pafp above the clouds of pompeii — introducing grandkits


fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling
Feb 18, 2023
don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
And suddenly, Ghostkit and her sibling were four moons. It felt surreal. They were nestled against Pineberry’s flank just days ago, drinking milk, unaware of the world around them. Bittersweet. He chuffed. It seemed he was feelin’ that more than he cared to admit. Life sure enjoys throwin’ curve balls, ain’t it? He hummed.

Nothing would stop the pang of grief for taking their mother away, but he hadn’t regretted it. Never. Even if there came a day when he had to set them down and talk about why their mother was absent, or why their father remained clanless, and the rift that would inevitably cause, but not one moment will he regret it.

His family meant the world to him, more than what they thought of him and he vowed, no matter if they hated him, Duskpool would be there.

“There ya go, sweet girl.” He urged them forward, molten honey hues bleeding something soft, watching his grandchildren with muddled warmth. It shouldn’t be him, but their father who’s lengths away spendin’ time with Keane and Kavan doin’ who knows what. He fought back a visible wince, muscles constricting beneath obsidian fur. He barely had time to see his kid, lookin’ dull-eyed, but better, so much better. He’d be fine. Duskpool was sure. He had good friends as stubborn as a mule, they were.

“Ready to spend the day with grandpa?” He inquired, helm tilted to peer at Ghostkit’s frame. There wasn’t much to do in camp, but playin’ games and spendin’ quality time with family hurt nobody. “What do ya wanna do first, squirt?” He tacked on, sittin’ down a tail length from the nursery’s entrance. “After we get somethin’ in ya.” He grinned softly, unnatural on scarred lips, it was rugged and beautiful.

/ @Ghostkit
thought speech

"Yeah! Yeah! Grandpa day!" A bundle of soft black fur pelted out of the nursery, plumes of dust swirling in her wake. The day was bright and beautiful, the gleaming summer sun warming her bones.
"Not hungry. I wanna play," she crowed, silky paws skimming the ground as she wove a circle around Duskpool. Who could eat when there's so much to do? Orangestar could come a send him away on some stinky patrol any minute! Ghostkit would not, could not risk missing out on playtime with her grandfather because she was eating. The scarred tom was the sun to Ghostkit's small toddler world. For a time she'd even called him 'dad,' unable to grasp that there was another who truly held the title just beyond the border. Duskpool had managed to convince her that he was grandpa, not dad, eventually. She still loved him all the same.

"Hide and Seek," she announced with a quick gasp. "I wanna play Hide and Seek! You hide, and I'm gonna seek you." She grinned widely, staring up at Duskpool with dewy mint leaf eyes. Then when it's my turn, I'll hide so good that you'll never ever find me! Given the foolproof nature of her plan, it was only fair to let the old man have a crack at hiding first.​
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Reactions: DUSKPOOL
The sight of Duskpool and an unfamiliar kitten caught the attention of the classic tabby, a amber-yellow gaze watching from a short distance. “Who's tha- this... little one?” The apprentice would inquire towards the older tom as she changes her former statement of 'who's that' to sound kinder and not scare the Ghostkit. Would that scare them? Emberpaw wasn't sure and didn't necessarily know how most were emotionally bound to words, but she didn't want to accidentally offend the warrior or kitten by sounding hostile. A long tufted tail sways awkwardly as she listens to the small kitten mentions 'grandpa day'.

Hide and seek? Was there anywhere good for a kitten to really hide? 'Hmm...' The thought rotates in her mind as she silently observes around the camp looking for notable spots that the dark-colored child could hide at. There was some spots but nowhere particular on her mind that said difficult to find, as something outside of camp would be best for that. Oh well, as long as she had fun.

It was funny to see a hulking figure like Duskpool be trailed by a tiny bundle of fur in comparison. Adorable to see Duskpool take on the role of a grandfather, he always seemed super fatherly when interacting with anyone in camp, Florabreeze included. It was probably just because he said kiddo a lot, still she thought it was sweet. A little funny but for the majority it was sweet. Ghostkit seemed like a delight, she was making him grin so that was a good indicator of her being so delightful.

“What does a 'Grandpa day' involve?” She questioned as she joined the small group that had formed, grinning at Emberpaw then at the familial duo. The maine coon shared the mindset that hide and seek was a not so thrilling game in an area so sparse of actually good hiding places. However, she has learnt that a kits imagination will make up for the lack of objects to hide behind. If anything maybe Ghostkit would get a kick out of being able to find her grandfather easily.

“Could I join this game? It sounds like a lot of fun!” There would be no hard feelings if she was denied it, truly she just enjoyed spending time with the youth of SkyClan. Beaming of joy she shuffled on her paws, glancing at Duskpool “I could show you where the decent hiding places are, make it a team thing. Team seeker could be Emberpaw and Ghostkit?” The suggestion was mostly to ease any concerns of the kit being unsupervised, even if she was certain no harm could befall her it would be understandable if there were concerns.


  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    33 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

Being both an uncle and a parent felt surreal. Even being with Duststorm did too. But, Hollywhisper couldn't deny it felt nice. A warm feeling. Even if it was frustrating at times, even if things were tough.

The tortoiseshell let out a sigh as he saw the gathering. His own were spending time with their father today - it gave him a much needed break, let them bond with Duststorm, and didn't force any of the other queens to look after the energy-draining Oriolekit.

