development ACHILLES CAME DOWN || fox attack


// cw for flashback (skip to the line break to avoid this bit) and canon-typical violence

She doesn't know where she wakes up.

She can't quite see reality. She's under his claws again, in the dream, and she feels him still when her eyes snap open. It's dark, nearly dawn. She stumbles out of the nest, out of the den, into the clearing lit by early morning stars.

She can feel him.

She runs without thinking, flinching at shadows, splashing through flooded hunting grounds — all she knows is that she has to get away. She doesn't end up far from their temporary camp; there isn't far to go, without tumbling down the gorge or into floodwaters. The thing crouches in a patch of a reeds, hiding her face in her paws, shaking. Piece of prey, creature to be hurt and hunted. (He's going to find her. He always finds her.)

She doesn't know how long she stays like that.

Eventually, the fear recedes. She comes back to herself, blinking bleary green eyes awake, shifting in her cold wet hiding spot. A little spark of panic flares in Ashpaw's chest — where is she? Where is Willowroot, where are the kittens — where is her clan?

Oh no. Ohhhh, no. "I did it again," Ashpaw whispers to herself, squeezing her eyes shut. Damn it. It's been ages since she last messed up like this. It's still dark, at least — maybe she can find her way back to their shelter, slip back into her nest, no one the wiser. Maybe she hasn't been gone too long? She hopes she doesn't run into Smokethroat. He always walks around at night, right? Or Cicadastar — Ashpaw cringes at the memory of the flood's first morning — "Why are in you in here?" he'd asked, incredulous, as she'd carried Antlerkit from the nursery. She hadn't known how to say "there's nowhere else I can fall asleep. " She hadn't known how to tell him that she still thinks about Spiderfall — that she still dreams about him, sees his eyes in the dark —

What would Cicadastar say, if he saw her out here? He'd be mad, she thinks. He'd be disappointed.

Ashpaw couldn't stand to disappoint either of them.

Okay. Don't cry, she tells herself, sitting up properly. The residue of terror clings to her skin; she takes a few deep breaths, tries to shake it off. Popping up from the reeds, her red tabby fur is bathed in moonlight, perfect target utterly unknowing.

The creature is older than she is, though not by much — nearly-grown cub learning to hunt for itself, hungry, painfully sick — a weak predator, but a predator nonetheless.

It catches her by surprise.

Ashpaw chokes out a gasp as a weight slams into her body — it pins her, and she recognizes the scent. Fox. Shit. Shit.

Ashpaw howls, twisting and slashing — her claws catch on something, and the fox leaps back with a yelp. Ashpaw forces herself to her feet, gasping for breath, as it lunges once more. It's going to kill me, she thinks, I'm going to die.

She darts to one side, escaping the brunt of the blow, but isn't quite fast enough to dodge entirely — Ashpaw screams as its claws make contact, raking across her flank — an old injury reawakened, a twoleg's knife in her side. It's shallow but it hurts — blood sprays over the muddy ground, into nearby floodwaters lapping at the reeds.

"H — help," she shouts hoarsely. Someone hear her — please, please, someone hear her —

She doesn't want to die. (She knows who waits in the stars for her, pitch-black coat and eyes gleaming orange.)

Another hit that just barely connects, and another scream, choked off by pain — "help — HELP! Willowro— agh!" The cry doesn't make any sense, because she knows her mentor must safe at home, ensconsced in the walls of a makeshift nursery. It slips out of her without thinking. She just — wants her mom.

The fox lunges again, teeth bared for her throat. Again she dodges, and they snap closed over her shoulder; the skin there explodes with blood and pain, and she realizes in the next second that if she doesn't do something she — she really is going to die.

She starts to bunny-kick at the fox's exposed belly — claws out, teeth bared, she kicks and scratches and bites and — "get off, " she screeches, and with another kick it does, taking fur and skin with it —

She's in so much pain now, blinding pain, but Ashpaw has felt worse. She stands, gasping for breath — and lunges back at the fox, with hackles raised, teeth bared, claws extended. This will not kill her. Damn it, this won't.

And it bolts.

Cuts its losses, rather than face any more injury at the claws of unruly prey. Ashpaw's lunge connects with the ground, and she slips across the flood-soaked earth, colliding hard. A lone thing, survivor of the flood, the predator flees in the direction of the beech copse ... away from either camp, Ashpaw realizes, toward the border. Away from RiverClan territory entirely.

She did it.

Her head drops, ginger fur slowly soaking red, breathing hard and fast. She just lies there for a moment, muddy and exhausted, basking in the fact that she's alive. She did it — she did it, the fox is gone. Pride swells in her chest, and she rolls over to stare up at the sky.

Colors bleed over the horizon. The sun is rising.

For the first time in her short life, Ashpaw has saved herself.

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • takes place a couple days after moving into the temp camp !!!!

    ash has chased the fox off, and though your character may see it in the distance/recognize its scent, it is no longer present in the thread. it's possible that she's kicked up enough of a commotion to be heard from camp (she's not far off), or by a dawn patrol

    injuries (nothing too serious):
    - large, shallow gash along flank
    - smaller gash along shoulder/collar area
    - mild shock from moderate blood loss

  • - 7 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - crushing hard on iciclepaw
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - "speech"
  • - disclosed being abused by spiderfall, who was exiled & who then killed her best friend pumpkinpaw

    - temporarily apprenticed to npc pebbleskip due to willowroot moving into the nursery

    - benched for a few weeks at smokethroat's request after a training incident; mainly stays in camp and helps with the kits or does chores
  • Crying
Reactions: Kangoo
They'd noted the reek of fox with no large panic. From the patrol's perspective, it was a simple passerby, an animal of the night retreating back to its den off-territory. It staled from where they were hunting and trying to gather along the way, but its mere prescence had caused pelts to prickle. As she registered the smell, tucking its information in the back of her mind, her ears perked.

