camp A world of your imagination ☏ intro


New member
Mar 22, 2024
*+:。.。 Trees high enough to claw the sky did so with hisses and spits, gnashing teeth in the clack of branches as wind play's it's unhinged melancholic tune through the unruly, wild flora that overtook the forest. It was all too cramped, yet too open. The shadows are lengthy and filled with unknown dangers - a skitter here, another ominous rustle there! Smells overpowered all - centuries old left to rot while new scents climb over with a merciless frenzy to what came before. Cats, and animals and plants, water where water shouldn't be, air humming through cracks and crevices until nature whispered threats and warnings, so much! So MUCH!

Glitchkit was already sobbing by the time @STATICHAZE brought her little spirit into Skyclan's camp. Clinging to her mother with the strength of a drowning cat seeking refuge, the little girl would wail, "I'm s-so brave! I'm so brave!" as though the chant would dispel the agony of displacement within her fast-beating heart. Statichaze had told her as much, when Glitchkit had finally mustered the courage to ask to visit her mother's home for the first time. Radiokit had gone before Glitchkit had - bravely all on his own, and while Glitchkit wished she had his strength, now she looked around frantically to ensure her sibling was nearby to support her on this awful, awful journey.

The forest was nothing like the clean, safe, balanced temperature home she'd been born into. She wanted to go back, but she loved her mommy and needed to know the other world she often stepped foot in. She could do this, she could do this!

But then, one of the shadows took form - an unfamiliar cat who reeked of danger, storms and unforgiving wilds began to approach and Glitchkit immediately let out another tear-filled cry, "You smell so bad!" scrambling to hide under her mommy's stomach before the cat ate her, or covered her in the too-many scents, or told her she wasn't, in fact, brave at all.

  • //no need to wait for @STATICHAZE or @Radiokit !
    Also Itty will calm down once she gets her bearings I promise <3 she just cant believe battle cats don't take baths

    DFAB— She/Her
    3 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Daughter to Statichaze, sister to Radiokit
    Skyclan — Kit

    Physically worm | mentally tadpole
    Attack in bold #3a3a3a
    injuries: None currently
  • Crying
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The strong smells sprayed upon him by his Twolegs had disappeared that day, Momowhisker's travels having taken him up pine trees and delving into the earth in search of burrowing prey. They weren't stenches he liked, but they were ones easily covered by rolling in some of the flower patches closer to his Twoleg home - no furs couldn't tell where he'd been, at least. Dropping a fledgling bird onto the fresh kill pile, the Daylight Warrior's eyes lit up at the sight of Statichaze in the distance, walking into camp with two little followers. He'd never known how to feel about bringing kittens into camp the way some of his peers did, it seemed so, so dangerous not to keep them in one place, but it'd also never been his decision to make on whether it was acceptable. Keeping one's head in the shadows was comfortable that way, knowing the decision to allow Daylight kittens to wander in with their parents would not be able to appease everyone, he preferred to just take the situation for what it was: a parent and their brood getting used to SkyClan.

A broad smile appeared on Momowhisker's angled maw as he moved closer, blinking fervently at the cries that came from the one kitten. 'Me too little dudette,' his nose wrinkled in amusement - wildcats had been terrifying until he realised he was just like them. They were... admittedly still a little scary, but that had less to do with their unkempt claws and matted coats and moreso to do with the opinions that stung like he'd just stepped into a wasp's nest. Such insults were not limited to the clans though. "Ah, Statichaze! Hell—" You smell so bad. He looked down at the protester, lifting a paw towards himself and ears flattened as if trying to protect them from Glitchkit's words. A sad look appeared on Momowhisker's face, akin to the look a puppy might give. "That's... hurtful," he pointed out, trying not to choke on his words. He knew he didn't normally smell so bad, but it wasn't a protest that could leave his mouth, not unless he wanted to insinuate everyone else in his home reeked too. Momowhisker forced a smile upon his maw and straightened his posture. "Why don't we start with names instead of insults? For example... I'm Momowhisker, Daylight Warrior and... enthusiast of things? I can tell you a fun fact if it'll make you feel better."

Well, wasn't this a treat! Kittens without filters wre always a source for great amusement- Mallowlark regarded them with fascination above all else- you smell so bad, squealed a new one right into Momowhisker's poor face, and Mallowlark immediatley exploded into a fit of uncontrollable cackling. He hauled himself over through the laughter, ambling like a drunk giant, though his eyes did not squeeze shut with it... no, no, he was looking all the while. Yes, he supposed anyone would smell awful if you weren't used to them yet... though the fact Momowhisker had taken it a little personally didn't occur to Mallowlark at all.

"Wait, HAH, til you get a- a whiff of shhhh- ShadowClan!" he guffawed, hiccuping laughter beginnign to sound as if he was choking to death. His ribs ached with the force of it, nose wrinkled, eyes bulging. Swaying from side to side, Mallowlark grew dizzy with humour. "Oh, I already like this one..." he told Statichaze, attention briefly snapping to her before he collapsed back into hysterics again.
A gentle sigh escapes the queen's maw as she gazes fondly down at her daughter, gently giving her a touch with her nose. "Yes, you are, Glitchkit. You're my brave little girl," she agrees with a fondness emanating in her tone. She's very proud of her for facing her fears and deciding to venture out and experience the other side of Statichaze's life for the first time, though as one of her clanmates approaches, things quickly go south. She can't fully stifle the chuckle that bursts from her chest at the fact that the thing to scare Glitchkit into hiding beneath her was the smell of a wild cat, of all things. To give her a bit of credit, Statichaze had been thrown off by the smell of the clan cats during her first ever encounter with one of them as well, though she had been a bit more polite about it.

"Glitchkit," she admonishes gently, but the effect is ruined by the fond look on her face and the amusement behind her words. "That's not a very nice thing to say to Momowhisker here. That's a thought that we keep to ourselves, hm?" she says lightly, not too bothered by it regardless; kits will be kits, after all, and part of that is making social missteps and learning through experience. It's noticeable that she doesn't tell Glitchkit that her clanmates don't smell; she's not going to be the kind of mother to teach her kittens to lie, after all.​
"wild hearts run"
In his second visit, Radiokit was calmer. He walked tall beside his sister, who was admittedly, very funny to watch. He had quelled his desire to tease her about it however, considering he didn't want a cuff around the ear from Statichaze. Though upon hearing her squeak out that Momowhisker smelt bad he erupted in a fit of giggles. He fell to his side with a huff and could barely contain himself.
° 。‧˚⋅˚✧。゚・° 。‧˚⋅
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Reactions: Glitchkit
Shining blue eyes drift over toward the camp entrance, where several faces are gazing upon the arrival of another kitten being led into camp by Statichaze. She looked different than the other kit the daylight warrior had introduced—Radiokit ( he still did not know what "radio" meant ). The she-kit's name is Glitchkit, which is no less confusing to him. Daylight warriors had such strange names. Did their twolegs name them? Twoleg language was weird. His own mother's name was "Bobbie", whatever that even meant.

The small blue smoke was quick to speak her mind, even so much as insulting the smell of SkyClan ( or maybe just Momowhisker ). Lionkit wrinkled their nose — huh, they didn't pick up anything out of the ordinary. What was she talking about? If anything, she smelled strange ( but Lionkit wouldn't say that aloud, of course ).

"... I'm Lionkit." The chocolate torbie point mewed from behind the warriors, still not quite confident to stand on his own when it came to strangers. Does she think I stink, too?

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