camp aaaaaaaaaa || pebble circles


Jan 20, 2023

she must be very... very focused...

sikverkit focuses with all her might, nudging pebble after pebble into place. she spent the whole morning gathering these. and now she has spent the whole afternoon arranging them. she likes circles best, so she has mostly arranged them in circles. and they have to be perfect.

now, the circles might be a point of contention for any stumbling upon her setup. circles vs piles has been a pretty hot-button topic among the nursery crowd of late. silverkit knows that brightkit likes piles, but ... well ... piles just aren't as good as circles, so that's that, really.

perfect circles. they have to be perfect circles.

she notices, as she works, that something's not right. her brown pebbles are in the brown pebble circle. and... her black pebbles are in the black pebble circle... and her gray pebbles... well... they're just not forming a good enough circle! every time she tries to fix the gray-pebble-circle, it gets more wonky or lopsided. silverkit eventually determines that she just didn't gather enough gray pebbles.

"a trastevy," she announces to herself, sitting back and shaking her head. "a travassy!!"

she needs gray pebbles.

so she marches her little blue-and-silver butt back to the nursery, where the backyard stream provides pebbles aplenty, and seeks out gray ones. then she runs into her next problem. there ARE no gray ones. they are all a little too brown or a little too black. none will fit firmly into the gray category! silverkit wades through the little spot of river, more and more distraught, searching and searching and searching

she needs a new tactic.


she should scream at it?

"AAAAAAAAAA!!" she screams, baring little milk-teeth and glaring down into the water, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!"

this will work.


  • • npc x npc kitten • 1.5 moons old • silver tabby & blue tabby chimera with a dusting of white freckles • meticulous, observant, opinionated • stuck in her own head a lot of the time • peaceful powerplay welcome • wants to make friends! •


Petalnose had been making her way to the nursery with a average sized trout in her maw to offer to the queens and weaning kits as she was instructed. Her mix matched ears pulled more forward as she heard screams, quickly mistaking them for screams of danger. Terror. She broke out into a sprint and skidded to a halt inside the nursery, throwing her trout down to prepare herself to defend off some type of danger. Her claws unsheathed. Her eyes frantically scanned the area, fur bristling.

Though there was none. Nothing. Nothing but young silverkit screaming at rocks and water. Disappointment and confusion littered her face, jolting her head back at the action. "What are you doing!" She sharply yowled, her brows creasing in annoyance and confusion. "Child, look, a rock isn't going to eat you. Neither is the water or your reflection." She stormed her way closer, aiming to pick up one of them and squeeze it in her jaws. It had a terrible chalky taste along with sand, and it ached her teeth to bite down on. Her teeth scraping down the rock sent a shiver of disgust down her spine. "There I killed it, happy? Are you okay?" She set it back down where it originally was placed, a huff of air blowing from her lungs out of frustration. What was this kit on about? Did it think the rocks were going to cause harm to her. Or was it her reflection? She rolled her eyes, shaking her head.

She bent down in attempts to give a soothing lick to her ear, assuming that the youngster was distressed. This kit must have some intriguing thoughts. She thought, sniffing them to make sure they were okay. No fear scent. Her mouth curled into a bewildered frown. Why?
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a scream. a high - pitched, prolonged shriek that has his paws moving before he can so much as think, claws kicking up sand in his desperate wake. he comes in nearly sideways behind the makeshift nursery, scanning the little offset of river with wild, flitting eyes — and there, standing up to her tiny limbs in water, muzzle pointed down at the reflective surface and screaming, is silver kit. the force of her voice ripples the riverwater gently where she yells into it, and for a moment, he simply stares. with no danger evident, the leader is dumbfounded — bewilderment settles clear on his face in the wake of quickly waning adrenaline and newly - wet paws, " silverkit! silv — silverkit! " petalnose emerges, throws a sharp howl her way and stomps towards the waters where the kitten stares into, and.. yes, he supposed that would work. she slams a paw where the child yells into and the leader moves closer, brows furrowed, ” what in starclan’s great forest happened? spoken firmly, despite the gentle lull it holds for misbehaving kittens.

  • i.
  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, mated to smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 43 moons, ages every 50 posts.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png

  • "speech"
Dragging a pair of watchful eyes through the camp, Lichentail had made note of the little organizing fiend not too long ago. It was a project she couldn't understand the purpose of but was sure was entertaining nonetheless. For her, as long as it meant the child was entertained and not getting into trouble, that was good enough. No one had really asked her to babysit but... it was hard not to be overly concerned with the affairs of ones so small.

It was in the quiet moments where her gaze had wandered that an alarming screeching pulled her back to the unassigned task she'd had of watching Silverkit- where... had she gone? Shuffling nervously to her feet, the blue feline hurried around the nursery as two others had already risen to the occasion- it turned out that random shouting was a great way to incite a panic.