The call was no louder than a whisper from her location, but the urgency and pain carried with it in the same magnitude. Gloompaw broke from the patrol in a heartbeat, lungs burning up the boundless energy stored within her, fueled by the fact the cry has a familiar tune. She swerves through dead, brittled reeds and towards the sparse thickets past camp, nose working to find who she guessed had yowled for help.

In the end, she didn't get to rip into Ashpaw's attacker. She didn't avenge the bitewounds lacing her pelt twicefold. Ashpaw had did this, defended all on her own, and she'd lived. She was alive -- Gloompaw stumbled through the bushes seperating them, vision flocking to the crimson, then sideways to tired eyes. Her jaw parted, veins churning crushed-up ice.

The scent was thick in the air now, interlaced with blood. It felt like swimming on land when she floated over beside her friend on the ground, to the side of her good shoulder, offering her own broad one for support when she arose. "Shit, Ash," she breathed, dreaming of winding her claws through thick scavenger skin. "Could- can y'get up?"
beesong smells it rather than hears it; the copper tang of blood. a scent he's familiarized himself with to the point where sometimes he questions if he's just imagining it. more often than not, he wishes that he had imagined it.

gloompaw breaks off from the dawn patrol they'd accompanied on the grueling endeavor to find herbs in the cold. beesong's one-eyed gaze follows her, with a frown tugging at his lips. trouble kisses the air with a metallic scent, and his veins might've turned to ice as cold as the wind that bites at his exposed skin if he hadn't been desensitized by his work. "cobwebs," the healer barks to the nearest npc, before he takes off after his apprentice. they would fuss over marigold poultices back at the temporary camp... if the victim survives long enough to make it back.

what they finds manages to twist their gut in an unusual way. it's ashpaw who lays before them, covered in mud and blood; crimson oozing from two noticeable gashes. and they're back to the end of greenleaf, with a tinier ashpaw bleeding at their paws. they're back in their den, flooded and destroyed by now, with a shivering ashpaw who tries to hide mysterious wounds. misfortune always seems to find her... and beesong wonders how starclan chooses their victims. how do they decide who gets to have an innocent childhood, and who must grow up too fast?

she's breathing fast and heavy, beesong notes as he pushes himself closer. the stench of fox hangs thick in the air, and his skin crawls at the perceived feeling of being watched by the creature. he couldn't see it, and the scent is growing staler by the minute, so he has to assume that it fled... but his mind screams at him to not lower his guard, as if it is ever lowered.

the npc arrives with a pawful of cobwebs, and beesong gratefully takes it from them. it should be enough to get ashpaw back to camp where their herbs are; the wounds don't look too deep, upon further inspection. "groom her fur backwards," the cinnamon tabby instructs gloompaw. "she's in shock; it'll help to calm her and keep her warm." then, they press their cobwebs onto the deeper gash along ashpaw's flank, applying pressure to the wound to encourage clotting. all while they keep an eye on their surroundings, glancing around for any sign of the fox returning.

Ashpaw blinks blurry eyes, draws shallow breaths — she catches a scent on the wind, recognizes it. Clanmates. There are clanmates coming — Gloompaw. Beesong.

Her heart leaps. She really, really can't believe she's alive, but she is, she did it. Are they —

Are they going to be proud of her?

They tend to be, she finds herself thinking. She has a good family and sometimes they're proud of her even when she didn't do anything particularly special. So she thinks they will be. Besides, she's proud of herself, and that's what matters. That's the feeling she's gotta cling to.

"Hi — hi," she breathes as Gloompaw approaches, checks her over. "I — I can, yeah, I can get up—"

She rolls back onto four paws, tries to stand and finds her legs inexplicably weak. What? Her legs aren't hurt, why can't she stand up?

" ... okay, on second thought," she starts to say, but Beesong has jumped into action now. "Groom her fur backwards. She's in shock." Shock, what does that mean?

"I'm okay," she finds herself telling Beesong, a little oblivious to the blood loss — he presses cobwebs into her side, presses them hard and she hisses with pain, ears flattening to her skull, but lets him. He's helping, she tells herself. Ow ow ow ow ow ow —

"I'm okay," she says again, her voice a little more strained now, but the pride in her tone is undeniable. "I — fought it off. Did you see? I fought it."

She grins up at Gloompaw. Her wounds may look similar to the ones she'd taken at Spiderfall's mercy, but Ashpaw is not that little girl anymore. She isn't even scared right now. She knows Beesong's got her and all she can think about is the fire she's just found inside herself. She's going to be a warrior.

She's actually going to be a warrior.

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • ooc text goes here

  • - 8 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - crushing hard on iciclepaw
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - "speech"
  • - disclosed being abused by spiderfall, who was exiled & who then killed her best friend pumpkinpaw

    - temporarily apprenticed to npc pebbleskip due to willowroot moving into the nursery

    - benched for a few weeks at smokethroat's request after a training incident; mainly stays in camp and helps with the kits or does chores