a whole new world | kittypet



જ➶ Tiny paws scratch ans pull at the dirt underneath tbe silver mesh that has kept him in this garden. Beyond this is the trees and he has been waiting for so long for a chance like this. This hole he has been working on for such a long time and he is sure that his twolegs don't know about it. With a squirm the small feline pushes himself through, popping out on the other side with a gasp. He did it! He finally did it! No one can say he isn'tbig enough now when he managed to escape like that. A bright smile is on his muzzle as he takes his first steps into the wilderness. Not realizing that these trees, this first already has occupants. He is new to the neighborhood, new to all of these sights and sounds. He wants to see everything with his large and ever staring eyes. The sounds of birds tickle his ears as he treads deeper, sniffing at a tree and then the small bushes. "I didn't know trees got so big.." His voice whispers in hushed awe but he also wants to try something. Excitement ripples through his small frame as he moves around one tree.

The logic he this is sound. He can do this! With a shift front paws press against the trunk and then he steps back. Maybe a running start will help? With a small huff he steps back and the sepia colored tom bounds forward with all the energy he has and flings himself onto the tree. Claws like needles hit the bark and he starts to scuttle up the side only to tire rather quickly. Yet he wants to keep going because he wants to get to the top. Shaking limbs refuse to move more and he looks down at the ground. So high up! (Though really he hasn't even made it half way) How is he going to get down now? "Dumb, dumb, can't believe I did this."

⭒✧ The shimmer of pine needles through the air gave Chalk pause, the frequency of the disturbance too high to simply be the wind. The pale tom shot a look to those behind him, eyes crimped with wariness. When he swept his gaze back to the source of the rustling however, he would his estimation of the location to be further up than correct. A small shape, sandy fur and blunt ears, was scuttling up the low coils of a nearby tree.

The stranger's mutterings carried down to them. "Dumb?" An amused breath tousled his long whiskers. Skyclan's ties to the Twolegplace made for the most interesting of visitors. "You're stuck?" Their tiny frame oscillated behind the branch they stood on- nervous? Chalk was an advocate for new experiences but trying to climb with no know-how was a little short-sighted.
⭒ ———————————— ✧⭒

He met Chalk's aquamarine gaze, one shot through with warning. Twitchbolt's own gaze was sprawled wide in instinctual alarm, for he too had heard the whispery rustle along the breeze. Fur already-scruffy burst into sea-urchin bristles at the noise, unfamiliar and telltale of an intruder. Wandering two leg-place way, his heartbeat had already spiked in velocity... uncontrollably, instinctively. Every sideways glance was set for a trap, but this- this was something different, unoperated by Twoleg paws. Hopefully.

A shape, up there- a feline. And not too far up there, in truth. Their limbs noticeably shook a little, jostling the branch- and Twitchbolt flinched at imagining what a scrabble it would be to catch them, if they fell. Chalk's question, direct as ever, earned a sharp nod from the bicolour tom, his kinked tail flicking in a twitch. "Yeah, uh- you need help?" he asked, pupils lingering upon the shape covered by the leaves, fangs chattering together.

penned by pin ✧
જ➶ Something akin to fear surges up his spine as he hears the voices beneath him. Clinging to the branch he swallows thickly, unsure of this new perdicament. Unsure of who these strangers were. He hasn't met many cats in his life. Well really none considering all he knew were his siblings and they were all taken to different homes. Himself included. "S-stuck? No! No, of course not! I'm not stuck!" He doesn't want to come off as incompetent in front of others and he looks down with his bug like eyes, watching them earnestly as he clings to the branch. But they probably know that he is bluffing and really his legs are tired, tired of all the strain. He squirms a little and then sticks his limbs out towards the trunk where he slips. His eyes get wider and he lets out a yelp as his claws scramble for a hold on the trunk. The tiny feline's heart pounds in his chest as he clutches the trunk with all his mignt.

"Help! Please help me! I don't wanna fall!" He wails and his voice is filled with tears. He can not help the way he starts crying and when he does it is a positively ugly thing. Snot draining from his nostrils, big eyes waterlogged. But he is utterly terrified now.
Before he came to SkyClan, he never would have truly realized just how many twolegplace cats came in bite - sizes. Were these the ones uncomfortable and underfed, so unlike the lavish life he lived within his housefolks' walls? Oh, what tragedy must be suffered to stunt your growth so grievously? Part of him is pitying, mourning the surely, horrendous life this little one must have lived. While Blazestar had ducked from his own fence in chase of love; perhaps for this one genuinely sought out a place like this for improvement. Perhaps they climb so readily because they could do no such thing in their own home. The horror, oh, the cruelty!

Of course, that is a part of him, and the other part of him only watches brightly in interest, wondering what other abnormalities he may find if he ripped the little thing into two.

They so clearly speak mistruths, and Dawnglare would coo at the show of little legs wearing down; odd skull and bug eyes watching the clan cats raptly. Soon, claims of confidence are dead and burried, and he slips. Oh, he slips! " And what would you give us in return? " he barks, smile painted wide. He teeters on his own paws despite the lack of any dizzying things. " Life comes at a price! And you are hardly a morsel. " Perhaps he could catch him in his teeth! He's sure they would weigh nothing.

