ACHING HEART // Moonstone Visit


WindClan Leader




Hunger gnaws at her belly, but it was tradition for leaders to not eat when visiting the moonstone. The smoke glances to her clan-mates, Tigerfrost and Snailpaw, and envies the effects Vulturemask’s traveling herbs had granted them. At least they were here now and she’d be able to catch her breath once inside of mothermouth, Sootstar has a sinking feeling of what awaited her.

Hopefully the focus would remain mostly on Snailpaw, for they were here to begin a new tradition. Apprentices of WindClan now must visit the moonstone before becoming warriors, Sootstar hopes it will help their youth become more connected with StarClan and give them a taste of their ancestors power and beauty. Besides, the moonstone was a gorgeous sight, everyone should witness it at least once… Tales could never do the stone justice.

”The tunnel is dark, and you moor runners don’t like tight spaces.” Light-heartedly she jests, ”but you’ll be just fine. Follow me closely.” Then the WindClan leader vanishes into the cave, her paws transversing the path she’s taken numerous times now. Soon enough the tunnel brightens with the brilliant glow of the moonstone and the cave opens up into a circle around it. Usually it’d entice awe and wonder, but tonight Sootstar feels overwhelmed by the power that radiates off it. It’s glow seemed blinding and her ears ring, she can’t bring herself to grow closer. The she-cat sits down and masks her weariness the best she can.

”I will not share tongues with StarClan tonight… I conversed with them not long ago.” Sootstar attempts to excuse with a lash of her tail. ”But please- Snailpaw, Tigerfrost, take in the wonders of our ancestors. Touch your own nose to the stone if you wish, imagine how it feels.”

// @TIGERFROST @SNAILPAW (just to be clear; sootstar is overwhelmed in reference to a scene where Tigerclaw in the books was frightened by the moonstone. Your ocs likely wont experience the same fright she is rn!)




The journey is a long one, and not at all easy on their paws. At the very least, Vulturemask's traveling herbs insured that they did not feel frail from hunger by the time they arrived. Dutifully, he follows after Sootstar, insuring that Snailpaw keeps up at his side. Hopefully, the apprentice doesn't fall asleep on their paws half-way through the tunnels.

Tigerfrost plunges into the cool shadow after his leader, and indeed, he feels cramped and uncertain beneath the rocky earth. Was this what a tomb felt like to the living? But, he trudges on after Sootstar's scent, and soon enough, the brilliant glow of the moonstone engulfed the small patrol. Tigerfrost is awe-struck by the sight, and he wonders if Snailpaw is as well. Though the WindClan leader hangs back, the Lead Warrior takes several bold steps toward the stone. He is fascinated, and enthralled as he presses his nose to the stone, gesturing for Snailpaw to do the same. He does not think StarClan will speak to anyone who is not a leader or a medicine cat, but nontheless, the cool stone against his nose is an inspiring sensation.
They'd done it. In spite of everything, they'd done it. Ready to become a warrior in the eyes of their clan, they met the praise with a mixture of revelry and uncertainty. Adulthood brought about some of the freedom they'd been yearning for since their youth, but to have it come at the expense of so many whose trust they'd broken was... difficult. Code or no code, they'd betrayed their RiverClan friend by destroying herbs and mocking their patrols, they'd betrayed their WindClan friends by turning into something unrecognisable. In the pursuit to be loved, it seemed they forgot just how much they wanted to be liked as well. Hopeful there was still time to find that precious balance, their head was held high on the journey, wearing an adult's confidence. The Stars-awful taste of the traveling herbs had long since subsided, though traversing difficult terrain, they found their paws weren't as immune to the strain as they'd like. It was enough for their sapphire eyes to flutter a few times but never enough to lose themselves to slumber entirely.

Their brows raise as they hear what they think is a joke from Sootstar, their ears twitching. Soon enough, they're following after her and Tigerfrost, their chest tightening the deeper and deeper the tunnel seemed to go. Just when they think they can't bear it any longer, a cool glow appeared past the bodies of their superiors. Snailpaw paused for but a moment before wriggling out with a newly found energy, squinting at its intensity. Were they the first apprentice to get the same blessing as their leaders and medicine cats got? To see such a beautiful thing? They take a moment to absorb the sight, their maw parted in surprise at the lights that bounced off of the cave walls. Truly, there were no words to describe it. Sootstar reminded them that it was like a gateway to StarClan, a way for them all to contact their ancestors when dreams and prophecies wouldn't do. Their banded tail droops somewhat. "I doubt there's anyone up there to greet me, even if they did have something they wanted to say to little old me." They chuckled nervously. "Everyone I love's still alive." It seemed exceptionally lucky, perhaps a blessing from StarClan itself - regardless, it was enough evidence to know that they didn't need to talk to the heavens to recognise their warm embrace. Gaze hovering on Tigerfrost, they wondered if their mentor had anyone of their own to mourn.

Stepping forwards, the tabby loafed besides the Moonstone and, with eyes close, gently pressed their nose against the cold rock.