private A WISH IN THE DARK // Dandy

Sometimes he wished he could just destroy everything around him. To eliminate every single bastard out there who dared make Dandelionwish cry. Skyclan was on top of that list at the moment. Vulturemask might not have been there when his friend had broken down for the second time but rumors spread like fleas in the clan. Soon enough everyone would know. This medicine cat duty was obviously taking a tool on the once cheerful tom, but he could see now how it slowly was destroying them just like it had with Honeytwist. It pissed him off that Dandelionwish out of all cats had to get burden by this heavy responsibility. He was soft just like Rosepaw had been with a golden heart, and cats like that didn't thrive very well in this enviroment. He was thinking too much with his heart, yet, even so Vulturemask did not wish for them to change to break down by all of the pressure. He wanted to help them but the sad truth was he was not good at this sort of stuff. It had always been Dandelionwish who had helpt him with his shit not the other way around until now.

" Dandy. " He called out their name as he entered the medicine cat den prepared to find them curled up in his nest or something like that. Once his eyes find them in the dark his eyes would lock themselves on them to stare in silent coldness. " Come with me we are getting out of here." It was almost like he was demanding it, his tail flinking slowly behind him as he waited impatiently. " And dont think you have an option to say no." He clarified. Some fresh air might be good for them. Just to get out of this enviroment for a while. No one would even notice them being gone for a while considering how busy they were to prepare for war. Of course Dandelionwish could always refuse but that would just lead to him dragging them out of the den. The choice was his.

@Dandelionwish hope it was fine with this timelines of the thread! (':


He felt lost, whatever energy he had left had all but left him and he only wanted to sleep but even that was a struggle. It was too dark, too cold, he felt like he lay in a grave and not his den because when he opened his eyes it was clouded with darkness and the scent of lavender.
He was stronger than this, he new, but even the more iron of wills needed time to repair from the abuse; he was not given this time, he was never given a moment to breath and it was all too much. WindClan had claws in his throat and he was going to die here knowing he had not made even a dent of change in the path it went. What's the hope of wishing.
His head lifted and he turned to the dark tom, he hadn't gotten to tell him how suiting his new name was, how much he liked it, how he'd always be a thistle to him-pain in his side. The request was so surprisingly he found himself rising to stand without really thinking about it, Vulturemask didn't often make such bold demands.
"Okay." He replied simply, uncertainty to his tone but no protests even if he had been told in no uncertain terms that it wasn't allowed. Stiffly the point tom moved through his den to the entrance, expression morose but a hesitant smile trying to push itself to the surface before he gave up and kept his frown. What was the point faking it-they had already agreed it wasn't worth the lie. Maybe a walk would help, but he still didn't want to really. He wanted to go crawl back into his nest and sleep until things made sense and the world was not so heavy.

'Okay' that was all he got. No teasing or bad jokes in return just submission. Why did he had to sound so defeated for?. Even that broken attempt of a smile hadn't lasted... Vulturemask did not comment this out, at least he had got what he wanted so he turned leading the way outside of the den. The newly made warrior ignored the gathered cats in camp who were organizing for the raid, his fate not yet known over the aftermath of that battle. So he led on with no hesitation to take them both outside. The blizzard seemed just for tonight to have calmed itself down even if it was snowing, and cold winds were coming in but it was not as bad as it had been this couple of days.

Vulturemask didn't speak a word at first just silently walking at the front, only their pawsteps beind heard in the snow as they walked. After a while he suddenly come to a sudden halt. For a moment longer he stayed quiet, puzzled in his own thoughts. It was difficult for him to find the words he was searching for. " I'm not gonna ask you if you are okay." he finally spoke, his voice chilled by the cold. He knew he wasn't. Only a fool wouldn't be able to tell as much. " I just...wanted to get you away from there." he contunied, his lips turning stiff. Maybe that was obivious. But that would explain why he had been so demanding.

" How about we just...forget about everything back there for tonight and just...pretend we are apprentices again and do something stupid." he was cautious with his words, and his voice were softer then it ever had been. Vulturemask cast a look back over his shoulder at his friend at final last, waiting to hear their respond to his stupid idea. He could laugh at him if he wanted or scold him for being irresponsible right now. But he didn't care. Both had gone through a lot lately, both for different reasons. Vulturemask would never have offered this stupid idea if it had been about himself though...this was in fact something completely out of character of him to do. But he didn't care. For once he wanted to put Dandelionwish first. If that meant he had to so something childish or act like a kit he never had been...then he could do it. He might not be good at it but he could try.