It's a faint smile that graces his maw, but a smile nonetheless as he watches them. "Hide and seek, huh?" he chuckles softly. "I used to be pretty good at that back in the day. I bet I could hide somewhere nobody can find me." He was stretching the truth, just a tad, but a little friendly banter never hurt anyone.​


Little Ghostkit is as cute as she was the day Duskpool had brought her home. Her fur is puffy, now, like hers had been once, her limbs stubby and unsteady. She squeals that she wants to play, and the Clan draws closer, cooing their approval. Fluffypaw settles beside Hollywhisper, giving him a mrrr of gentle greeting, as Florabreeze and Emberpaw edge closer to Duskpool's grandchild. "Does she remind you of your kits?" She purrs, glancing at the queen beside her with half-lidded green eyes. She was particularly fond of Oriolekit—she had been there for their birth, after all!

After a few heartbeats, Fluffypaw approaches Ghostkit on soft paws. She gives Duskpool a warm, unassuming smile and crouches in front of the dark-pelted child. "I'd like to play, too, if you'll have me! I can be on your team, maybe." She glances up at Florabreeze and Emberpaw with a tremulous smile.

  • ooc:
  • imfwvC1.jpg
  • Fluffykit . Fluffypaw, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 7 moons old, ages realistically on the 8th.
    — mentored by Greeneyes ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan apprentice. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.
    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.


Other clanmates trot into view, and at first Ghostkit is suspicious. This looks like the formation of a granpda-stealing patrol, she thought through a narrowed gaze. Emberpaw even looked a little uncomfortable, perhaps regretfully preparing herself to inform Duskpool it was time to leave. Florabreeze looked pretty relaxed, though, so Ghostkit addressed her first.
"Grandpa day is when Duskpool has to play with me allll day," she meowed, stretching words as though fact. "It keeps him very busy, so, Orangestar will need to pick someone else to go on patrol, um, if she was looking for him. But her unease melted away as Florabreeze indulged her. As she, Hollywhisper, and Fluffypaw added their interest to the mix Ghostkit's eyes gleamed with blooming excitement. She tossed her head fervently, stray hairs whizzing up toward Fluffypaw's nose.

"Yeah! Yeah! You and Duskpool and Uncle Hollywhisper gonna be the hiders, and me and Emberpaw and Fluffypaw will come find you." The little void burst into a fit of giggles, boundless joy unable to be contained by her tiny body. With a little gasp she remembered Emberpaw's question, and turning to her she blurted, "my name's Ghostkit! Duskpool is my grandpa, cause Mason-" Her tirade halted, train of glee suddenly flung up against a stone wall of confusion. Er, why isn't Mason here again? There was a reason, definitely, but it never seemed to stick in her mind. She snapped her head back and forth, content with forgetting and leapt back onto the tracks. "Cause he's not here right now. Oooh those old guys don't stand a chance. Oh, but not you Florabreeze, you're not old!" she babbled on, razzing her relatives and missing the irony that was Florabreeze several moons older than her uncle.

"C'mon, c'mon!" she meowed to her newfound apprentice friends. She scuttled back to the entrance of the nursery, raven-feathered tail waving high. "We can count here, and they can go anywhere in camp. We'll count to, um..." Her faced scrunched, her mind quickly jumping to a solution. "Maybe one of you guys count," she mewed to Emberpaw and Fluffypaw. "I can't count very high." Lacking shame, that mould of adolescence, the young child beamed at her playmates and got ready to cover her eyes.​

don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
With a barely concealed snort, Duskpool reached down to rasp a tongue over Ghostkit’s helm, smoothin’ the small tufts on her helm. “Sure, sweet girl. We can play hide n’ seek.” He rumbled, timbre a low, hauntin’ thing brimmin’ with playful amusement. “Just gotta make sure we eat somethin’ afterward. Yer gonna be hungry from all the playin’” And I’ll be wishin’ I was ten moons younger. He could already feel the soreness, but it ain’t gonna curb wantin’ to spend time with his granddaughter.

At Emberpaw’s appearance, Duskpool bit back a wince, expression remainin’ deadpan. “My granddaughter.” He answered swiftly, choosin’ not to dive deeper than necessary just as Ghostkit voice broke through the haze. A scarred helm dipped in agreement. He won’t hand out the exact details of Ghostkit’s upbringin’ than her father bein’ a loner in twolegs and her mother remainin’ a mystery till he had to make that choice, though Duskpool had to wonder if Mason would ever join SkyClan.

He hummed, figurin’ he’d let Ghostkit answer Florabreeze’s inquiry and sure enough she answered, bringin’ a half-hearted grin to scarred lips. “All day, sweet girl. Ain’t goin’ anywhere.” The obsidian warrior had finished things early mornin’, bringin’ prey just as the sky brightened and joinin’ the earliest patrol. He barely stopped himself from chokin’ at those old guys don’t stand a chance swallowin’ harshly and wonderin’ if his granddaughter callin’ him old was a good thing. He could already imagine Ghostkit callin’ him an old man like her father.

A stab of guilt shot through the warrior, attention driftin’ to Hollywhisper. He doubted it’d ever go away, havin’ to leave him the way he did, but by some miracle, they found each other and Duskpool would make damn sure he made up for the times they’ve been apart although the darker part of him had realized it may be too late.

Fluffypaw’s approach, Duskpool hummed, glancin’ down at Ghostkit with crinkled hues. “A few more ain’t gonna hurt.” Someone to watch Ghostkit, Duskpool had thought offhandedly, fiery hues shiftin’ through the small gatherin’ they’ve gained since steppin’ outside. “Alright. Alright. No peekin’ ya here?” He called after Ghostkit scuttlin’ to the nursery’s entrance with an affectionate shake of his helm.

“Let’s find somewhere to hide.” He announced to Hollywhisker and Florabreeze, woolly plumage brushin’ against his son’s shoulder as he passed, molten hue skimmin’ camp in search of somewhere to hide, chosen to settle inside the warrior’s den, flank pressed up against the wall near the entrance, leavin’ a smokey plumage peekin’ out for easier sightin’.
thought speech
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