oneshot ACID TUNNEL OF LOVE \ oneshot

your character likes something about a clanmate -- it could be something about their appearance, the way they talk, etc. do they tell them? how do they feel about it?


He was still unused to being wanted. Sought after, like he was someone interesting or funny or... airy and light, amusing, able to go off on strange tangents. His parents often sprung to mind when this strange feeling struck him. He'd hated everything about them, and loved them all the same- and they'd loved each other. Inherently, he thought, there must be something likeable about him... something slumbering beneath that sometimes people could see, like peering through clouded glass and seeing shapes dancing behind.

Quillpaw could evidently see through into that interesting part of him that he could never find himself. From being forced to talk to each other, stuck in the same unfortunate position, to choosing constantly to find the other and talk, or just exist near one another... he could not deny it warmed him. Endeared him to see the Quillpaw he felt that maybe not everyone saw- the kind one who knew what sort of food to give him, knew how to get under his skin without pushing him too far, knew that what Twitchpaw appreciated in a relationship was just... time.

They'd be warriors soon. The thought kept chipping at him like a woodpecker was trying to erode away his mind, and... what Daisyflight had said about growing, about how he'd grown... he had thought then about noticing the change in Quillpaw, rather than himself. Maybe the feeling was mutual. But he'd noticed the other tom getting taller- much taller than him, now. Noticed him go from clumsy to pretty well-coordinated, well-proportioned, well-muscled...

He'd always had an interesting pelt, too. In the dead of night, ridiculously late, if he looked at him now... he might not even be able to see him. Ashen and soot would melt into the lull of night, and... only through a white chest would he catch a glimpse of the other. He wouldn't look, though. Wouldn't, shouldn't... he was meant to be asleep.

Awake, Quillpaw was easiest to spot. Eyes of sun and moon, the most extreme of gold and blue. They both had... eyes a couple different colours, but where Twitchpaw's was a half-hearted splodge of amber beside his left pupil, Quillpaw's gaze was contrastive as possible. Clashing, but- he'd seen the warmth of kindness in those eyes, had learned that sapphire could be just as warm as amber. He felt his breath hitch in his throat with a spasm, and was snapped out of his stupor, suddenly made aware he was day-dreaming. Night-dreaming, rather. And he felt his heart sink to the core of the earth when he realised what he'd been daydreaming about.

By self-admittance, Quillpaw and Twitchpaw were best friends. Since he'd lost his parents they'd done everything together, and... that was why he was so prominent in Twitchpaw's mind right now. It must be. Why else would he be laying awake at night thinking about his best friend's eyes?

He hoped his bedding might suffocate him if he smashed his face into it far enough. Not truly- but in a figurative sense. Suffocate that... thought right out of him.
penned by pin ✧