
anything , anything
Aug 12, 2022
she can't help it, trying to keep her lips sealed as the molly settles in the clearing, the trees sheltering the camp, and it's almost a miserable sight. dark and cold, little food, a perpetuating hunger. but it's home. it's been her home since she could remember, and she wouldn't change a thing. nor would she change her morning shenanigans. laughter is swallowed down repeatedly, eyeing the prize she had stolen from shadowclan's dearest deputy. she'd been watching them for awhile, nothing strange, of course, just...watching. seeing what the deputy enjoys, what they treasure. and birchmilk thinks she had finally found the perfect thing. the deputy's entire nest. every single piece of moss and needle, absolutely nothing but the remains of some fallen fur from the darkened feline.

the nest sits plainly in the middle of it all, some scrap of prey that birchmilk had managed to scrounge up, laid loving in the center of it. her face is placid and calm, distracting herself with grooming. she had an appearance to maintain after all. though, an eye is kept firm on the nest. she says her pleasantries to passersby, feigning ignorance to why there is a nest in the middle of camp. though she's sure that some had figured it out by now, it's kept silent. a suspenseful breath is held for when her deputy shows. but for now, she makes her idle chatter with whoever's nearby.

they were tired. exhausted. it was nothing new, of course not, but with the lack of prey it seemed that the lack of energy the deputy carried had plummeted even further. they needed a nap. stars knew they weren't getting a lot of rest, always up and running around, looking after everyone because they couldn't sleep very well knowing how much shadowclan was crumbling under the cold weight that was leafbare. they could take care of themself when others were okay. it seemed that right now, everyone was hanging on to that little bit of thread, keeping themselves up enough that chilledgaze could finally rest. they had every intentions of doing so.

as they pushed through the camp's entrance, they slowly made their way to the warrior den, only to stop to see a nest in the middle of the camp. it... looked awfully familiar. chilledgaze had always made their nest uniquely their own, being sure to differentiate from the others. a few strategically placed feathers, and certain furs from different animals... that was their nest wasn't it? with a growl, they padded right up to birchmilk, looking over at the piece of prey for a moment before they turned their attention back to the playful warrior.

"what is the meaning of this? why is my damned nest out here instead of in my spot within the warriors den?"

So I walk alone down the darkest roads

Ravenwatcher had...well, watched Birchmilk drag the nest of their deputy to the center of camp, and yet decided to say silent, figuring Chilledgaze's reaction would prove to be all but an amusing thing to watch, her tail swishing slightly as she watched the tired deputy quickly go to Birchmilk and demanded answers for why their nest was in the midst of camp. Ravenwatcher slowly walked over her blue gaze dancing between the two before swiping her tongue onto her paws. "perhaps Starclan is telling you to be prepare to move to the leader's den" she said in a jesting tone. Whether they believed her or not, she did admit it was kind of a funny joke.

Pitchstar was going to be fine after all, they had plenty of time before being cursed with nine lives and to be strip of them, only to come back once more. To her, that was not a blessing, almost seemed like torture and she could never understand why anyone would want that. Her gaze still on Chilledgaze waiting for the deputy's reaction to the young warrior's words.

Rainecho had watched Birchmilk drag the deputy's nest out into the open with whiskers twitching in amusement. Chilledgaze was going to be pissed, off that she is certain and she cannot wait for it. There was something entertaining about watching the dark-furred cat get his tail into a twist, getting all riled up. Though she would never want to be on the receiving end of their anger, she enjoyed watching them blow up at other people. It doesn't take long for her wish to be fulfilled.

At their appearance, Rainecho would rise to her paws and bounce over to stand next to the other warriors, her nose wrinkling in a playful smile. "Aw Chilled, baby, don't worry you can always share a nest with me!" she says with a purr before her mismatched eyes find Ravenwatcher's face. "You shouldn't wish ill on our leader like that" she says, eyes narrowing ever so slightly. Not that she would mind Chilledstar but she knows better than to voice her thoughts about Pitchstar's demise in a clan full of his kin. The same could not be said for the frog-brain in front of her.
Dogfur was childishly amused not by Birchmilk's thievery, but the fact that a few warriors had watched Birchmilk tug out the deputy's nest. He was foolish enough to not say anything—he was known to cry wolf—but their poor deputy was being haggled by their Classmates all for a laugh, or so he assumed.

The scrawny tortoiseshell leaped up, approaching close to Rainecho's side as he looked down at Birchmilk's prize. Surely this was some sort of practical prank. "A joke," They bemoaned, shifty yellow eyes glancing sideways at their deputy. They looked exhausted. "A silly, silly, joke."

