sensitive topics abruptly, decisively - illness

He's supposed to train today, but when he wakes, wrong. The tom shivers, and whoever it is talking really needs to shut up. Bleary eyes scan the remaining apprentices within the den, but is confused why everyone is staring at him and very much in their nest. Whiskers twitch and with a hiss that is strained towards no one in particular, "Shut up." No one answers or even bats a single eye at his outburst. Oh, how they rile him up. It's a shame how much his muscles ache, but he chokes that up to Silversmoke's training. Of course it makes sense that they ache because he's been putting effort in actually trying his best. Silversmoke would forgive him if he were to miss training today, right? He doesn't feel up to it today, maybe tomorrow when things don't feel funny. I swear if you open your stupid mouth again! Why is it that his denmates can never show an ounce of decency. His fur bristles and once again albeit with a hoarse yowl, "Be quiet!" The seriousness of his words are dashed when it is followed immediately with coughing. Irritation grows when he hears all of them laughing at him and despite what others thought of him, he was no pushover! He wasn't going to take this, even if they were all supposed to be buddies.

And so, Crowpaw flings himself at Doompaw who is laughing in his nest. He lands on leaves and all the strength leaves his paws as soon as they touch whoever's nest this is. A heap of limbs he is. Ow. What's going on? Looking up he is startled to see that the apprentices den is empty. There is no Doompaw. There is no... Anyone. Even Drowsypaw. What time is it? He finds himself swarmed with an onslaught of questions at what the heck what happened, but with a shiver, a wave of searing pain hits him. He couldn't even form proper thoughts, his body withering in pain, twisting as if trying to escape an invisible enemy. A storm of coughs follows, tears gather at his eyes, and his flank rises and falls rapidly as he tries to breathe.

He doesn't know how long he twists in agony, but once he's able to gather a semblance of strength, the first thing he does is hobble out of the apprentice den with tremendous effort. Hazel eyes are unfocused and what he can make out are long faces and strange shadows as he sways strangely to... Where? Then, something touches him. The reaction is instant. Whatever or whoever this is, he unsheathes his claws and swipes his paw in a random direction (which he assumed was where the enemy was), "Don't touch me!" Whoa, you look... He can't help but laugh as he turns to look at a strange blob with a long face, "AHAHAHAHA YOU'RE SO DUMB!"

// little man is sick and to be clear he is a bit delirious and has a fever. no one was actually in the apprentice den with him, sorry imaginary doompaw he didn't mean it! currently he's out about in camp but it's more than obvious he's unwell



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
A dismayed look is stretched on Figfeather’s face, Crowpaw cannot be serious…? With a mentor like Silversmoke he’s ought to have learned better than to act like this by now?

Typically, she may have just gotten up and swatted the apprentice on the ear for disrespecting her, or any other warrior for that fact. However, the truth was clear, Crowpaw looked unwell- and all cats in SkyClan knew you did not have to be a medicine cat to diagnose a recently infamous ailment.

Rising her paws and doing her best to hold her composure after being called… dumb… she gives the apprentice a hard stare. ”Crowpaw.” Sternly she addresses, her ears pricking upward, ”You need to go to the medicine cats den. This instant. Go.”

✿—— a strange laughing shout rings across camp, drawing bobbie's attention as she pads in from some errand or patrol or another. it's her son, she notes with some confusion—crowpaw had been a bit of a difficult child at times, but he'd never been the type to call strangers dumb right to their faces in such a way. the worry that lies dormant in her veins spikes with a cold feeling and she's moving quickly across the camp, towards the staggering smoke shape of her son. figfeather is his unfortunate victim, giving him an appropriately stern stare and command—the tabby increases her pace until she's drawn up alongside the marmalade tabby and the small swaying shape of her son, his hazel eyes unfocused and his expression strange.

fear coils like a snake in her belly as she quickly presses her nose to the shell of one dark ear, the warmth she finds nestled there only serving to confirm her fears. crowpaw's skin is hot, far hotter than any healthy cat's ought to be, even in the greenleaf heat. there could be only one culprit that would make her shy son shout and stagger so—the newly named yellowcough, the very name sending terror racing through her flesh. she knows thunderclan had delivered news of a cure, but how much remained in dawnglare's shady den that stank of this plague? how ill was her son - would lungwort be enough to save him now? the vision of sheepcurl, tallulahwing, mountainheart, all of them deathly cold and dressed in lavender, flashes behind her eyelids.

