camp a wild imagination ♡ intro


* ˚ ✦ salmon jammin' everywhere!
May 15, 2023
(๑✪ᆺ✪๑)"what do you think would happen if the fish in the river suddenly grew wings or even legs?" such a bizarre question coming from the young tortoiseshell isn't unheard of, infact a lot of the time when there isn't much to do around camp she decides to get her entertainment by asking much older peers all sorts of crazy things even if it means potentially driving them up a wall with her non-stop blabbering.

chicorykit batters at the tail of one of her clanmates who happened to be resting nearby, tongue poking out of her mouth and brows pinched slightly as if this took all her concentration. "do ya think they'd invade riverclan to try and get revenge on us for eating their family all the time?" she mews, wriggling fluffy haunches before pouncing upon the flicking appendage that tries to escape her grasp but still being the uncoordinated child that she was, chicorykit ended up tumbling over onto her back but appeared unbothered and continued to swipe little paws at their tail.


Tallwave will not deny the fact that Chickorykit's musings were entertaining. The gray furred molly lets out a loud huff of laughter "Aye tis what I would do if I were a fish" she humors the little scrap of fur, nodding her head in solemn agreement, pulling her mouth into a thin line to keep herself from laughing and giving herself away "I would climb right up onta shore and gobble up itty bitty kits just like you!" And here is where Tallwave breaks down, she cracks a smile and lets a small chuckle escape her throat. Chickorykit is distracted while she talks, the small scrap is busy swatting at anothers tail (for it cant be Tallwave's even if she wanted it to be) and thus the stocky she-cat takes the opportunity to creep closer. "RAAGHH" she calls out, doing her best impression of a monster "Im a fish monster and I'm comin' to eat all the kits who stay up past their bedtimes and don't listen to their mothers!!!" who would possibly stop her? Her blue eyes shine with barely concealed laughter. The joys of playing with kits, pretending she was a big sister again helping her mother and father with their youngest litter, it was nice.

kits. they were a handful, and chickorykit was proving no different the older she aged. the tortoiseshell is sprawled at the heel of where he lies on his side, a bony elbow propping him up just enough to watch her swat eagerly at the curled bushel of his tail through lazily slitted eyes. her maw runs quicker than hummingbird wings and the man swivels an ear in her direction with each rapid fire question, humming as if it were answer enough — and it was, until she leaps, tumbling onto her back in the dirt, unphased. tallwave, evidently watching the scene from pawsteps away, caws and the leader grins, hides it behind a sharp paw, " they can certainly try. " tallwave lumbers forward, gnashing playfully and cicadastar takes that moment to swipe playfully at the molly, ” but no wings nor leg will allow a fish to defeat a mighty riverclan warrior! “ for a moment, pallid eyes hold tallwave’s gaze, glinting. for his final move, he smiles wide, pins his heads and looks towards the rambunctious, personal - space lacking kitten aside him, ” chicorykit, attack! “

  • i.
  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, mated to smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 43 moons, ages every 50 posts.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png

  • "speech"

Though Fernpaw was not as small as a kit anymore- a state he had stayed in for much longer than was normal- he still had a sort of fondness for the games kits played. The make-believe, the daring-do of leaping from a tiny rock... at that age everything was so exciting; every mundane thing sounded like a brand new discovery, a wonderful adventure. The warriors who involved themselves- who did not roll their eyes and move on, unamused by play (and reasonably, with how busy some of them were)... they were the fun sort, in kit hood. And Fernpaw would be a warrior soon, very soon- and he would be the fun sort.

Fixing Cicadastar and then Tallwave with a verdant, mischievous glance, Fernpaw crouched down next to Chicorykit, on the other other side of the leader whose tail she had been swatting at. "A chance to prove yourself in front of Cicadastar!" A chiming sound, a joke- but earnest in its enthusiasm.
penned by pin
The kit’s questioning is amusing, to say the least. "Somebody once told me that I act like a fish that grew legs," he comments, tipping his head thoughtfully as the kit speaks. Had Clay grown up in the river territory, maybe he would’ve had the same inquiries when he was just a little kit, unaware of the world around him. It’s certainly a thought that’s crossed his mind once or twice as an adult, as well. Some fish in particular would be downright terrifying if they somehow grew legs and decided that the land would be their new home. Imagine a land-pike with claws to match its teeth! Or a muskellunge with wings! RiverClan cats could easily find themselves knocked a few spots further down the food chain if their usual prey suddenly gained the necessary tools to hunt them down.

Tallwave’s playful attack is met with a bright smile and a laugh from the fully-grown warrior; it’s funny, and Cicadastar seems to think so as well. The leader orders Chicory to attack, and at her other side Fernpaw encourages the kit as well. "Oh, please, young fish-fighter, save us from this dangerous threat!" He lifts a paw dramatically to his scarred chest, putting on his most helpless expression—but his eyes are trained on Chicorykit, eagerly awaiting her next move.
(๑✪ᆺ✪๑) tallwave is the first to indulge in chicorykit's outrageous inquiries, commenting on how if she were a fish with wings or legs that the first thing on her list would be to gobble up all the kits and such a response pulls a squeal of giggles from her throat, head tilting back as best it could to try and view the leggy warrior only to see that they approached so much closer than chicory realized!

"tallwave was a fish monster in a cat disguise all this time?!" its spoken in a dramatic way while her stubby body struggles for a minute trying to roll over back onto her stomach, no longer distracted by the plumed tail of cicadastar who glances towards her with a playful order to attack and what kind of riverclanner would she be if she didn't try to protect her clan!?

fernpaw and clayfur join in as well, one encouraging her to prove herself infront of her resting leader while the other begs for chicorykit to save them. "don't worry riverclan! chicorykit the strong and the brave will chase this scary monster out!! she bellows, wasting no time in bounding over to tallwave where the kit rears up on hind-legs and attempts to bap tiny paws at those long limbs of hers.