Petalnose was as assertive and abrasive in her intentions as always.. the quickest way to solve the problem was always with her paws. Lichentail didn't think much of it but did find herself quite amused by the completely baffled shape of Cicadastar staring in confusion nearby. Keeping a small snicker to herself for fear of being scolded for mocking his concern, she looked back towards the circles of stones the kit had been gathering most of the morning.

There must be something wrong with them for Silverkit to have abandoned her post. "Are you missing some?" It might be inconsequential to an adult with responsibilities to attend to but Lichen had figured out awhile ago that kittens rarely made any kind of rational sense. Often the most unrealistic issue was the actual problem to begin with.​
Early this very morning, when Brightkit had finally grown tired of asking her poor mother every question she could think of and ventured out to explore what the camp had to offer, she couldn't help but notice Silverkit's meticulously crafted stone circles. Those wonderful little stone circles speak to her inner artist, but they are a bit too organized for Brightkit's taste. Swirling, spinning images of pebbles and whirlpools and Silverkit fill her mind's eye with inspiration. Though she prefers the aesthetic of stacking stones in dizzying, gravity-defying ways (sometimes as tall as her!), she wants to try out the other kitten's style of pebble-arrangement.

Unbeknownst to Silverkit, many of the grey stones had been amassed in a haphazard pile on the opposite side of camp where Brightkit is busily arranging them into a large spiral. The darkest colored pebbles are placed in the center with each succeeding stone in the pattern becoming lighter and lighter in shade. Brightkit is careful to mimic Silverkit's attention to detail, though she is more interested in making her work look visually interesting rather than it all looking the same. She is putting the finishing touches on her large grey spiral--Silver Swirl, she plans on calling it--when she hears a whole bunch of hollering and screaming.

Not one to be left out of anything even remotely interesting, Brightkit trots over to see what the fuss is all about. She is mildly confused at the sight of the kitten yelling at the water, but figures that must be normal for Silverkit. "Missing some what?" she asks, glancing at Lichentail, then back at Silverkit. "When you're done yellin' do you wanna see what I made?"
Stars, how she's missed the quiet and peacefulness of RiverClan without wailing kits about. The squeal that tears from still developing vocal chords, kitten blue eyes staring along the river's rippling surface—it all brings Cindershade to roll her eyes in exhaustion. The rosetted molly watches from a bit away, observing the frustration that builds within Petalnose as she tries to decipher what was wrong; even going as far as to mimic a kill upon the pebble and the lead warrior nearly gags as she bites down upon it's smooth surface. She could only imagine the taste of algae and grit upon the warrior's tongue now, the taste of cemented soil.
Cicadastar storms in the midst of it all, crystalline eyes widened in panic as he demands what was happening. "A kit having a tantrum—so surprising." She interjects, her shaded tail flicking wildly in an aggravated manner. Her gaze settles upon the blue and silver tabby kit, pupils squeezed to slits as she studied her up to her elbows in the gentle current of the shallows. At Lichentail's comment, she swivels her head to the blue masked molly with a quizzical brow raised. Missing some what? Her thoughts echoed Brightkit's question, but she remained silent.
well her screaming tactic sure does something. it attracts attention. at once silverkit is approached by many, many clanmates, flocking to the sound, first petalnose — and the warrior's response is enough to startle silverkit into silence, blinking in shock at petalnose's splash and her "there. i killed it." KILLED it? killed WHAT?

"the... the river?" silverkit whispers, horrified. "you killed the river?"

oh starclan this is BAD. petalnose killed the river. what is riverclan going to be without the river? "don't worry," silverkit wails mournfully, "i can save you, river! i can save you!! someone find BEESONG!"

she collapses into the shallows face-first as though attempting to hug the water itself.

then cicadastar approaches, cicadastar himself, and silverkit is suddenly terrified for petalnose's life. if petalnose actually killed the river, or even tried to, well, that warrants exile for sure. "s' okay," silverkit whispers to her (very loudly), kitten-blue eyes wide with fear, "i'll cover for you! i am the best at lies." she continues at a shout: "petalnose didn't do ANYTHING WRONG! EVERYTHING IS FINE AND NOTHING HAPPENED! EXCEPT THAT ALL THE GRAY ROCKS ARE GONE WHICH IS HORRRRR-AAAAAA-BLE! and also for NO reason CAN YOU FIND A MEDICINE CAT? cause the RIVER IS DYIN'!"

lichentail next. silverkit's eyes swivel over to meet her form, her own gaze sharp and bright. "yes," she answers, switching back to solemn, screaming and dying rivers forgotten in the space of a second, "i am missing gray ones. it's a tradegy — "

and here is brightkit. oh ... of course. silverkit's greatest rival, primary supporter of rock piles instead of rock circles, leader of the Great Pile Movement that's devastated our generation. silverkit had a feelin' brightkit would have somethin' to do with this... she narrows her eyes. "what you made...?" she asks, dreading the answer then lifts her chin with a huff. "kay. show me."

she registers cindershade's approach and comment, VERY indignantly, though she's pressed for attention — silverkit is focused firmly on the gray rocks, resisting distraction. (still, a tantrum!! really!! silverkit is concerned with very serious matters that warrant all of her yelling and screaming thank you very much.)