"figfeather is right," she mews, managing to keep the panic out of her voice, pressing against her son's side, heedless of his affliction—her health iis not important now, but crowpaw's is. she attempts to help him in the direction of the yawning mouth of the medicine den, a twisted reminder of her guiding paw helping his first steps, and despite herself her heart lurches terribly again. bobbie mews, trying to stay calm, "dawnglare and fireflypaw can - can help you, c-crowpaw."

a glance back, another sad parody, this one of figfeather's presence at her kits' birth, "thank you, figfeather."


  • ooc: medicine cat tags: @DAWNGLARE @Fireflypaw
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu

His name on the tawny queen's maw – was she still a queen? He had no desire to acknowledge her existence much at all – is cause for alarm. Being guided toward him is the dark pelt of her son, the young apprentice seemingly giggling at nothing at all. Dawnglare fixes him with an odd stare – face an amalgam of various different forms of alarm. " If there is a good time to get sick, it is now, " he says, voice lacking the lightness one may expect from such a comment.

A bundle of Lungwort is already on - paw, and he would place it in front of the apprentice, tapping his paw once, twice. " This – is the cure. It is bitter. " he warns, eyeing Crowpaw carefully. Though they were no longer an apprentice, they still might prefer the taste of honey to ease the slide of bile. He huffs " Come, I can get you something sweeter. " He does not miss the chance to wrinkle his muzzle at Bobbie before nudging the apprentice forward. Figfeather, however, is offered an appreciative nod.

  • ( 𝙒𝙃𝙔'𝘿 𝙄𝙏 𝙏𝘼𝙆𝙀 𝙎𝙊 𝙇𝙊𝙉𝙂? ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    —— He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    —— Currently 55 moons old. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Currently in an era of questioning; upset and uncomfortable by things he should not be.​
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
The blob is speaking gibberish to him. Do you know who I am? He is out of it clearly, giving Figfeather an unnatural grin. "What are you even saying? All I hear is the sound of you crying to your mommy. Wah, wah, wah, cry about it." Clearly this thing in front of him is not getting the message, so he can't help but throw his head back and mew in annoyance. "Do you know how to speak?" His hazel eyes would squint at the blob in front of him, "Hey. What kind of thing are you? You look... You look... I have no clue. Are you a dog? Momma says dogs are bad, I've never seen a dog before. They gotta look as gross as you. Wait... A dog!" Before he's able to leap back and unsheathe his claws at the enemy in front of him, he is beyond startled by something touching him.

Instinctively, he attempts to jump back to create some distance from whatever touched him and snap at it. If anyone were to tell him he looked at his mother with pure disgust and bared his fangs at her, he would feel guilty. She could reassure him that he was sick and it was okay, but sometimes... Sometimes you still feel guilt about things that can't be controlled. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" It seems as time stopped, the tense moment ruined when the inky tom sways slightly. Tears begin to form as the tom tries to focus on the thing that touched him. It's a bit hard, but he can make out it's form through tears. A familiar brown, one that's always been with him. "Mm sorry. Mommy said Crowpaw be nice. Crowpaw is not nice. Mommy. Where's mommy? Lulu? Drowsy? Have to see them." Panic overwrites anger as he tilts his head around, clearly looking for his family.

Crowpaw flinches when he is touched yet again, but there is something about this thing that screams safety. Or maybe he's being led to his death. In any case, he leans against it, sniffling while he tries to focus on the warmth it provides. Its speaking to him. Dawn... Fryeryfry? "Fryerfry? The funny face? Sil has funny face too. I want to be cool and have a funny face too. Can Fryerfry give me a funny face? So silv and I match?" This is certainly the most he's ever talked, which is nice one could say. However, in different circumstances would be better. Who knows? Maybe his mother was in shock about his reveal that he liked Silversmoke. That he looked up to that tom and wanted to be like them in some way.

Dawnglare's words are heard more or less, but he can't help but stare down the medicine cat. The thing is. He always wondered why cats stood away from Dawnglare and he had learned that Mallowlark was his mate. If you asked him, they were made for each other. Weirdos. H-huh? Bitter? Truthfully, he''s never tried medicine before. This would be his first time in the medicine cat den, or at least from what he can remember. Bitter doesn't mean anything to him at the moment, but he would look down at the bitter thing. He blinks slowly. Chew it? Rub it? It seems that Dawnglare mistakes his lack of action for him not wanting to try something bitter. At the mention of sweet, his ears perk, "Sweet? Like how Dawny and Larky are together? How long have you been together? What's the sweetest thing about Larky? I think he's kinda strange, but can't be that bad. After all, he makes Dawny happy. Bad cats are like my papa!" Before he can continue, the inky tom is nudged forward. "H-hey! So mean! I can move just fine. How sweet are we talking though? What's bitter even taste like? AM I GOING TO GET BITTER?" Today... Is going to be a long day.
  • WHAT
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