  • OOC:
  • 66822083_8akGM16AUReCLf3.png
  • ( 𝙒𝙃𝙔'𝘿 𝙄𝙏 𝙏𝘼𝙆𝙀 𝙎𝙊 𝙇𝙊𝙉𝙂? ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    —— He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    —— Currently 54 moons old. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Currently in an era of questioning; upset and uncomfortable by things he should not be.​
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
“Cut the kid some slack.” Duskpool made himself known, padding past the undergrowth to stand beside the gathering lot to peer at the kittypet with a crinkled nose. One hell of an idiot. He thought, molten copper deadpan. “Wouldn’t think someone like yourself wanted something infectious. He commented, halfheartedly.

Moving to stand closer, he let out a rumble. “Stop your cryin’ kid. Sure as hell isn’t gonna help you get down with all that blubbering.” His tone lacked much besides the twinkle of concern hidden in the swirling depths of liquid amber. “Keep yourself steady, alright? Name’s Duskpool. What’s your name then, kiddo?” He inquired, observing the small thing hugging the tree with all his might, reminding him of Yukio for some moments before snapping out of it.

“One paw at a time, alright? I’ll catch ya if you fall. No need to worry so quit your snotting. You lost? Or are ya someone’s upwalkers?” He inquired, watching them with a calculative hue, muscles coiled to spring himself forward if the thing slipped, but otherwise kept to the ground, sticking close as he rumbled, the sound low and guttural.
thought speech

"No wonder the Twolegs found us," came the bitter broodings of a large spotted tabby, ears pinned back at the complaints of the intruder. Leering up at the Singapura, Silversmoke struggled to tell quite how old the other was from such a distance - he'd seen smaller cats than them, with stubby legs and long bodies that were apparently older (but, Silversmoke decided, significantly poorer at climbing than even Pea). He looked upwards towards the tree, wiggled his haunches and then... decided against it. It was too high up for him, and with the shame of failing again acting like shackles, the Lead Warrior felt as if he knew better than to insult SkyClan's skills in front of a stranger. Trying his best to ignore the rapid beating of anxiety rattling at his chest, the large feline angled his head toward Dawnglare and later Duskpool, tail lashing at both insinuations for different reasons - one for the simple reason that it was Dawnglare and everything that came out of the tom's mouth required scrutiny and two for the way that Duskpool reminded him that there was the (exceedingly high) possibility that this cat was a kittypet. It made his blood curdle with disgust.

Deciding not to promise to catch the other, the male reclined on his haunches, breathing steadily. "Go down backward, that way, your claws will hook into the tree," he advised to spite the medicine cat - life was the one thing that was too valuable to put a price on. "Go back the way you came, concentrate. Deep breaths." 'Then for StarClan's sake, get out of our woods before you attract the Shelter Twolegs again'.


Help- he needed help. Offer accepted, Twitchbolt appraised the situation the small tom had gotten himself in until his attention was pulled away by another trio of Clanmates stumbling upon the scene. Dawnglare asked for an exchange, but- Twitchbolt could already see what the benefit would be. "He'll- he'll stop scaring the prey off, at least..." he murmured under his breath to the medicine cat. Having someone untalented in climbing rustling the tree branches was probably helping the bird population very minimally.

Silversmoke and Duskpool gave their advice, and- and all of it was sound, if not firm. He didn't know how well a stranger to them would react to stricter commands, but... they were clear, at least. "Just- don't panic," he said, maybe a hypocritical suggestion- but if there was anything Twitchbolt could say he was good at, it was climbing. A good mentor and a healthy interest had benefitted him well. "You'll be okay." Probably. He wouldn't add that last part. As long as he landed right...
penned by pin ✧
જ➶ Tears plaster his face as he attempts to cling to the side of the tree. Small claws trying to keep hooked in the thick bark of the trunk. All he wanted was to have a cool time adventuring in a land far off and now look at him. About to die. It's enough to make him feel queasy and he shakes his head rough as he hears the other. Getting something in turn, hardly a morsel? A hiccupping sob leaves him as he struggled to maintain his grip. "B-but I– But I don't know–know what you want!" His voice is shattering to the atmosphere and he tries to understand better and to listen to them. Afterall, he wants to live. Then he hears another voice and he kicks with a back leg, trying to help himself stay locked on. They ask his name, tell him to stop his slobbering crying. "I'm–I'm P-pea. Prince Pea!" He calls down as he tries to do just that. Be steady, one paw at a time.

His trembling body slowly lowers and another cat shows up, but he is trying to concentrate. The tiny cat scrapping claws against the tree. "Upwalker? W-what's tha–ahhhh!" So suddenly he loses grip and he is falling. A rushing of air clogging his nostrils. He breathes hard and his only thought is that this is it. This is how he will die. He leaves his nice food bowl to his housefolk. They'll love it.
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
Molten copper flickered to Silversmoke and Twitchbolt until they swept upward, watching the small fry, not surprised by the bizarre name. He had his own while he was a rogue wandering the lands for some time before joining Sky. That was until he took on a new name, no longer burdened by the responsibilities his name had brought, starting fresh, or as much as Duskpool had allowed.

His tail flickered, watching the kid clamber down at a snail-pace until the small thing lost its grip. Shit. The smokey tom shifted, muscles coiling in preparation for a small body to come knocking into his bulkier frame in a last-ditch effort to keep the kittypet from meeting an untimely death. He wasn’t keen on cleaning up the mess, letting out a grunt, paws reaching in an attempt to hold the other as he tipped over onto his side, letting go just as quickly. “Better work on that grip of yours, kid.” He grumbled. “You alright there small fry?” He’d then add, brow raised, ignoring the buzz beneath marred flesh, nose wrinkling at the sensation.
thought speech