  • • npc x npc kitten • 1.5 moons old • silver tabby & blue tabby chimera with a dusting of white freckles • meticulous, observant, opinionated • stuck in her own head a lot of the time • peaceful powerplay welcome • wants to make friends! •

"Tragedy," Apricotflower corrects Silverkit with a small, amused twitch of her long whiskers. Nicked paws lead her to stand nearby Cindershade, peering around the lead warrior to lay reassuring eyes upon the young kitten. She remembers when her own little ones were at the stage of figuring out bigger words, and, though more distantly, when she had trouble with the same.

"What sort of grey ones are you missing, Silverkit? Are they lighter or darker than these?" She nods towards the (pretty impressive, actually) circles that the kitten had been arranging before she decided to scream at the river. She fights the urge to shake her head, bemused. Kits, honestly.

Unaware of their unspoken rivalry, Brightkit grins widely at Silverkit and waves her tail for the other kitten to follow. White-mittened paws trots excitedly over to the opposite side of camp where her own pebble-arrangement waits. "Look!" she says with a proud smile. "I liked your circles so I made a spiral." Many grey pebbles of a variety of shades were appropriated for this work of art, as well as several small shells which were used to represent twinkling stars among the smooth grey spiral. "A silver swirl just for you!" Brightkit probably could have just asked Silverkit to play instead of making a grandiose gesture of friendship, but she is nothing if not over-the-top. And maybe she also wanted to show off. Just a little. That's how you make friends, right?​
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Well it certainly seemed unnecessary to make jabs at a child's inability to regulate their emotions appropriately. As far as Silverkit was concerned, this was the worst possible thing that could happen to her. She had no context for anything outside of that scope. Shooting Cindershade a small glare of warning, Lichentail turned her attention back to Brightkit as she was prompted for an explanation to her question.

Waving a paw in the general direction of the other she-kit's grand design, she was more than happy to provide that answer. "It looks to me like Silverkit was only using only the s-" That was only confirmed as the child in question confirmed her suspicions only to be followed by the answer that could not be fathomably timed any worse than this.

"A silver swirl just for you!"

"Oh dear..." She could already feel the inevitable blow up coming. That small girl could hold a lot of anger, that much she was certain of. Offering a tense smile to Apricotflower, the blue point hoped that a more... experienced adult might be able to put some water on this incoming inferno better than she could.

Brightkit had made the simplest of mistakes... and that would surmount to an unparalleled betrayal to the kit she was trying to desperately to befriend.​
you know, by all accounts lichentail should be right.

a silver swirl, just for you!

silverkit follows brightkit and it's laid out before her, where all the best gray rocks have gone. they are the color of her coat, arranged in something almost like a circle but not quite. arranged in something extra-special that silverkit has never thought of, a swirl. silverkit has seen herself in puddles and heard grown-ups talk about her coat: she knows that she's swirled, too, classic tabby coat all spirally — and dusted with white, just like some of these rocks.

all her big sad angry feelings vanish very quickly. she doesn't know what to call the feeling left in their place. she tries to get the big sad angry feelings back, to summon another dramatic wail of betrayal, as lichentail and probably everyone else and also silverkit herself are expecting — but can't — instead when she turns to brightkit, her blue eyes are very wide, her jaw hanging open a little.

"for me?" she squeaks out. "oh..."

she answers apricotflower's question with a paw outstretched, pointing. "um... well... those ones," she says, hesitant. she doesn't want 'em now. cause brightkit's present —

it's nice. it looks beeeeee-autiful with all her circles. silverkit shifts from paw to paw, a tiny smile on her face. "a swirl for me," she repeats gleefully under her breath.

maybe brightkit isn't enemy number one after all.

...emphasis on MAYBE. big, fat MAYBE. the maybe is very important.


  • • npc x npc kitten • 1.5 moons old • silver tabby & blue tabby chimera with a dusting of white freckles • meticulous, observant, opinionated • stuck in her own head a lot of the time • peaceful powerplay welcome • wants to make friends! •