His ears pricked up at Ravenwatcher's peculiar remark and he looks up excitedly. As a misguided pupil of the Clan's religion, he listened first to Rainecho's rebuke. Dogfur laughed, tail twitching. "That would mean Birchmilk is StarClan, what a funny idea. But more heretic than mine." He rasped. "No, it is simply a case of thievery, no-thing more, no-thing less!"

when chilledgaze wheels around to accuse her, the warrior's mouth drops. almost offended that they had immediately gone to her, not even taking a second to wonder if...just maybe...any other of their clanmates had been feeling particularly jokey this day! the lightly-colored femme raises a dramatic paw to her chest, eyes wide in faux pain at the rightful accusation. "chilled..why would i do this? rainecho and ravenwatcher have been watching me this entire time! you think i could sneak something like your nest with them eyeing me? you hurt me.... " her voice is weepy, though she slips a secretive grin to both of the aforementioned mollies. if they help her, she's sure to repay them.

as ravenwatcher jokes about pitch's retirement...or death...she watches as rainecho scolds the other for it. "that guy is fine. unless raven is capable of murdering someone through a joke. and well...that would just be impressive." and useful. but more impressive. when dogfur comes along, the molly watches him carefully. the other two warriors didn't seem interested in getting birch in trouble with chilled, but she can't ever be sure with dogfur. they're weird. even to birch. "you can't say i'm not. you have no proof. and accusing me of such petty crime...for shame." the warrior bites back at him, trying to keep them from spilling anything more. she can get away with this if she plays it carefully, but he's ruining it!
  • Haha
Reactions: Ravenwatcher.

Smogmaw witnesses the buffoonery unfold in real-time. There he lay, sprawled out on the hardened ground off over yonder, observing as clanmate-after-clanmate encounters the misplaced nest. Whatever comedic value they found in this gag eluded him. Save for Chilledgaze, who looked like a thunderstorm ready to strike, the act caused their expressions to become fraught with delight and laughter - all while his own face continued to reek of monotony. The standards for practical jokes must have deteriorated in the time since he was a similar age.

Standing up, stretching, and breaking out into a yawn, the pewter-toned tom decides that there's nothing worth doing today, and thus wanders over to the group in pursuit of idle chatter.

Lids drape the upper half of his chestnut gaze, which he directs to the alleged culprit of this fiendish ploy: Birchmilk, yet another intrusive she-cat looking to fill ShadowClan's Flickerfire-shaped void. While the tom can lend her respect for challenging Chilledgaze's authority, he cannot possibly endorse touching another's bedding. That's a fucked up thing to do. Seriously.

"Should've made dirt in the nest instead," interposes the tom, drawing near on sluggish limbs, "it'd be a lot funnier." It's vulgar, but he would rather reinforce the bullshittery than criticise it at this rate. He gives Chilledgaze a brief satisfied glance, before regressing to his dull demeanour.

Although Roosterstrut had not witnessed the moving of Chilledgaze's nest, he seemed to have stumbled upon the scene at just the right moment. He glances from cat to cat; no one seems to know who exactly pulled the prank on the deputy, though from the sound of it, Birchmilk was a prime suspect. The orange tabby has known Birchmilk for about as long as he can remember; he wouldn't put it past the molly to do such a thing. She was one of the more playful clan members, to say the least.

An amused grin makes its way onto Roosterstrut's features as he joins in on the conversation. "Hm. So... the nest just grew legs and walked all the way out here?" He wonders aloud, a tricky gleam shining in pale green hues. He was not necessarily suggesting that Birchmilk was the culprit behind this prank but, at the same time, not necessarily suggesting that he didn't know who it was, either. Ah well; he wasn't going to be the one to spoil the fun. Perhaps Chilledgaze wasn't the wisest person to trick, but StarClan knew that they could stand to engage in some lighthearted tomfoolery once in a great while.

Lo and behold, Smogmaw shows up to give his own "input" on the situation, which earns a quick frown from Roosterstrut ( although it could easily go unnoticed should no one be paying attention ). The older tom always put a damper on his mood, like getting sopping wet mud caked onto his tail. It's all the more frustrating knowing that he can't force Smogmaw out of his presence, either. Not wanting to create a fuss, Roosterstrut stays put... for now.

    —— amab, uses he/him pronouns. seventeen moons old. warrior of shadowclan.
    —— laid-back young adult who utilizes humor and fun in order to distract from serious matters. he is a decent warrior, though he hesitates to take risks.
    —— link to tags. @ on discord for plots.

    roosterstrut is a vibrant orange tabby tom with pale green eyes. he stands at a height ever so slightly above the average. his fur is long and whispy and his tail is especially reminiscent of a rooster's. he sports a signature, goofy smirk and a mischievous glint in his eye.

  • —— led a failed hunting patrol on thunderclan territory, resulting in a skirmish