Once Moonbeam has deemed him free from his imprisonment, he seeks out Foxtail . . . belatedly, yes, more belatedly than he prefers his meager apologies to be; but the white - pelted medicine cat had given him enough hell for slinking out to talk to Lichenstar that he'd thought it better to lay low. Pale paws whisper over sand with surprising lightness for such a large cat, though his intent isn't to startle the chimera, who himself only stands a little below Cicadaflight's own towering stature. He's slightly hobbled, as an unruly pack mule, by the tenderness of the freshly ribbed and dusky pink scars on his forelegs, already beginning to be covered by shaggy curls; he navigates to the lead warrior in a quiet moment.

" Foxtail? A word? " he murmurs in a rasping greeting, hoarse - voiced by nature. He's found a certain . . . not a verbosity, for he'll never be the word - spun siren whose shadow he lives in, but a certain cadence, a respect, a politness ( he doesn't dare say an elegance ) granted to an uncouth tounge as of late. The weight of their shared ordeal? A reflexive opposite to his brutal brawl with the dog, a quick - snap denial of the taste of blood on his tongue, maybe? The conviction that madness could be acceptable when veneered with well - polished porcelain ( and where had he gotten such an idea )? He doesn't quite know, but he practies it all the same.

Upon the affirmative, he plants tufted white paws on the sand and settles himself a respectful distance from the tricolor tabby - and - white tom, lifting an elegantly curved wrist to scrape a paw over one ear. Ostensibly the intent is grooming, although really he's just trying to find yet another way to obfuscate his eyes and thus avoid meeting two - toned and olive. " Sorry for ordering you around—when, you know . . . " he mutters his apology, making an open - clawed swinging gesture meant to communicate the unspoken meaning of the dog thing. Respect is a value self - beaten into him, and he ducks his head under his paw to add, " I mean, you're a lead warrior, and I'm just a new warrior . . . I guess what I mean is it wasn't very respectful of me. "

It's been hard.... trying not to think about the dog attack that caught their patrol by surprise. The lead warrior had felt excitement; Lichenstar was supposed to see Pebblepaw's progress at the river bank, and he even encouraged a little competition between their apprentices. But before a single cat could swipe a fish out of the rivers with their claws, their peaceful afternoon turned into panic— with the scent of iron in the air. It happened so quickly... one moment he was crouched at the river, and the next he was leading the apprentices to safety, and to fetch reinforcements.

Did I do enough? The question rings through his head days later, as he slips out of the warrior's den. Foxtail has never been excited for battle; never felt the thrill most warriors get when their teeth and claws strike their opponent. His body trembles, and he struggles to fight off tears when he leaps into battle— his opponents can probably sense his fear of getting hurt. And in that moment.... with the dog.... Cicadaflight was so quick to action. A dog is a dangerous opponent— they are big, yet fast, and their bite can severely injure.... or even kill a cat. And despite this, he lunged after that dog.... fully knowing his life could be on the line.

His ears prick up, and he hears the voice of the warrior that is currently on his mind. The young warrior murmurs with a rasp, and Foxtail comes to a stop as Cicadaflight hobbles over. Oh, Cicadaflight has recovered enough to leave the medicine cat den? The new warrior wears a scar on their muzzle, some of his teeth exposed to the open air. It's living proof he survived, and recovered, from fighting that dog— not all cats are as lucky in a fight like that... "Oh C-Cicadaflight," The lead warrior stammers, dipping his head in greeting, "S-Sure, w-what's on your mind?"

"Sorry for ordering you around—when, you know...." The new warrior begins to mumble, gesturing his paw to what both he and Foxtail are thinking.... the dog attack.. The newly scarred warrior lowers his head, and the new lead warrior doesn't know what to say.... at first. He is still getting used to his new title; his new responsibilities as a lead warrior. He isn't nearly as fierce.... stern.... or bold as his fellow lead warriors, and he certainly isn't as strong of a fighter as they are. And during the heat of the moment, he didn't even consider the thought that Cicadaflight bossed him around; ....he didn't even see it that way. His tail awkwardly swishes behind him, and the lead warrior opens his maw. "O-Oh.... you don't have to a-apologize for t-that....," He awkwardly mews, his ears pinned back to his cranium. "Everything h-happened so quickly back there...," The lead warrior mutters, awkwardly shifting his paws as he meets the younger tom's gaze, "Y-You were just doing what you t-thought was best. Less cats got hurt.... t-thanks to your quick thinking."

  • omg i am so so sorry for how late this response is!!!
  • 82418929_FoLQDUUK9zQigyb.png

    credit to raphaelion (via da) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    lead warrior
    22 moons
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to trops for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)