pafp ABNORMALIZE ✧ fishing lesson

Iciclefang’s shoulder is still not sturdy enough for land hunting, and she despises relying on the other cats to bring her prey. Strangely, she still finds herself gravitating to the cats she’d survived the darkness with over her Clanmates. She assures herself this is temporary, that the bond fostered during the traumatic event is weaker than the RiverClan blood that connects her to Hazecloud, Lakemoon, Mosspaw, and Dovethroat. Still, when a cat like Milkpaw or Bobbie offers to share prey, she readily agrees where she would not have before.

Trauma-based bonding or RiverClan blood, or nothing, Iciclefang does not like feeling useless. She can walk well enough on her own now without needing a cat’s body to support her, but she’s not recovered enough to feed herself with the field mice and tiny birds they find dotted along the cliff sides, and she’s never been one to specialize in rabbit chases. She watches another cat flash by, on the trail of one of the cotton-budded creatures, with a huff.

It’s only when the sheen from the sun on water catches her eye that she relaxes. “Finally!” Her tongue swipes about her mouth, and she nears the water’s edge. It’s a shallow creek, hardly three foxlengths across, but the water is cold and fresh and she can see shadows moving through the water.

The tortoiseshell tilts blue eyes Stormywing’s way. “Watch this,” she commands, stepping away from the creek’s edge so that her shadow is not cast upon the surface. One paw is poised into a scooping motion, frozen just shy of the water. The moment a shadow slips by, Iciclefang uses the pointed paw to swipe deep into the creek. The blow connects, and the fish flips onto the creek bank. She bops it with the same now-wet paw, smiling with satisfaction.

Here, you give it a try,” she orders.

  • please wait for @STORMYWING
  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
The group has paused for some hunting, a time to both relax and fill some bellies. Cats scatter in all directions to track down some prey and Stormywing finds her paws leading her to the sparse trees not too far off. A fresh bird sounds very enticing right about now. She pauses to scent the air, jaws parting and ears pricked to locate any nearby jays or robins.


She turns her golden gaze in the direction of the voice, finding Iciclefang approaching a small river. She can't help but draw nearer to her newfound friend (she's still hesitant to even call her that, though), head tilting to the side. Of course - RiverClanners can't go long without their rivers! She thinks in jest, but for once bites her tongue out of fear of offending the tortoiseshell. Curiously, she watches as Iciclefang adjusts her position and waits, frozen as if she is made of stone. She waits, and waits, and Stormywing is opening her jaws to eventually say something before her outstretched paw shoots into the water. A silver fish flies through the air and lands on the shore, only to be stilled by a firm white paw.

"Woah!" The tabby blurts out, clearly impressed. She'd never seen much reason to think anything a RiverClanner did was cool, but watching Iciclefang complete the task so closely has her mind changed. How did she make it look so easy? Not a heartbeat passes before the other she-cat pins the warrior with icy eyes, freezing Stormywing to her spot as she orders her to try the same thing. Surprise is etched across her face as she casts her apprehensive gaze towards the river. Not that she's scared or anything - she is scared of nothing! ThunderClanners just....don't mess with water.

But she isn't about to embarrass herself in front of Iciclefang and the surrounding cats. She can do this! With a look of resolve, she slides closer to the water and lifts a forepaw in an attempt to mimic Iciclefang's pose. It's clear how untrained she is in the motion, despite her well-known athleticism. She bites her tongue, focused, eyes narrowing before- there!

She swipes her paw at a shadow, but the only thing hitting the shore is a big splash of water. "Mouse-dung!" She hisses when she realizes that her claws did indeed not fling a fish from the current.

Fishing is not something Little Wolf had ever been interested in learning if she were to be honest. During ThunderClans brief stint in RiverClan after the fire that had raged through their territory, she had tried it and promptly decided that she would much rather stick to land prey than prey that came from water. She would never begrudge RiverClan for their diet like some others did though. Each cat was unique in what they liked and if RiverClan enjoyed fish then who was she to judge? They probably thought she was strange for liking mice and squirrels after all.

Her interest is piqued by the tortoiseshell molly calling out, and she finds her eyes swiveling to the nearby river where Iciclefang perches with a fish she had no doubt hooked out of the water. Stormywing looks absolutely in awe. Little Wolf watches as she, at the command of the other she-cat, tries it too though ultimately her attempt brings up more water than anything else. Despite the strange feeling she gets when she watches the two she-cats interact, Little Wolf finds her whiskers twitching with amusement and she moves to join the two. "Would it be alright if I tried?" she finds herself asking as she approaches.

  • ooc : — ​

  • 69550785_AWuqgyCUN35Qx9x.png

    ➵ she / her
    ➵ thunderclan warrior
    ➵ single
    ➵ bisexual
    ➵ small black she cat with green eyes
    ➵ toyhouse [ ]