had not attended the gathering, a fact that felt as sour as a badger smelled. Each new tidbit from the other clan's business felt like a fly buzzing around the tom's tufted ears, a mixture of indifference and jealousy forming a nasty concoction whenever he walked past the Gathering patrol - he didn't care what the other clans were doing, but he wanted to be there to not care. His black-and-white tail lashed as he moved past Eveningpaw, having to do a double-take as he eavesdropped. He blinked incredulously at the other's excitement surrounding her story, searching for signs of deception among the adults - there had to be some somewhere.

There was no way they were this interested, were they?

Blackfish spoke before he considered the consequences. "So... let me get this straight. You are the child of the most important cats in the clan, you're adored by everyone on the council... and the thing that you're most excited about in the whole wide forest is some SkyClanner saying your name? That's... wow..." Pathetic or entitled, Blackfish had not decided which adjective was more fitting. Both were worn upon his face as evidenced as contour, his whiskers curling as if smelling something foul. Reminded of Hazecloud's presence by a scouting glance, the point lowered his head as a sign of respect of the Deputy - it was a shame her children had set such low expectations for themselves.

"Well... enjoy your fame, I suppose. There are worse clans to be noticed by."

It is impossible for Twinklepaw to come anywhere near toppling Eveningpaw over, for she meets the push with just as much pull, and the two sway in unison. With her sister groveling to try and predict what had left Orangestar's mouth, and with Hazecloud following quickly behind to spill the beans, there is little more for Eveningpaw to do. Sher merely grins hard enough for it to hurt.

But of course, she cannot stay quiet for too long. Her mother's explanation draws her attention. "You're so popular, you have friends from all over the Clans! I wanna be like that too." So far, she has one in the shape of Squirrelpaw. Being a deputy's apprentice has its advantages... namely being given the chance to attend nearly all of the Gatherings. That would surely speed up the process.

"That's right!" The response comes easy; her, Twinklepaw and Horizonpaw would soon become warriors. She does not yet know just how nostalgic these moments would become in the future.

And with Blackfish's dry comment, Eveningpaw will not get the chance to mull on it much further. "She's not just some SkyClanner..." At least he manages to sneak in something sweet, unintentional as it might be: she is adored by everyone on Lichenstar's council. Of course she is!
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Merlinpaw had not found themself at the gathering this moon, something they found both mildly upsetting, and extremely relieving. Upsetting, because so far they'd been skipped over to attend every gathering since they became an apprentice, and relieving because it was a new experience they were not keen to step into, nor were they keen on interacting with the other four clans. Nothing against the other four, but also..... yeah. They don't really care to mingle or make friends with them. They aren't RiverClan, so there's no reason for them to care about them, even if they were on somewhat friendly terms.

So, when Eveningpaw comes back boasting about the SkyClan leader mentioning her name, and then Twinklepaw saying how correct it was for her to do so, and how she should have uttered much greater praise, Merlin finds themself almost wishing they had actually been there. It seemed almost fun in a way that the blue tabby rarely ever had the pleasure of seeking out or the initiative to engage with.

Blackfish's words are somewhat bitting, though they roll right off Eveningpaw's shoulders like droplets of water, her expression unchanging.

"What is she like? Orangestar, I mean," they eventually bring themself to ask, the question a little hesitant, unsure if they should believe the tales of the warriors who tell stories or the first hand accounts of those who had only just seen the SkyClan leader. There isn't really any further meaning to this comment, he's just curious. "What're all the other leaders like?'

  • #6360c4

  • (img) Merlinpaw * they/him* 9 moons
    mentored by Streamsong
    short furred blue classic tabby w/ low white; brown eyes
    Peaceful & healing powerplay allowed || underline for attack
    penned by Neptune. || Neptune on disc, dm me for plots
"Orangestar," Bubbleburst echoes the name, wide eyed and wondrous as the first time she'd been to a gathering when she'd been only 5 moons old. "She's super nice, isn't she?" She chirps cheerfully with a smile. In many ways, she was as bright eyed and enthusiastic as all the chattering apprentices here. Bubbleburst remembers when Orangestar had still been Orangeblossom. She had been one of the kinder deputies. That seems like it had been such a long time ago, a time when friendly faces like Blazingstar and Howlingstar had still been alive. Smokestar, too.

At Blackfish's comment, Bubbleburst feels herself frown. An unfamiliar feeling for the gleeful molly. "Being noticed by a leader is a big deal," she comments matter-of-factly "Eveningpaw is right to be excited by it." She has the wherewithal to remember how exciting gatherings had first been- and well, still are- when she had been their age. Before all the strange changes and the bizarre WindClan coup that had taken place within a whirlwind of a few moons and half-moons. She only wants to protect the joy and experience of her younger clanmates.

Change didn't always have to be sad, though. Lichenstar is a natural and kind leader, and Hazecloud is a great deputy; and with good-natured friends like Orangestar at the head of the friendlier clans, change often meant that good things were to come. This was just how things had to be. However, it's been a few moons since Bubbleburst last went to a gathering, and she knew less and less about the leaders who stepped up than she had as an apprentice. When Merlinpaw asks what the other leaders are like, the young warrior's ears perk up to listen for the answer as well.

  • ooc.
  • BUBBLEBURST —— warrior of riverclan , mentoring twinklepaw . mudjaw x breezeflower . littermate to swanpaw ✦ penned by carat
    she/her / 16 moons & ages every 13th
    single / bisexual / open to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— not a strong fighter, often prefers diplomacy and strategy over strength and battle skills

    "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 73218862_HIq0jsq1uXx9fZd.png

    a mediumhaired silver marbled tabby with moderate white and blue eyes